Would take ANY class this man teaches! So energetic but mellow at the same time. You have to go to class, but you will want to... I know that sounds ify but its fun.
The class I took was a seminar style and attendance was a MUST. Patrick is a great writer and gives the best feedback in person. The times I had him revise my drafts via email were disappointing. GO TO OFFICE HOURS!
Professor McHugh was great! Funny, understanding, helpful, and interesting! I really enjoyed this class. Two major assignments (about 6 page creative essays). Professor McHugh would read them for you and give you suggestions way in advance of the due date, so you're almost guaranteed to pass if you make an effort. No exams, mandatory attendance.
Super straightforward class and really kind professor. I learned a lot about business writing through this class, and it was not graded too harshly. Really enjoyable and engaging lectures.
Professor McHugh is so sweet and truly cares about his students. I enjoyed going to class and the grading is fair as well. Attendance is mandetory but I did not mind going to class at all.
Great guy. Took 109HU class as a social science major and still really enjoyed it. He is really kind and cares about what he does and his students. Although it may not seem like it at the start, by the end you will feel much more confident in your writing. Definitely take it! Not a crazy amount of work. One page weekly & 2 longer papers.
He's a super nice guy and I would take any other class he teaches. The only writing class I actually enjoyed and didn't mind that attendance was mandatory.
Two papers, several assignments but if you write you will gain an A for the course. He is very approachable in class and very flexible on writing, which really makes the class easy to keep. His feedback is useful to revising your draft and if you show some improvements you will have a good result. The class is based on participation overall, ez !
Made the class super easy. He is super helpful. There were 4-5 weekly quizzes that you got a C on if you wrote your name. Group project at the end that is very easy. Overall, he did not over complicate this class at all.
I gritted my teeth through this entire class. While McHugh is a nice guy, he says a lot of vaguely insensitive things (using "OCD" to describe being organized, using "he or she" instead of "they" for inclusivity purposes, etc.). The class itself was fine, but I did not enjoy sitting through it.
great professor, really chill and nice to talk to.
McHugh is a great choice for 107B. The first few weeks of class you have quizzes based on the reading, but these are mainly used to check attendance (super easy, don't worry about them). You also have a few assignments but you should get an A as long as you do them. The last half of the quarter is a group project but that was graded easily as well.
I took this class in summer. He is Awesome! We have everyday quiz but the question is easy if you prepare lessons before class. We have seven assignments, a presentation and a business plan at the end of class. He is not a tough grader. Just make sure there is no grammar mistakes you will be fine.
Prof McHugh was a really chill, laid back professor. We had 2 3-4 page papers, weekly 1 page assignments, and 1 8 page research paper/final. He gives you plenty of time in class and outside to work on papers. & he reads drafts too. He's a nice,helpful guy. It's pretty easy to get a B, but if you want an A you gotta work hard for it
McHugh is a nice guy. He gives daily quizzes and many one page assignments. Not too much work, except for a lengthy group project at the end of the quarter.
McHugh is an easy grader and keeps the final project broad so you can do whatever you want. The class essentially consists of a weekly 1-page journal assignment and 2 writing assignments that are about 3-4 pages in length. He takes attendance but you are allowed to miss 3 classes without any negative impact on your grade. Easy A.
McHugh is one of the chillest teachers I have ever had. Mandatory class that is worth points for going to. Isn't too tough of a grader. Just don't put off your final project and you will be fine! I'm in a major where you never write any essays and this was still easy.
Patrick is awesome!! Such a down to earth and easy to follow professor. He teaches what is really important to know when it comes to business writing. His goal is to help student learn in whatever way possible and has a great attitude. I would highly recommend him to anyone taking a writing class!
This professor is awesome! He's so nice and his lectures are interesting! We talked about existentialism and U2 (the band). We looked at art. literature, music and movies in the existential way. He's funny and entertaining. I wrote essays on Marilyn Monroe and passed with an A! EASY EASY CLASS!
Although the course material is bland, listening to him talk about his life is nice and the class is mostly a breeze. He gives out easy B's and tough A's but he gives you chances for rewrites and he's easy to approach. He's a really nice guy and I would take him again.
Honestly the best writing professor I have had to this day. I'm an engineer, and even though writing not my best subject, I still got an A. He made his expectations very clear, and graded super easy. Just go to class, pay attention, and you'll do well. Definitely take his class
Seriously the best teacher and class ever. The one class where what you learn actually applies to your life during and after college. He's an easy grader if you show you put in effort. Gets to know his students and shows he cares about their progress.
Either he was one of the easiest graders I have ever encountered or I am a much better writer than I thought. He was really interested in getting to know his students and what they were interested in. He is extremely easygoing, fun, friendly, and helpful. Definitely take his class for an easy writing GE.
Patrick is awesome. Super helpful and cool. Writ50 was something that I really wasn't looking forward to, but he made it pretty fun. Journal entries and discussion. one 4 page paper and another 10 page research paper. Sets up meetings to help you. Highly recommend taking this class with McHugh