Mattanjah De Vries

37 reviews
Caring Lecture heavy Skip class? You won't pass. Would take again Respected EXTRA CREDIT Group projects Amazing lectures Inspirational Lots of homework
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CHEM123 . 3 Years Ago

Great professor. Incredibly knowledgeable about the course material and current events, so connected the two together in really interesting ways to teach fascinating facts. It was online so biweekly homework, twice weekly quick online quizzes, and a final group project. Not difficult and ample extra credit offered. He tried hard to accomodate.

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CHEM123 . 5 Years Ago

By far the best professor I've ever had in the chemistry department. He's passionate about what he's teaching and very kind to his students. I took him for chem 150 and 123 and I wish he was teaching more courses because he's very knowledgeable. He's a very sweet, kind, and generous professor.

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CHEM150 . 5 Years Ago

I had Professor De Vries for both CHEM 123 and CHEM 150. He is one of the most compassionate and flexible professors I've had, looking to ensure that students learn without having to worry about getting the grade they deserve. His lectures are very reflective of the exams and his weekly homework is never excessive, covering the topics adequately.

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CHEM123 . 6 Years Ago

Professor De Vries is a good professor you just really have to put in the work to do well in the course. Every detail matters in lecture. He'll mentioned a very minute detail that you think won't matter and it'll end up on the exam. Exams are more than one answer apply so you really need to make sure you know the material. He's pretty forgiving tho

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CHEM123 . 6 Years Ago

Not a bad professor, tried to make class entertaining, but Envirochem is pretty difficult to make interesting for me at least. Midterms were pretty hard. Each question had 5 answers, and you could choose one or more of the 5 choices, so you had to know literally everything. Also very inaccessible outside of class, hardly replies to emails.

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CHEM123 . 7 Years Ago

It is extremely hard to stay focused. He speaks low, mumbles, and would go off on tangents which makes it very difficult to pay attention throughout the whole lecture. Posts slides online but they are practically useless without any context. Avoid him if you can.

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CHEM150 . 7 Years Ago

Overall, professor Devries was a pretty good professor. His lectures were sometimes pretty boring (due to his monotone), but he would always try his best to be interactive with his students during the lectures. In terms of coursework, there are 3 midterms and a final ( all multiple choice). Get an A on the final, get an A in the class.

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CHEM123 . 9 Years Ago

His lectures were very boring, I could not stay awake through most of them because his voice is low and he mumbles on random tangents. His tests were like playing a long game of trivia crack and everyone lost. Not a good test maker or lecturer. Nice guy though.

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GENCHEM . 9 Years Ago

Took him at Yonsei International Summer School. He gives you a better grade if you show improvements throughout the course! Open note tests, good assignments. His lectures are a bit boring but he is a friendly person. Would take him again.

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CHEM150 . 9 Years Ago

This class is very hard in the sense the material covered is not in the text book. Every chem major got C's on the tests. But Devries gives 60% of the class an A+ A or A-. That said if you are competent and put in some effort this class should be an easy A- and if you put in more effort a very easy A.

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150 . 9 Years Ago

Adorable professor. Very sweet. Goes on tangents a lot, funny stories, TA writes midterm exams. Get an A on the final, get an A in the class. However the midterms are not as easy this quarter as they were in previous quarters. btw I HATE SAPLING.

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CHEM123 . 11 Years Ago

De Vries is such a great professor. His sweater sets are always awesome as well! His tests focus on powerpoints but if you know this then his classes are a piece of cake. People who rate him harshly just never caught on I guess...

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