SPAN 100
Viola Miglio
18 reviews

SPAN100 . Miglio V G 2 Years Ago

She is honestly the sweetest and wants to see you succeed!

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SPAN100 . Miglio V G 2 Years Ago

Has an informal lecturing style and self deprecating humor, but overall not strict in the slightest and tries to explain what is often dry material as best she can. Very accomodating grade wise with tests (curves) and group projects. She bends her rules for the benefit of her students and does not want them to be stressed.

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SPAN100 . Miglio V G 11 Years Ago

This class is kind of a joke. At first the class seems serious but then after the first quiz it just got confusing. The other two quizzes were basically a joke and Miglio does not know how to answer students' questions. Take bc its easy but don't expect to learn too much.

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SPAN100 . Miglio V G 12 Years Ago

She is such a nice lady. Really knowledgeable about linguistics. She gave us a fair amount of extra credit opportunities and is very approachable and encourages students to participate in class. Unlike some other Spanish professors at UCSB, she is not intimidating and is very understanding of the fact that we are LEARNING spanish.

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SPAN100 . Miglio V G 13 Years Ago

sweet lady, great prof!

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SPAN100 . Miglio V G 13 Years Ago

She is very passionate about her work and knows her stuff. Her quizzes are a bit challenging but she is always available after class or any other time if you want to make an appointment. She tries very hard to keep the students interested in the material and there are always study guides to every quiz. There was no final/midterm, only 4 quizzes.

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SPAN100 . Miglio V G 14 Years Ago

hated this class. i had to take it for my spanish major but i disliked going to class. her tests were hard and she worded them super hard.

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SPAN100 . Miglio V G 15 Years Ago

Profesora Miglio is very helpful if you go to office hours. I had a hard time in the class, but she really explained things further if I didn't understand them. She really wants you to get a good grade in the class! Talk to her if you're confused! midterm and a final, both scantron and she gives extra credit :)

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SPAN100 . Miglio V G 15 Years Ago

I DON'T RECOMMEND taking Spanish 100 with this Professor. Her slides didn't make any sense and she a poor job at explaining the material. The book did a better job at explaining than her. One of the worst classes I have taken here at UCSB. No application at all, very unpractical method of teaching a linguistics class.

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SPAN100 . Miglio V G 17 Years Ago

Prof. Miglio loves her subject, and tries very hard to make it appealing to all. She wants her students to do well, and definitely encourages coming to her office hours. Class is made up of 3 midterms and attendance with some extra credit. I definitely recommend Professor Miglio

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SPAN100 . Miglio V G 18 Years Ago

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SPANISH100 . Miglio V G 18 Years Ago

great sense of humor, knowledgable, fair, and kind professor. For the relativelty dry subject matter she teaches she does a great job. i would recomend this professor.

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SPAN186 . Miglio V G 3 Years Ago

Great Professor. Knows a lot and is very helpful and kind. Good discussions with students.

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SPAN115 . Miglio V G 4 Years Ago

F20:Profesora Miglio is awesome! She feeds off participation during live lecture, so the more participation the better. Very flexible w/ attendance. Grade is mostly from 4 translations, the rest is in short forum responses and attendance. Sometimes things were confusing, but if you ask, she clarifies! Super valuable info, awesome class!

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SPAN296AB . Miglio V G 7 Years Ago

Viola is a great professor, extremely knowledgeable and willing to help students. I would take her class again.

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SPAN186 . Miglio V G 12 Years Ago

Very sweet and out-going professor. Easily approachable and answers questions/helps willingly. Easy grader, but show interest too. She loves participants and asks for personal opinions. Always ask for a substitute, can we have a test instead of a paper? Can we do it in groups? Can it be a take-home? Etc. Shes very open to suggestions/opinions. :)

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SPAN114A . Miglio V G 16 Years Ago

Professor Miglio is one of my favorite teachers at UCSB. She's extremely knowledgeable about what she teaches, and very smart! Tests are very straight-forward, no surprises. And one of best things, is that you actually learn something & your studying is actually rewarded by getting good grades (unlike some classes where you study to barely pass)!

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SPAN114A . Miglio V G 20 Years Ago

prof. miglio is awesome and down to earth, cares if you learn something and very understanding. loves phonology!

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