John Latto
110 reviews

EEMB50 . Latto J G 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

John latto singlehandedly made me enjoy biology again! He is amusing, accessible, and awesome. Final was online, lectures were uploaded for us to watch if we cannot attend, overall he's an amazing professor!

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 2 Years Ago

Best professor in UCSB hands down! such a good sense of humor, and actually loved going to all lectures. If you have a chance to take Latto do not miss out!

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 3 Years Ago

Dr. Latto didn't have us do a Final, our grade was determined by quizzes. Interesting lectures, very understanding of the current situations. Actively wanted us to be interested in the course, prompted some excellent discussions in weekly forums. I would love to take one of his classes in-person.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 3 Years Ago

Professor Latto is a real gem at UCSB. He's one of the only professors who has adapted his class in a way that is accommodating given the pandemic. The lectures are straightforward and interesting, you can tell he wants his students to learn about things that can actually affect them. The grading rubric is clear w/ light classwork, just quizzes.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 3 Years Ago

Professor is very engaging and lectures are insightful (even beyond college). He provided tons of leeway for an online class, so there's no excuse to not succeed in this class. There's 1 open-lecture quiz per week and a weekly discussion assignment, both of which are not too difficult. All in all, a rare gem in the classroom.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 4 Years Ago

Latto is one of the rare professors that can make you put effort in out of pure interest. I've taken two Covid-induced online classes with him and both times he made getting an A as easy as showing up (metaphorically because there was nowhere to show up). But I still spent a bunch of time on the classes just because it was so fun. He's so good.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 4 Years Ago

Very understanding of the ridiculous situation we had to deal with due to COVID. Made it incredibly to get an A (couple ungraded assignment/week), yet still managed to get me to put in a good amount of work purely out of interest for the material and the quality of the lectures.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 5 Years Ago

I wish John could teach all of my classes. Hes so easy to pay attention to and makes anything sound interesting. His little anecdotes here and there make it easy to remember certain topics and he doesnt bore you with slides full of words. He clearly enjoys what he teaches and has made me consider switching my major bc of how much I like his class

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 5 Years Ago

His lectures are amazing. Homework and tests are reasonable.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 5 Years Ago

Class isn't that difficult, very practical material. No busy work or extra readings, mainly lecture-based info. A few quizzes (worst grade dropped) and one-page responses, but nothing major. Funny and approachable guy, cares about students. Personally have a hard time with science so it took more work for me, but very doable. Easy Area C class.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 5 Years Ago

He is absolutely amazing. He is so knowledgeable. Everyone, regardless of major, should take this class. Not only is it doable, but you learn so many important things you can use in your actual life. His lectures are amazing he is so funny, I am sad I missed some. I feel honored to have taken his class, I will take any other classes he teaches.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 5 Years Ago

Best prof! super funner and interesting topics. midterms and lectures all based on lecture, but he posts video lectures online making studying and catching up simple! straight forward midterm and final, easy points during section.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 5 Years Ago

Lattos lectures are very interesting, he's a great lecturer I recommend! The midterm was very straightforward based on the information he gave us.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 6 Years Ago

My favorite professor!! I have taken two of his classes and both are easy if you just show up and he makes the class interesting. He puts all of his slides online, but you should still go to class because they have minimal information. Your grade is based on the midterm and final (multiple, vocab, frq) and 4 point quizzes given during section.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 6 Years Ago

super awesome professor! class is straightforward and entertaining. tests (2) weren't hard but quizzes (5, 1 dropped) were sometimes confusing/vague. would definitely recommend this professor and this class! (also has occasional jokes and an entertaining accent) also, very little to no reading (for discussion, reading isn't on tests)

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 6 Years Ago

EEMB50 with Latto was awesome. The material was always interesting and he's great at explaining difficult concepts. At times this class can feel like a physiology class though. One midterm and final that were straightforward and easy as long as you studied and went to lecture. About 5 quizzes in section. Take this class!!!

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 7 Years Ago

AMAZING professor! His lectures were very interesting, they really give you a new outlook on not only your health and your families health, but on our healthcare system in the U.S. as a whole. As long as you go to lecture and section you will you do well in this class. Definitely recommend.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 7 Years Ago

Incredibly talented professor. Enjoyed going to lecture and section. Take a class with him if you can, you will not regret it!

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 8 Years Ago

Latto is by far one of the best professors at UCSB. He is passionate, intelligent, and a very great guy. He cares about his students, and will go the length to help you understand. Very easy to listen to, very understandable and interesting material in class. Overall a pretty easy class if you pay attention, which isn't hard when you have John.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 8 Years Ago

Latto is one of the best professors i've had the honor of having during my stay at UCSB. he makes lectures interesting so you actually want to go. plus, even though the notes are all online, it doesn't really make sense unless you go to the lectures. going to sections really helps too (weekly quizzes but they're fairly easy if you pay attention).

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 9 Years Ago

AWW YISSSS Professor Latto is hands down one of the best professors I have had the pleasure of taking at UCSB. I took him last spring for EEMB 50 and absolutely loved it. The material is really interesting and kept me looking forward to lecture. Tests are easy and he grades fairly, lots of partial credit. His dry sense of humor is the BEST. 14/10

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EEMB2 . Latto J G A Month Ago

Professor Latto is a delight - his lectures are engaging and he genuinely cares about student success. Use Unstuck study alongside the provided materials for great exam prep. Overall, a fantastic STEM class experience.

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 2 Months Ago

John Latto is one of my favorite professors. lectures posted online, only a few writing assignments and quizzes online with 2 attempts. no midterms, final also online. he is the sweetest, funniest and very passionate about what he teaches. DEFINITELY TAKE EEMB40!!

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 2 Months Ago

The class is open notes for all assignments and since the lectures are so well done, it is easy to take good notes and understand everything. The diseases we learned about were interesting and provided a good class for first year students.

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