Kevin Burk
67 reviews

CS24 . Burk K T 4 Months Ago

BURK! Man I miss this guy. Crappy lecturer; great for non-intro classes. Lectures not mandatory, interesting and advanced weekly projects, no exams. You WILL get stuck & have to wait in a long line of people looking for help, but it's worth it — I got 3x better at coding!! RN I'm in CS32 Nabeel (textbook word hunt only) bored out of my skull.

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CS24 . Burk K T 8 Months Ago

I had him for both CS 16 and CS 24. CS 16 had midterm and final and I believe they were both poorly written and were difficult. On the other hand CS 24 had no tests and the grade is just nine lab assignments. The labs are difficult but I highly appreciate how there are no tests. He is very passionate about material but the assignments are hard.

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CS24 . Burk K T 8 Months Ago

Not like a traditional class, no exams just all labs. The labs will be difficult so you will have to earn your grade but the guy is always accessible and for help and OH will save your grades

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CS24 . Burk K T 9 Months Ago

Difficult labs, be ready to go to office hour and using gpt

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CS24 . Burk K T 9 Months Ago

100% of your grade is on how good you are in coding. If you miss the lectures, the README along with each lab gets you up to speed - if you learn fast. Lectures are interesting! If you get stuck, Kevin, the TAs, and Piazza definitely help. Don't forget about valgrind if you're stuck with segfaults! Definitely one of the professors of all time.

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CS24 . Burk K T 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Best prof ever. Super enthusiastic and engaging. I've never learned more from a class. Also had him for cs32 and he was great.

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CS24 . Burk K T 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

I had to spend 20 hours a week to finish his aasignment. Everyone in the class came to office hours to ask questions and had to wait 1 hour before asking questions. The content of assignments were hardly related to the material taught during lectures.

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CS24 . Burk K T 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

With Burke, you're only graded on 9 labs. Show up to class, there are no lecture post. If you miss one you better hope your friend took good notes. Piazza is also a good resource when ever you get stuck on a lab. And oh ya, you're competing for extra credit. Only the top 5 most efficient code gets ec. You probably don't need the credit tho. do labs

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CS24 . Burk K T 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Class graded on 9 labs. Labs were simple at first but got a lot harder in the middle of the quarter, but the last 2 challenge labs were surprisingly easy. His lectures were not helpful since he used a chalkboard for everything. He also had 0 resources to help his students, besides Piazza which he would sometimes ignore and give rude replies.

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CS24 . Burk K T 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

To be honest, he is fine, not that bad at all. He is nice, helpful, and supportive. As previous comments said, the class is graded by only labs. You can't wait until the last minute to start the labs, and that's why I think many other students get frustrated. The labs aren't that hard as well, although it's time-consuming.

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CS24 . Burk K T 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

The 10 labs that you're solely graded on are either so hard you spend DAYS straight doing them, or so easy that you knock them out in like two hours. The lectures are kind of useless but interesting and lab instructions are really lacking, but the labs really force you to learn. He reopened all the labs at the end of the quarter for resubmission.

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CS24 . Burk K T 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Only graded by labs, the first few were super easy but the last few were so difficult that at one point I cried in the library and thought about switching my major. You will learn a ton in this class and come out of it a much better programmer. For the labs START EARLY and ABUSE PIAZZA! Check out Burk's github for past labs for reference

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CS24 . Burk K T 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

I don't understand the negative reviews complaining that they had to code in a coding class. The class is graded by weekly labs which you should have no reason to not get 100% because you get infinite attempts. Some labs the top 5 fastest get extra credit. He is helpful at office hrs and explains important details random videos don't teach you.

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CS24 . Burk K T 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Grading is based on weekly labs, nothing else. Easy at first, but don't be fooled. It gets SUPER hard. Lab instructions do not just tell you what to do; you have to actually think, which prepares you for the real world. Take CS24 with him if you truly enjoy programming and want to learn a LOT. Lectures are fun, clear, and useful, but not mandatory.

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CS24 . Burk K T 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Class graded based on 1 lab each week. Each lab is extremely difficult and directions are extremely vague. Office hours are always full of people because everyone is just always so confused with the directions. Lectures are completely useless and unrelated to what we're learning. Don't ever take any class with him. Stay away.

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CS24 . Burk K T 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

I took a class from him last quarter, and even at 6 am on a finals week he is giving me PTSD. There were weekly labs as the ONLY grading source in the WHOLE class. The labs were the hardest things I had ever seen. Spent more than 30 hours to each of the and got 70 once... Its sad. No textbook, no nothing.

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CS24 . Burk K T 2 Years Ago

Class was a lot of work but I learned a ton. Easy to do well if you just put in the work. Prof. gave fast and helpful advice whenever asked

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CS24 . Burk K T 2 Years Ago

Professor Burk grades the entire course on 9 labs with infinite submissions. You have a whole week to do the lab, and he's super super helpful and accessible outside of class. The labs themselves are challenging, but with the time, they are very manageable. Good lectures, optional attendance. Had a great time and learned a lot.

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CS24 . Burk K T 2 Years Ago

Kevin was a fabulous professor. Course grade is entirely determined by weekly labs. You get infinite submissions for each lab. Each lab took a few hours, but instructions were clear, and Kevin was always available to help through Piazza. Lecture was interesting. End of quarter, there were two difficult challenge labs.

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CS24 . Burk K T 2 Years Ago

Save yourself and don't take any of his classes. He doesn't care about his students, that much is abundantly clear.

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CS24 . Burk K T 2 Years Ago

pls don't take anything from him. don't make the same mistake as us. pls.

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CS24 . Burk K T 2 Years Ago


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CS24 . Burk K T 2 Years Ago

Yes, he is clever since he designed subtle algorithms for lab.HOWEVER, instructions for labs are blurred, and useless - the less work done by instructor, the more pain students suffer. Things he taught in lectures were totally different from assignments. This is what we did: go to lecture-learn nothing-spend enormous amount of time self-learning

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CS24 . Burk K T 2 Years Ago

CS24 2022-2023 Fall: Each week needs a C++ program completed. Clear grading (#functions working)&infinite submissions to check work. Labs are difficult, but fun & logically doable (8-10hrs work/lab). Trust me,they'r'nt insurmountable. He's young (some awkwardness stems from it) but he is EXTREMELY eager to help everyone. Rely on him for ANYTHING.

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