Anna is such an amazing and fun professor with a big smile. She brings lollipops and sweet treats often. We play games every class and you get to know our classmates. You have a short homework assignment after each class. Can't miss more than 8 classes. NO TESTS She cares more about speaking abilities rather than mastering every grammatical rule.
amazing!!! i joined three weeks late and she was so considerate when letting me get caught up. she's very passionate about teaching german and is genuinely such a kind person. i've always had an interest in the language and im glad she was the one to teach it to me as i don't think i could have got a better experience learning the language!!!
If you're thinking of taking German, take it with Anna. She was such a great professor and made class every day fun! You'd get homework every day (takes like 20-30 minutes to complete) and a small test every Thursday. Great class!!!
She was the sweetest and most understanding professor. When learning a new language such as Deutsch it could be intimidating but she makes it so easy to learn. This class was a refresher.
I've taken both German 1 & 2 with her and she is honestly the best professor I've ever had! As long as you do the homework and worksheets daily as well as participate you're pretty much guaranteed a good grade. She's a very caring person and anyone would be lucky to take her class!
I loved this class, she is an amazing professor who teaches the class incredibly well. She is very open to any questions and slowing down or going back over things you don't understand. The homework is light and the classwork is very fun and informative. By far my favorite class and professor so far.
Anna is very sweet and cares a lot! Her lessons are entirely in German, but she slows down and reviews material with us when she senses that we don't understand. The homework is the most important part of grading---just one two-sided worksheet per night and an online activity once or twice a week. Super doable and an easy five units.
A perfect German Professor.
I liked Pajak's approach to teaching! She immersed us in German from the very start and spoke German for the majority of lecture, but she was pretty good at communicating everything and making sure we didn't get lost or confused. Easy tests, quizzes, & projects. Make sure to keep up with daily HW, though. that's this class's real grade-killer.
Anna is an amazing professor that really cares about how well her students are doing. The class was not a lot of work but the material adds up pretty fast. There were group activities almost every day during lecture (on zoom.) You MUST have your camera on in class for participation points. You will get called on to answer questions in German. 10/10
I had Anna for G1 through 4 and she was great. She is lenient with deadlines which can set you on bad habits if you're not organized enough, but she gives really good feedback and can help with whatever you might be confused about. She's really fun and caring. I would recommend her if you don't mind the lack of strictness.
She has been one of my favorite professors at UCSB. Very caring, patient and understanding. Absolutely love learning from her! I also took her GER2 class last quarter. Grading for homework is based on completion and the exams (from past experience) are incredibly easy in my opinion as long as you have been paying attention and doing the homework.
She is very sweet.