Classic case of a Professor who is a great person, but horrific teacher. Start the projects day one and do not stop putting time in them every day until they are done, absolute monsters. InputOutput files we used to test were wrong too. He got his PhD before C++ was invented. I gave a chili because he rocks 4 pens on his polo tho mad swag.
He's a really nice guy, straightforward about what material you need to know, and provides all of the lecture slides. A lot of it will be memorization, but it's totally doable. The projects were reasonable to me. People find his notation hard to decipher, but the actual implementation is not that bad.
Quizzes on memorization of the lecture - right after you listen to it! Projects given as confusing pseudocode, where the challenge comes from deciphering his notation. At least he knows what he is talking about on the lectures and is good at posting slides.
You will probably do bad on the projects, 'A' student or not. Midterms and finals are alot easier to study for or do than the project. The projects though, are very confusing and ridiculous. Can't speak for the other professor that teaches this course but I'd avoid this one.
Midterm was too long for the time we had. Seems like a nice guy. I always end up learning the practical aspects of CS from the internet. I realized at the end a lot of people did horrible on the project. I do a lot of prgrming, so I got through it. I think the problem has to do with C++ and not enough practice in cs coursework/no passion
Probably the toughest computer science professor on campus. His projects are incredibly confusing, and his notation is unreadable. He offers no help for his projects. His tests and quizzes are silly, basically memorization of the lectures. His lecture notes are also very incomplete and not too helpful. AVOID HIM AT ALL COSTS!
Worst CS Professor I ever had. A lot of mistakes in his project descriptions. Only reads pdf files in class with minor explaining. Project grades are calculated with scripts aka output must match EXACTLY or grades are very low. Annoying and hard True/False quizes every week that require a lot of studying to do good. Avoid this profesor no matr what
Easily the worst professor in the computer science department. He is like a text to voice program; he can read slides, barely. Avoid at all costs.
Basic overview of his class: "Here's some 2000 lines of code. I went in there, deleted parts, messed up other parts, and generally broke the code. Now go fix it. You have a month. PS. None of anything I do in class will relate to the project. Good luck."
Start all your homework's as soon as you get them! This one doesn't acknowledge that you have other classes in your agenda. Tough professor and there's absolutely no room for errors so make sure your outputs perfectly match his and try test cases for all ends of your programs
Worst cs professor I have had. Appears to not know what he is teaching. Many mistakes on quizzes and exams. Projects are hard. Overall useless professor.
Very difficult hw. Grading is really strict. Just compare your output to the correct one. No room for small errors. Very technical, nitty-gritty type hw. i.e. this really difficult linked list thing. There are 2 LL one linked to the other. If one node is deleted from one, it has to be deleted from other. MY explanation is really bad - but it became