Javier Read de Alaniz
31 reviews

CHEM109B . 8 Years Ago

Decent lecturer but he can get confusing and hard to follow at times. He is very passionate about organic chemistry and truly wants to see his students learn. Tests are extremely hard, so watch out. Sign up for CLAS

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CHEM109B . 8 Years Ago

Crazy hard professor. Very confusing in lecture. Not clear and goes off on tangents. No grasp of understanding by students in lecture. Read the book for the best results. Averages on exams are 40-50%. Curves grades 20-25%. Must know all reagents and reactions. A lot to memorize. Midterms are harder than final. Must know how to combine reactions.

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109B . 9 Years Ago

Lectures are confusing if you dose off for a minute. But he basically tells you everything you need to know for your exam, in lecture. However, it's never that easy. He always throws a few tricks in his exams. He starts his exams off with questions that everyone can answer correctly, then later on writes impossible questions. Hardest ochem prof.

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CHEM109B . 9 Years Ago

Professor Read is an amazing lecturer, he really cares about the students and wants everyone to do well. The class itself is not easy, but he clearly explains and labels everything you need to know. He is by far the best professor I've had.

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109C . 9 Years Ago

Read de Alaniz was an awesome professor. Very passionate about chemistry and great at explaining the important aspects of applicable ochem. Tests were pretty fair and if you put in the work, you should be able to do fine on them. Makes you realize how bad Bruice really is at TEACHING organic chemistry.

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109C . 9 Years Ago

His tests are hard, but not impossible. If you go to lecture you can predict how the test is going to be formatted. Most helpful office hours I've ever been to.

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CHEM109C . 9 Years Ago

Great teacher. He made the concepts very accessible, and his lectures were on point. His tests were very fair, with a good range of difficulty as to test everyone's grasp on the overall concepts and not just rote memorization. Attending his office hours was fun and also made studying a breeze. Be prepared for 1 or 2 complex questions on each test.

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