Mihai Putinar

82 reviews
Tough grader Get ready to read Test heavy Graded by few things Lecture heavy Respected Skip class? You won't pass. Lots of homework Accessible outside class Clear grading criteria Amazing lectures Caring Gives good feedback Inspirational
Past quarters
272 / 300 Enrolled
Linear Algebra with Applications
Mihai Putinar 2.0
13:00 PM - 13:50 PM
50.9% A
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MATH 201C Putinar M Spring 2024 Total: 11
MATH CS 120EL Putinar M Winter 2024 Total: 13
MATH 118A Putinar M Fall 2023 Total: 37
MATH 202C Putinar M Spring 2023 Total: 6
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MATH118A . Putinar M 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Professor Putinar is an amazing lecturer. His exams were fair and as someone who really enjoys mathematics, I found his course to be motivating and inspirational. I can't wait to learn more analysis & I appreciate him!! Also head to office hours if you are able to, they help!

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MATH6A . Putinar M 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Couldn't focus during his lectures. He's not very amusing. Had to purchase HW, but I liked the website a lot because it walked you through everything step by step. Test was easier since it was online and open note.

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MATH4A . Putinar M 2 Years Ago

Mr. Putinar is an uninspiring orator, whose lectures inspire little true understanding of the subject matter. Homework, assigned online through pearson was easily completed, and did not deviate far from the assigned course material. Exams were also given online, through pearson, and were the same difficulty of the homework.

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MATH122A . Putinar M 2 Years Ago

He is very caring and nice. Highly recommended to go to his office hour. The grading is lenient.

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MATH4A . Putinar M 2 Years Ago

Lectures were dull and I did not attend mostly. Uses an online interactive textbook which is actually really useful if you don't mind self studying, but it's expensive. Light homework and straightforward tests

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MATH4A . Putinar M 2 Years Ago

Lectures were very poor and slides were never helpful. Basically worse copies from the textbook. I read the textbook and watched youtube videos to get through this course. On the bright side, the homework was easy and the tests were short and online. Basically exact problems from the homework software.

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MATH4A . Putinar M 2 Years Ago

He does not care about students at all. Horrible handwriting. However, his course is easy. You can get a good score by self studying. Don't waste time attending lectures or seek help from him.

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MATH4A . Putinar M 2 Years Ago

Professor Putinar seems like a sweet man but oh boy, the way he explains the concepts is just horrible. I didn't learn a single thing in this class. On top of everything, it is mandatory to buy a $80+ program which you do your homework on and tests. The TA's are even worse at explaining. Try to avoid this professor at all costs.

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MATH4A . Putinar M 2 Years Ago

This rating probably doesn't count for much. This class was fully online for some reason, so I honestly didn't learn a single thing. 50% of grade was homework, the rest was tests. All online though, and usually 3 attempts for online textbook homework questions. All I know is his writing is terrible, and you won't learn anything from his lectures.

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MATH4A . Putinar M 3 Years Ago

Worst handwriting that I've ever seen, extremely complex explanations, class is mostly self-study if you want to pass. TA's and online tests are this class's saving grace if you absolutely have to take him.

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MATH4A . Putinar M 3 Years Ago

He has some of the worst handwriting I have ever seen but is a very nice and lenient prof. My TA is extremely helpful in answering questions. Personally, I don't go to lectures and do mostly self study. All HW, midterms, and final were online.

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MATH4A . Putinar M 3 Years Ago


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