Ali Abuzaid
9 reviews

PSTAT100 . A Day Ago

Had both 100 and 126. Bro never updated grades. When asked for practice midterm, his response "No, that won't be necessary" had me gagged. TAs were confused and overworked. He REFUSED to post lecture materials ahead for us to follow, so his lectures were impossible. Didn't align with textbook material, so you can't even prep ahead. Bad teacher.

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PSTAT100 . A Day Ago

Terrible professor. Didn't know my grade the whole quarter so I had no idea how I was doing. Didn't respond to my emails. I feel like I would enjoy this course if it were taught by an actual good prof.

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PSTAT100 . 2 Days Ago

His exams are challenging, and his teaching style is different from what I'm used to. However, he strikes a good balance between theory and application, with a fair emphasis on coding. He is always positive and willing to accommodate any student requests for missed assessments. However, attending classes is important to stay on top of the material.

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PSTAT100 . 3 Days Ago

For PSTAT 126: Ali seems approachable and open-minded, but that did not extend to his teaching. Concepts were rushed over during lecture and sections did not fare better. The theoretical exams were particularly challenging, although section quizzes and an end-of-quarter group project balanced things out. Though it can be hard to get a hold of him.

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PSTAT100 . 16 Days Ago

Very disorganized and rude professor. He skips through code, does not explain concepts properly and waits too long to post lecture slides. Quizzes are poorly structured and only given 30 mins. He rudely declines to answer questions if he "said it in lecture". Horrible experience for one of the best PSTAT electives at UCSB

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PSTAT100 . 16 Days Ago

It was a great experience, and I learned a lot in this course. Professor Abuzaid is dedicated to his students and fosters a supportive, enriching learning environment. I especially enjoyed the final project presentation, as it gave me the chance to learn more about my teammates' skills. Overall, it was a rewarding experience.

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PSTAT100 . 21 Days Ago

I honestly really like this professor. This class is an amazing class for any data science students and I honestly think it should be one of the required courses and not just a pstat elective. I'd go so far as to say that this should be a prereq for data science. Super basic concepts for an upper div and super caring professor with fair workload.

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PSTAT100 . A Month Ago

I had to comment, are the two reviews real?. The class hasn't even ended and the reviews are nonsense. This professor is disorganized and rambles on and on, asking students questions rather than teaching. Has unrealistic standards. Little time to complete coding quizzes. Do not take this teacher! Why does UCSB keeps hiring terrible stats teachers.

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PSTAT100 . A Month Ago

Do NOT take this professor for any stat courses. As the other review mentioned, he just reads off lecture notes but doesn't really do any teaching at all. The course is good to have some projects under your belt but even then you can take this course with another professor. You're better off being self-taught for this course if you have no choice.

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PSTAT100 . A Month Ago

This is Abuzaid's first quarter teaching at UCSB, and I don't understand why the department hired him. He can barely convey the ideas in his "lecture" notes. Lectures are 75 minutes of incoherent babbling and asking questions that don't make sense. Little/no comprehension of time required for tests. Stay away. I hope he doesn't stay the full year.

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