SOC 152B
John Baldwin
352 reviews

SOC152A . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

1. Do not expect to take this as an easy elective class. 2. Tests are on book and lecture material about 40% book 60% lecture. 3. Study sessions offered are simply past students reading a freaking printed out outline that they don't just print for you and save you 3 hours of copying it down. 4. Take notes (esp. lists), test q's are pretty specific.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

Very interesting and informative class. I recommend to all. It's a husband & wife teaching. THree midterms and a final. There are review sessions before each test..make sure you go. Pay attention in lecture and do your reading and it should be an easy A.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

John is really nice and the class is great. attend all lectures and read the book. it is a lot but very interesting!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

The class is not as easy as the comments are making it out to be. The TA's take their role too seriously and detract the attention from actually retaining information to matching their exact demands on the exam. TA's are aweful while the prof. are simply ok. Subject matter is interesting but lectures can be rather dull. Take at ur own risk.

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SOC185P . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

Hands down, the worst teacher i have ever had.

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SOC185P . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

Baldwin is an excellent teacher. He is easy to understand and follow and speaks very clear. As long as you go to his lecture which are interesting than you should do fine in the class. He is also very helpful. Don't hesitate to ask him something you don't know or understand.

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SOC185P . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

I have taken 3 classes from John: Soc 152A, 142, and 185P. Read the book and go to all the lectures because the tests are very difficult!! He is a very animated lecturer which keeps the classes pretty interesting. I would definitely recommend him.

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SOCA152 . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

The class was a lot of work. Make sure to go to class because they will test on random things they only say in lecture. The TA reviews are extremely helpful, they tell you absolutely everything that could be on the test. Don't go to John or email him if you have any questions, he is rude and unhelpful. Janice is pretty nice and helpful though.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

I definitely did not expect this class to be as much work as it was. I wish I had never taken it! There is alot of stuff that you have to know and they only test you on a very small portion of it. There are like 4 tests and they are all short answer and they are graded really harshly. My advice: If you don't have to, don't take it.

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SOC142 . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

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SOC142 . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

Unless you have your entire life to commit to this class, don't take it! Exams are terrible. Poorly written & graded harshly. He asks questions from topics he spent 30 seconds on in lecture. Book is bad too, but read it! Don't bother going to office hours for help, he treats you like you're wasting his time and will never give you a straight answer

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

i dont get the negative comments, the baldwins were awesome and so cute! this class requires a lot of attendance and reading, but its interesting and well worth it.

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SOC152 . Baldwin J I 17 Years Ago

Need to read the book, and by read i mean extensively if you want a good grade. Details are needed on all the exams, and good luck on the final because it wasnt that easy. Professors are alright, they seem to really want to teach the subject and look out for the welfare of the student body. cool subject hard class.

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SOCIA142 . Baldwin J I 18 Years Ago

Don't understand this prof's popularity. He taught class completely from his notes, no spontanaity. Any question from the students threw him because it took him away from his prepared material (prepared down to every "funny" comment like a overly rehearsed comic). Missed almost every appt. I made with him (honors contract)- just never there.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 18 Years Ago

Do not understand why this class is so popular. The Baldwins are really kind of creepy and don't offer any new or interesting perspectives on sex. There's no point going to lecture because all the tests are based on the reading. It's like high school sex ed, except now you have 100+ people laughing when the word "****" is mentioned.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 18 Years Ago

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 18 Years Ago

cutest professors ever!! don't think that this class is going to be easy because it's about human sexuality. i never read but went to all the review sessions and managed to get by solely on those notes along with lecture notes. recommended class to everybody!!

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SOC152 . Baldwin J I 18 Years Ago

I could not cope with this class...It's like taking a High School Sex Ed course all over again. This class seems to cover more on Biology and Anatomy than Sociology. I don't understand why this class is held in such a high perspective.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 18 Years Ago

Another positive review for the BEST professor of the most SOUGHT AFTER class on campus. The Baldwin's class should be REQUIRED! It is the most informative and wonderful class you could ever hope to take in college. Class is VERY POPULAR, so try hard to get in. 3 midterms - NOT EASY, but well worth the effort. DO THE READING!!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 18 Years Ago

This class was extremely fun and interesting. If you like experiencing and talking about sex, then this class should be easy, if you're virgin to the idea of sex, it may not be the class for u!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 18 Years Ago

Boring, not anything different than community college class...if anything less informative. Even used the same book. Expecting more from UD. Slipped traditonal views in without anyone seeming to notice. Basic & hard to take notes on vague info but then have specific tests &****final (specific!) Touchy feely. Great if you know nothing about sex!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 18 Years Ago

The Baldwins rock. Class is surprisingly easy if you go to the lecture and read the material, which can be done in its entirety the night before the tests. Informative. Lots of memorization.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 18 Years Ago

awesome profs, really make the class interesting, but they're tests are very hard, and they ask for specifics and detailed, so u have to study a lot.

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