Didn't go to any lectures and got an A. Midterm and final were very easy. Article summaries graded on completion. I did have to read the book for the book review but got 100% with not too much effort so it was also probably graded on completion. Proofread your work, he takes off points for spelling/grammar. Would recommend, he's a very nice guy.
Dr. Gallucci's course examining the historicity of the Trojan War enriched my memories of the visit I took to Turkey this past summer. The course fulfills both the literature GE area and a writing requirement, and Dr. Gallucci makes it clear that an A is achievable with minimal effort -- graded based on 2 papers, 2 exams, and 8 article summaries.
The undisputed GOAT of professors. Highly reccomend taking his class if you're looking to have a good time.
Ralph Gallucci is the greatest professor I have ever had. Please take his classes if you can.
Literally showed up Syllabus day, Midterm, and Final. Ended up getting a B+. 2 papers, midterm, final. His tests are all multiple choice. Fairly easy material if you do the reading.
Professor Gallucci was a great professor. As someone who enjoys learning about greek mythology his lectures were very interesting. His grading criteria is very easy. It's unfortunate that he is retiring this year, so if you have a chance to take this class definitely do it. It's an easy A. (He records all lectures and exams are open note) :)
Gallucci's retiring by the end of this school year, but I'm glad to have gotten a chance to take a class of his while I had the opportunity to. Really easy, he's really caring, and he made the class very enjoyable. He'll go down as a legendary professor here at UCSB.
Great lecturer who makes the material enjoyable. Gallucci's class is not too difficult - open-note exams and essays are straightforward if you do the readings. Unstuckstudy AI was a helpful tool for prep alongside the textbook.
EASIEST UPPER DIV GE EVER! Grade is made up of 2 papers (you'll get a high A if you try) & midterm + final (SUPER EASY online MCQ). Never did readings so basically NO HW! SUPER SWEET person & you can contact him for any questions via phone! Zoom lectures are hard to understand but they're NOT NEEDED...even to get an A (>90% don't attend lectures!).
grade was just two 400-word essays, a midterm and final which were all open note/book. lots of reading if you actually read the texts he assigns. essays are basically 100% if you just do them. his classes fill up super-quick, understandably why.
Easy GE. The lectures were boring you don't need to go to do well. There were two short essays, a midterm (online), and a final (online). Great class overall.
Easiest class I have actually ever taken in my life. Midterm (30%), Final (35%), 400 word essay (10%) and 1400 word essay (25%). I honestly didn't watch a single lecture and have done really really well on all of the assignments. And Ralph is a great guy!!
Solid upper div class - 2 small papers, midterm, final, attendance is not mandatory. I've taken 5 classes from the Galluch and he's one of my favorite professors. He's a fair grader and is just a really nice and caring prof. Will give you extra credit opportunities.
This class was very easy to follow, and not difficult at all. Gallucci gives a lot of prep for the midterm and exam. Midterm and exam is based heavily on what was discussed in lecture and some readings. Overall, I would take him again.
so easy- final and midterm multiple choice and true/false questions online. Easiest 400 word essay. Lectures were uninteresting and unhelpful- often a bit rambly- but open note and book tests made this class so easy
Loved this class. Super easy. Graded on 1 midterm, a 400 word essay, and a final. Final and midterms were super easy (both online). Essay was basically graded on completion. Zoom lectures were honestly not useful but he was very caring.
Amazing professor. The best professor at UCSB. I've taken the honors courses with him as well. I strongly recommend them. The reading material is very interesting including his own paper. I enjoy his lectures very much. Highly recommend to take an honors course with him because the class is smaller, engaging and interesting. He is very knowledgable
Grade 50% final, 40% midterm, 10% essay. Tests all multiple choice. Worst for learning, best for easy A. If you want an easy GE, take it 100% recommended. He seems very tired every lecture, and almost always appears for lectures late. Holds review sessions before tests that help. Lectures very disorganized. Nobody knows what's going on.
Classics 20A was great. Dr. Gallucci is a great lecturer. The reading material was very interesting from Sansone, Iliad, Odyssey, tragedies and comedies. Dr. Gallucci explains the material well and I enjoyed his lectures. Agree with the other reviews, he is the best professor at UCSB. He makes the material enjoyable and is very caring and kind.
Professor Gallucci is amazing. I really enjoyed his class. I learned so much about archeology Early Bronze age to the hellenistic period. I can now recognize pottery, sculpture and architectural styles. His lectures are enjoyable. He is very knowledgable. He deserves a teaching award for his dedication. Highly recommend! Best professor at ucsb.
Gallucci taught all my classes for FSSP. He is a lovely man and wants his students to succeed; class40 is extremely streamlined. That said he is very low-energy, and you will want to fall asleep in his class. Everything he discusses is in the textbook; as long as you read the textbook, you will get an A. I do not recommend taking Class99 with him.
Gallucci is a nice and pretty laid back professor. Just make sure you keep up with your readings. He offers extra credit. Make sure you sit up front he is a little quiet when he speaks.
super easy class, but extremely boring and disorganized lectures. There are a lot of required readings but you do not need many of them for exams. Class is graded on 2 essays, a midterm, and final. The essays are 600 words and if you do it you get an A. Exams are on arbitrary questions but were online and open book.