RG ST 158C
Barbara Holdrege
46 reviews

RGST145 . Holdrege B A 12 Years Ago

Easily my least favorite class I've taken at ucsb, actually ever. Lecture is mandatory and drags on forever. Not to mention that the class gets let out five minutes late everyday. This class is not an easy A!! She is very knowledgeable about what she's teachings but incredibly critical. Basically don't take this class. It's hard and boring!

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 12 Years Ago

She' every nice to crashers and in general too. Her language,however, is very convoluted and confusing. the material is pretty difficult but if you really pay attention in lectures it will be okay. There is a take-home midterm and final, so you have time. USE YOUR TA!

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 13 Years Ago

She is a great professor and is very passionate about what she teaches. Gods of India is on of my favorite classes that I have taken so far! need to go to lecture but reading not as important. no tests, just papers. She's a fairly easy grader and very helpful!

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 14 Years Ago

she is such a nice lady, and you can tell from her lectures that she is very knowledgeable, but the lectures are almost unbearably boring. It is very easy to get confused and if you have no interest in the subject matter like me, it is easy to lose interest. i definitely would NOT recommended this class

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 15 Years Ago

Lectures get boring, but if you take great notes, you won't have to read much. Very approachable, nice lady. Kind to crashers and a leading scholar in this field. Midterm and Final essays are not that hard if you pay attention and get help if you don't grasp the concepts. 2 web assignments that are VERY HELPFUL for the midterm and final.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 15 Years Ago

She's very nice. Lectures are a bit boring, and you need to take really good notes every lecture in order to do good on her essays, which can be hard. You don't need to do the reading if you attend EVERY lecture and write down EVERYTHING that is said in it and in section. I got an A- without doing the readings, but I did take very good notes.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 15 Years Ago

Two really hard take home essays. The TAs grade quite harshly. This is a class that you can't bum through so I wouldn't recommend taking this class unless you are willing to work hard.

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RGST145 . Holdrege B A 17 Years Ago

This class was horrible. The lectures were confusing, she talked extremely fast and didn't repeat her points. I wouldn't take a class with her unless you had to.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 17 Years Ago

Amazing! She was very helpful! She does not have in class exams , but makes pretty hard take home test essays. TA's are great too!

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 17 Years Ago

Great professor! She may come off as a little intense, but is exteremly knowledgable, clear, and passionate about the subject.

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RGST145 . Holdrege B A 18 Years Ago

helpful professor! if you have any questions she'll be sure to answer them for you! lectures are tough to follow, but the handouts really help. she's a fair grader and understands that the material can be difficult. she cares about her students and wants them to do well. if you're having difficulties in the class, tell her. she'll help you!

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RS145 . Holdrege B A 18 Years Ago

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 19 Years Ago

ok so the class is not super easy but its not that hard either. but as far as the teaching goes Holdrege is so good! she gives you her notes so you can just pay attention w/o having to write down everything shes saying, she made the class really interestin

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131J . Holdrege B A 19 Years Ago

absurd class! it feels like i spent a quarter in a class taught in latin

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RGST145 . Holdrege B A 20 Years Ago

class structure relatively unorthodox. handouts not helpful unless you attend lecture. very complex material/reading, but she's a relatively easy grader. (i still dont know anything about the veda, but somehow managed a B).

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145131J . Holdrege B A 20 Years Ago

My absolute favorite professor! Absolutely important to pay attention in lecture because it sometimes feels like a book is being read to you. However, if you ask a question, she is great about answering it and loves to get to know her students as people. Really cares about her class and is not just

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RGST158A . Holdrege B A 20 Years Ago

Very informative, has a lot of good knowledge to impart, but repeats herself incessantly. Each 75-minute class could be condensed to half an hour with nothing lost.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 20 Years Ago

She was way intense during lecture but it is a REALLY interesting class and taught me a lot about something I knew nothing about before. I recommend it highly.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 20 Years Ago

Kind of a confusing class, professor explains things OK but what's really important is who your TA is since they grade the take home midterm and final.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 20 Years Ago

I came into the class with little knowledge on Hinduism but did fine. 20 pages to write for the entire quarter and three short webwork assignments. The essays are easy and the class is very fun, the Prof. is awsome and interesting

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 20 Years Ago

The course was really intense, especially for a lower division one, but it was extremely interesting and taught me a lot about a different area of study. i recommend it if you're up to the work.

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RS145 . Holdrege B A 20 Years Ago

This is a terrible class. She tends to ramble on in lecture taking twenty minutes to make a point.

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