Morgan Gainer
137 reviews

CHEM109C . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Literally worst OChem teacher. 1010 would not recommend. His tests are so hard and random.

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109C . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Dr. Gainer is by far the best ochem instructor at UCSB. His lectures are very clear and organized and he's always willing to help. I didn't have him for 109A and 109B, but you wish you did! He also makes video tutorials, which are helpful in reviewing the chemistry. Definitely one of the amazing professors at UCSB.

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

He is a very clear lecturer and his tests are precisely what he lectures onwhat he tells you to cover in the book. If you do the book problems and read the chapters you will do fine, even if you feel like you are failing, because his curve is really high. I think he is a much better teacher than Bruice having taken both professors.

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

You have to go to lecture because all the quizzes are based off of what he says. He is very enthusiastic and helpful though.

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

He is a pretty good professor but his tests and quizzes are pretty tough. He is extremely handsome. Those blue eyes are to die for ;)

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Morgan Gainer is a must-take for pre-meds. Yes, he is challenging, more-so than Bruice is, but he will make you learn O-Chem until you can recite every mechanism in your sleep, which is good for the MCAT. He will help you learn, and the book is my 2nd bible. His curve is MASSIVE, the rumors are true. Don't take him just for the curve. My 77% A-

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Gainer is a fantastic lecturer. He's engaging and allows for students to ask questions. He follows the textbook closely so you can and will use the textbook a lot. Get the solutions manual if you can. CLAS is great, I had Rachel she was great. The tests are challenging. Memorization from textbook won't get you an A, practice lots of problems

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Loved him. Hes a passionate teacher and wants you to learn. He does iClicker quizzes every day so you have to go to class, but it's helpful! Tests are LONG! I didn't think they were hard, but you gotta be QUICK and know your stuff!! Go to lecture and CLAS, and do EVERY homework problem in the book. I ended up with 77% and got an A- after the curve.

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109A . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Treat the book as your bible and you'll be fine. Gainer is a great professor, and he definitely knows his material. You'll only fully follow along to his lecture if you've done the readings ahead of time. He's also pretty attractive imo. TBH, I relied on his lectures&CLAS (yay Sarah!), then read the book later. 66% overall w the curve got me a B.

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109A . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Gainer really knows the material, this is obvious as he knows how to teach it crystal clear. You MUST read the book before attending lecture, it's the only way you'll fully understand it. Online hw doesn't really compare to his tests. Test are extremely hard, do book problems and go to CLAS!!! Take Sarah for CLAS, she's the best!

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Gainer is definitely a tough professor. His exams are long and difficult because they test for complete understanding of the material. Most aren't done with their exam until the very end of class. But there is homework and iclicker points to boost your grade. Also a pretty nice curve.

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

Class averages on the exams were between 50-60%, so they're definitely not easy. If you end up ~20% above the average, you'll get an A. Book problems are a must, but the book itself can be pretty difficult sometimes. He's crystal clear in lecture, pretty much reiterating the book more clearly. Hard, but worthwhile professor

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

Gainer sticks pretty closely to the book, so it is important to review material ahead of the corresponding lecture in order to fully utilize lectures. Very cute and friendly in my opinion.

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109B . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

I didn't like his teaching style at all and found his tests to be really difficult. There was a generous curve though. If I could take him again I wouldn't. Memorize the book to do well in his class.

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CHEM109B . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

Terrible lecturer. Tests are unbelievably hard. the only good thing about taking his class over bruice is the curve...

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CHEM109B . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

New professor. For his first time teaching (109A) he really struggled but for 109B he was awesome. You have to read the book and work out problems until you understand. Organic chemistry is not supposed to be easy; it takes a lot of work. If you put in the work, you can get an A. Don't bother emailing him, but definitely utilize office hours.

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CHEM109B . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

Gainer is a great professor! As long as you pay attention and don't get behind, everything he says is very clear. The midterms weren't too bad for me, but the averages were about 50%. There's A LOT of information, and the final was cumulative, long, and difficult. He curves though, and Bruice doesn't. GET THE BOOK. It's basically my bible

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CHEM109B . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

Gainer actually lectures unlike most professors! He makes sure students understand material. MUST READ THE BOOK (preferrably before class) and go to class notes (no powerpoints). His tests are really difficult and way too long, but there are extra points from homework and iClicker. There's also a pretty big curve because averages tend to be so low.

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

Not a great professor. The only good thing is this class as well as his 109A/B/C classes are really curved. If given the choice between taking the class with him or Bruice (or any other ochem professor) definitely choose the other professor, you will learn a lot more from any other professor else.

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OCHEM109A6AL . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

His lectures are ridiculously confusing. He is disorganized in both his material and has unacceptably sloppy handwriting. Learned everything from Sarah in CLAS. He has no enthusiasm for the subject, which makes it more dreadful. I'd recommend Bruice over him any day.

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109B . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

I have taken 3 classes with gainer and I think he is terrible. He lectures word for word from the book so if you don't like the book or find it confusing then you're out of luck. Also, he doesn't use powerpoint so you spend class watching him write mechs from the book. His exams were difficult seeming the class avg was 48 & 50% respectively.

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CHEM109B . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

Gainer is extremely nice, helpful, and fair. Lecture itself is pretty dull and not as helpful as reading the book. I skipped half the lectures and read the book and got an A. Just read and to the practice problems in each section, you'll be fine

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CHEM109B . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

What I believe people fail to do is read the material BEFORE lecture. Of course you're going to be lost and confused if you have no prior understanding to the material! Gainer is very helpful and lectures well. His tests are lengthy, but fair. People who don't do well obviously don't put in enough work or effort.

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 10 Years Ago

A horrible teacher. The material is tough but Gainer makes it that much more confusing. Don't expect to learn anything from lecture or follow anything he writes on the board. Reading helps but there are no solutions for Mohrig. This course and prof need major improvement.

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