SPAN 169
Leo Cabranes-Grant
27 reviews

SPAN169 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Prof who tries to make the class interactive (that's an understatement), in a creative way, and tries to make content relevant. Is a good lecturer and knows his stuff, and is also understanding and nice too. Class was never difficult to prep for or for exams/papers. Very manageable, sometimes heavy reading though some weeks.

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SPAN169 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Professor Cabranes-Grant is a great professor. He's super animated and engaging in the class material. We had one midterm essay and one final essay, both take home, and a small presentation on a poem in class. I learned a lot and have a newfound appreciation for the material!

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THTR2D . 6 Years Ago

This class was unlike any class I've taken before! It was all about having an interactive and immersive experience. We would do stretches or mini theater games during lecture. We went outside to practice what we learned. And the final was a group performance along with a 3 page report. By the end you'll understand what it means to be a spect-actor!

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THTR2D . 8 Years Ago

Professor Cabranes, is enthusiastic about his subject matter! He likes interacting with his students, and cares about our opinions! His energy always made lecture fun! Amazing class

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THTR2D . 8 Years Ago

He is super passionate about the subject and a very clear lecturer. He encourages student participation and takes offense to students who leave class early or are on their phones/facebook/ etc.

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INT94QN . 11 Years Ago

An incredible professor, extremely personable and approachable; he taught with a fluidity and passion that made his class extremely interesting addition to my quarter. I would highly recommend any class taught by this amazing professor.

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SPAN110C . 12 Years Ago

Really enthusiastic teacher who will help you if you ask. Books vary in interest level, but either read them or read a lot of summaries and figure out quotes for the tests. He gives midterm prompts in advance to even the field between native speakers and learners, which I really appreciated.

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DRA155 . 14 Years Ago

Professor Cabranes-Grant came to UC Davis and taught DRA 155. He was a great professor! Very nice and knows what he's talking about. I definitely recommend him!

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THTR8 . 16 Years Ago

The best lecturer I've had at UCSB. Loved the class, felt like my mind had been opened after every lecture. Easy to talk to if something goes wrong (like when I almost passed out in the middle of class, left the room with no explanation, he got angry, but not at all after I explained). If you can, take classes from Leo.

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DA168 . 19 Years Ago

I totally love this man! He always gives a really interesting lecture and loves to involve the class. Definetly gets you thinking.

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DA167 . 19 Years Ago

I though he was awesome. I really likes what he teaches, which helps, and he teaches it well. Pretty easy class, as long as you attent. Take his class, you'll like it!

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SPANISH . 19 Years Ago


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DA60 . 19 Years Ago

He was an ok teacher. The tests were EXTREMELY easy. If you go to lectures and read the plays it is impossible to get an A. He is hard to understand at times with his accent. He is also extremely serious about the subject, sometimes too serious. I loved my TA (John Carnwath), he made it a lot easier to grasp things. Take it if you want an A.

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DA60 . 19 Years Ago

Good professor, I enjoyed taking this class. You must attend every lecture..coz that's what's on the test...he seems to get angry and upset whenever he says someone leaving in the middle of the class. Overall the class was pretty interesting and easy, except the TA's sucked. Go to every lecture and you will do just fine.

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DA60 . 19 Years Ago

WORST prof I have ever had. he is abstract, has a very thick accent, and you simply cant understand what he is trying to say. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. YOU WILL REGRET IT. Take it with Marc Shaw...the coach of will be entertained and actually learn something.

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DA60 . 19 Years Ago

Really easy class, but its important to go to lectures because thats whats on the tests. i would definitely recommend this class. Leo does a great job teaching it

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DA60 . 19 Years Ago

One of the best teachers ive had all year! His lectures are really interesting; they start out a little obscure, but he always ties everything together in the end in a profound and meaningful way. I highly suggest him if you are open to learning about the subject or just listening to an insightful guy

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DA60 . 19 Years Ago

Lectures are random and do not follow any logical order. He was hard to understand with a thick accent. Still uses a chalkboard, and has terrible handwriting. One of the worst professors I have had so far. After the first midterm, nobody bothered to show up to lecture. All written midterms and final. Take DA 60 with a different professor.

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DA60 . 19 Years Ago

Really good professor, The class is never boring. I thought his class was interesting. Definately one of the ten best professor on campus.The TAs for this class sucks!! Just keep up with the reading and go to class, and you will do just fine

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DA60 . 19 Years Ago

The test have nothing to do with what he teaches in lecture

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DA60 . 19 Years Ago

Great teacher!

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DA60 . 20 Years Ago

Pretty easy class. Seemed like a nice guy. You will like taking this class

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DA167 . 21 Years Ago

hands down one of the top 5 professors on campus. hes an amazing professor and director (ive experiences both). hes a great teacher and an amazing approachable person. you have to be an idiot not to do well in his classes either! AMAZING!

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DA60 . 21 Years Ago

Great teacher, the class was so easy!

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