Robert Deacon

36 reviews
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ECON122 . 10 Years Ago

Great teacher and very understanding. Everything was straight forward. Do the reading and work hard and you will get an A. Put in work people. Idk, about the other review. This was a great class, to bad he is retiring.

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ECON122 . 10 Years Ago

The professor was absent several times, lecture is not helpful. Reading is important. Final exam is tricky . It is not so easy like other comments.

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ECON122 . 10 Years Ago

The professor was absent several times, reading is very important. It is not very easy class. Final exam is so tricky.

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ECON122 . 11 Years Ago

Deacon is a great guy who brings his real world knowledge to his class. But it's also somewhat boring. He lectures loosely based on the slides he posts. I went to class and rarely paid attention cause it was just too boring. The upside is that there is no textbook, minimal work, and its a very easy class. An A- is curved down to an 87

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ECON122 . 11 Years Ago

a decent prof of a very easy class. any econ major who wants an easy A should take this class. go to section for help with hw and the exams are VERY straightforward if youve done the readings. deacon was nice and pleasant, but didnt say anything all that important in lecture.

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ECON122 . 13 Years Ago

Deacon is an excellent professor. In just a course you will get an insight on all resource economics. He makes it really interesting. Readings are very well chosen. Slides are very helpful. Content is pretty easy, but hey, who complains, it's useful stuff nonetheless. Rebecca told in section all you need to know for hw. A must have class

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ECON122 . 13 Years Ago

the final was completely unreasonable. there was a review session during one hour of the test taking time and bc of that we weren't allowed to finish or even go over the test again. many guessed answers even if you study for days.

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ECON122 . 13 Years Ago

love him-classes are pointless to go to really but section is a must! if you have rebecca she is a lifesaver when it comes to the homework and the entire class is curved so down to an 87 is an A in the class. Take it! No book just online readings which arnt to bad

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ENVST179 . 13 Years Ago

Economics and Environmental Studies class - I HIGHLY recommend to both, but particularly useful for environmental majors because Deacon does a wonderful job of explaining the science, economics, and biology on many issues involving natural resource management. CHEERS!

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ECON122 . 14 Years Ago

Amazing professor and class. Grade breakdown: 20% homework. 35% midterm and 45% final. There are 5 homework assignments and he drops the lowest. If you go to TA's office hours you'll have 100% homework easy. Tests were all multiple choice for my class to make it easy to grade. Midterm was easy. Final a bit more difficult. No book.

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ECON122 . 14 Years Ago

Deacon is the kind of prof. who plays cool youtube clips before lecture starts. No textbook, posts the readings online. Homework is important, but there are only a few assignments. Easy class, he curves it to give practically everyone an A or B

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ECON122 . 14 Years Ago

Deacon is a great professor, straight forward, & well organized. This class was a realworld application of econ theory,focuses on forestry, fisheries, nonrenewables, interesting and pretty easy. Go to class, print notes, understand the homework and review before the exams you should do well. There's 1 midterm, final & 5 homework.

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