RG ST 127B
Wendy Wiseman
19 reviews

127B . 5 Years Ago

Class on medieval christian thought. The topic was super interesting and Wisemans teaching method worked for me. Midterm and Final were take home essays; 1 other paper on the reader material; and several smaller ones on films. The workload got tough sometimes but I survived. Wiseman is a super honest, sarcastically funny, & interesting person

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RGST138 . 2 Years Ago

Do not take her class! It is the worst class, despite the amazing and magnificent students. The professor goes on unpredictable tangents and it is the most boring class. If you wanna sleep for an hour and 15 minutes. Sign up so you can get your power nap in and or nap time! Other than sleeping in her class, do not take her class overall! Very bad!!

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RGST138 . 2 Years Ago

Professor Wiseman is the worst professor I have ever had as a UCSB student. As a straight-A student, who is a amazingchampion, I have never had a class like this. She goes off on rants and tangents while revealing her unpredictable and boring biases. Her class is so boring and I would rather not attend. She is an example of a really bad professor!!

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RGST138 . 2 Years Ago

Most boring class ever and I have ever taken as a straight-A student. Professor rants about stuff and goes on tangents. Very boring and lots of papers. She made us change up our entire paper when it is the class before the same night it is due. Boring topics and very hard to understand what is going on. Never take her class! You will fail miserably

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RGST138 . 2 Years Ago

A lot of the reviews are just unfair or she's changed. There isn't a ton of reading. She put our desks in a circle and said, "I'd love for this to be a discussion and not just me jammering on up here." It's not her fault if no one's participating. She also polled the class to see when we wanted the midterm due, as not to stress us during midterms.

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80C . 5 Years Ago

Don't take her if you're not an RG/Phil major. I've had her for two quarters. She's a fine professor. If you attend lecture and write good notes, you'll get a good grasp of the midterm/final. Beware: grades are dependant on the TA, not the Prof. With 80c, material is broad/popular and can be YouTubed as supplement. With 80b, material is more niche.

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RGST80C . 5 Years Ago

Just no

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RGST80B . 5 Years Ago

Very boring, lots of papers, not an easy GE.

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RGST80B . 5 Years Ago

There is no need to attend class because she just made stands up there rambling for the duration of the class time. It is literally impossible to stay awake. Also she will assign you two big essays that are due around the same time so avoid this class if you can!

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RGST80B . 5 Years Ago

This might seem petty but I really dislike the lectures for not using slides/ PowerPoint. I seriously am not a fan of professors rambling and expecting us to write their speech down. This is not a TED Talk. The content itself can get a little complicated because it involves a lot of philosophical and theological ideas and concepts. Avoid if u can.

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RGST80B . 5 Years Ago

Highkey don't take this class for an easy GE. Her lectures are really beneficial because she basically outlines the readings (didn't open the books until essay time) but wow SO many essays all right next to each other. Also she talks like a cartoon snobby professor. You can tell she's a silly nerd at heart though and laughs at her own jokes :)

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RGST80B . 5 Years Ago

Wendy really gave us two papers (5-8 pages) due five days apart from each other, TWICE. Sad. She's not a bad professor. She's very good at explaining the readings and the course material. It's just that she made writing those papers very stressful due to timing.

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RGST80B . 5 Years Ago

Prof. Wiseman was very knowledgeable in the realms of medieval Christianity. However, taking this course as a GE was not a good decision as the topics and readings need to be analyzed carefully for the essays and those essays assigned weren't easy to write. Take this course only if you are passionate about religious studies.

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RGST80B . 6 Years Ago

Thanks Wendy! I am so glad that you assigned us two papers on week 9 and 10 of the quarter when finals are literally next week. It is not like I need time to study for any other classes because Im so excited to write 11 pages on the most incredibly and amazingly BORING topics that I had ever encountered. You should probably pick better dates.

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RGST80B . 6 Years Ago

This might actually be the most boring class I have ever been in. Correction: IT IS. The lectures are completely unnecessary because you can write the papers if you just do the readings. Also, be prepared to have two papers that are never assigned on time to you in a two week period and they will be due 5 days apart. Topics are repetitive/vague.

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RGST80B . 6 Years Ago

don't take this class if you don't have to. lectures are incredibly boring and the paper topics are vague. If you want an easy GE, this is not the class.

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RGST80C . 6 Years Ago

Dont take her class unless you need to. Heavy on readings, boring lectures unless you actually like the topic. The only reason I did was bc i put in all my effort and saw my TA every week and im pretty sure she felt sorry for me. A reader was used which is cheaper than textbooks. Attendance isnt mandatory but it might help you understand.

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RGST80B . 6 Years Ago

Absolutely the worst and most boring class I have ever taken in my life. It is literally wasting 2 and a half hours of my life every week and there are so many ridiculous paper assignments. There are two 5 page papers we have to write but are only given one week to write them and there is another 5 page essay right after we turn one it.

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RS127A . 6 Years Ago

Wendy is amazing! I took RS 127 A and 127 B even though the units dont apply to my major because her lectures are so phenomenal. I learned some very important information. She is passionate, fun and if you ask her any question she will give you a solid answer every time. One of my favorite classes Ive taken. Highly recommend. Very objective.

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