William Davies King
37 reviews

THTR1 . King W D 15 Years Ago

Obviously very passionate about his subject; but, as he waxes eloquent, my interest wanes. Goes off on many irrelevant tangents during lectures. Focus on etymology of theater words and not on actual play analysis itself. Your TAs will save you if you do all of the reading. Essays for the midterm and final, 3 essays, and attendance of plays ($$)

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THTR1 . King W D 15 Years Ago

Makes even the best plays utterly boring. His essay prompts are literally a page long. Loves to overcomplicate things. I have him again for 180, and he's just as bad. Get lots of essay advice from your TA. Don't let him turn you away from theater. Sadly for majors, he's unavoidable.

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THTR1 . King W D 16 Years Ago

The structure of the writing assignments is terrible- I took this class to analyze drama, not write fanfic! His leture style is all random points/anecdotes & etymology that's useless in the field but used on his tests. We were doing some of my favorite plays, but I didn't have much fun in his class outside the reading. The TA, Andrew, was great.

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THTR1 . King W D 16 Years Ago

He is a very passionate teacher, and obviously knows a lot about theater. However, instead of following his lesson plans, he goes on and on with random metaphors during class, making the lectures themselves incredibly pointless. I enjoyed the class, and got an A, even after skipping most lectures

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THTR1 . King W D 17 Years Ago

A very knowledgeable professor. His class is actually very easy but it's only easy if you do the work (and there is a good amount of reading and a few papers). Read the plays and know the greek terms he gives you and you'll be fine.

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DA155 . King W D 17 Years Ago

this guy drained the life out of some of my favorite plays. less than inspiring, although it was a very easy B+. take a class from simon instead.

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DA155 . King W D 18 Years Ago

This class is extremely boring. It's easy to sleep through and still do well on the tests, as long as you actually do the reading, because test questions have nothing to do with lectures at all. The essays are ridiculous and I have no idea how he grades the work. Overall, I really would not recommend taking King unless you want some extra nap-time.

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DA155 . King W D 19 Years Ago

Very smart, well-read guy. His essay topics are less than inspiring however. It is very easy to get lost and/or confused with what exactly he is asking and formulating a thesis for one of these things is daunting, but he's a great lecturer and really interesting to listen to. Good on him!

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SEVERAL . King W D 20 Years Ago

Willing to listen to and value any well-argued idea, even if very different from his own position. Extremely well-read. Fun in a quirky kind of way. Genuinely intrigued by his subject and excited to share that with students. I have the greatest respect for him as a teacher and as a person.

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AFEW . King W D 21 Years Ago

a true theater academic - he knows everything about everything - his lectures are fascinating if you are able to stay focused (otherwise, they can become very borring very quick) - do the reading, bring coffee, and sit in the front

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DA160A . King W D 21 Years Ago

Cute and very nice. The class is challaging!

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DA155B . King W D 22 Years Ago

knows a lot about the topic, but the class is boring.

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DRAMALIT . King W D 22 Years Ago

Fair grader; sometimes picky grading papers. Lectures can be very dry and hyper-analytical. More interesting in one-on-one discussions.

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