Patricia Hall
12 reviews

MUS119A . 14 Years Ago

She is a very smart, agreeable, and cultured woman, and i really enjoyed mus119a despite having zero background in music or film. It was a great class for an art requirement, with a straightforward midterm/final and a 6-8 paper on the use of music in a political film (i choose Forrest Gump). I highly recommend this class, a bit of work got me an A

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MUS119A . 16 Years Ago

Really cool class. Prof. Hall is a very nice lady and she makes the material somewhat interesting. Papers are straighforward, and both the midterm and final a pretty easy. Great way to get your music requirement out of the way.

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MUS119A . 19 Years Ago

Definitely a fun class, especially the 2nd half. It's not hard as long as you are somewhat interested in the topics and do the work she asks for and maybe a couple of extra credits. I loved all the film clips she showed and ended up renting most of them to watch the rest! Def. recommend!

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MUSIC119A . 19 Years Ago

this class is one of the easiest i've ever taken. she is a bit different, but extremely passionate about what she teaches. grade is midterm, commentaries, final...very basic and easy. interesting material if you have an open mind. highly recommended!

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MUS119A . 20 Years Ago

wow this was one of the best classes i've ever taken! it was straightfoward and fun to go to! prof. hall genuinely cared about her students learning! (ps make sure to go to the review session before midterm/final - she tells u all the answers! :)

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MUSIC11 . 16 Years Ago

Prof. Hall was extremely hard to follow. If you have no previous background in music theory, lecture is ridiculously confusing.

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20THCENTURY . 19 Years Ago

Great teacher! Fun and very helpful. And most importantly: don't miss her party at her cottage in Montecito at the end of the quarter - her cooking skills are amazing!!!

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THEORY . 19 Years Ago

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160BANDC . 19 Years Ago

Prof. Hall saved me from the wrath of Rothfarb. One of the best professors at UCSB and most certainly in the music department. Treats her students as though they're actually thinking people rather than litlte lemmings who are to be insulted. Material is well presented, organized, and approachable.

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MUS5ABC . 20 Years Ago

I took her classes last year but feel obligated to comment now because the teacher taking her place in Music 5d is horrible (hi dr. yih, thanks for nothing). I thoroughly enjoyed her teaching and learned more than I expected to. It was very easy, though.

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MUS5 . 20 Years Ago

She is funny and her love for chocolate is unmatched! She's a great professor

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MUS5 . 20 Years Ago

Professor Hall is great! She's so funny and her class is really easy. She tries really hard to make herself available to everyone who needs help. Overall, great professor, great class!

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