This class was about using multimedia in teaching. His use of multimedia consisted of displaying his book on the projector and spending the majority of the time scrolling through looking for the examples he wanted to show. This class was the most boring class I have ever taken & I had trouble paying attention. I do not recommend him!
This class is very easy and simple. Mayer is very organized so it's very easy to follow along and take good notes. He makes the class enjoyable with his cute little jokes. That's not all there is to him though; he's one of the top educational psychologist in the WORLD. This guy knows what he's talking about. Go to class and take good notes :)
Professor Mayer was great! I didn't buy the book (the book was a terrible) but I got an A in the class. Tests are pretty much all lecture-based, so make sure you go and take good notes and the test will be a piece of cake. He does one midterm and one final, the tests are multiple choice and two short answer question based on key terms/theories.
really helpful and fair! great teacher
He really is a sweet old man...almost "jolly" but not quite cuz he's not fat. Hehe. ANYWAY,you have to go to lectures cuz he's old school and a little behind on technology (not a believer of websites or powerpoints) If you don't wanna buy the book, you better sit in front and take kick a s s notes, cuz the tests are based on lectures.
This class was good. You have to go to all lectures and take really good notes. Don't even bother buying the book, you don't need to know anything from it. Prof is super nice and friendly, and very approachable. A little boring at times, but overall I would recommend his class.
His lectures are SUPER organized, but go to class because he lectures with a chalkboard and has no website. He's a sweet, nerdy old man. People who say his tests are tricky might be a little slow, because his tests are straightforward, and they test your knowledge, so know the material. I wouldn't worry too much about the book, but skim it!
Human Thinking and Problem Solving was great. I didn't even buy the book, much less read it. I attended EVERY lecture (You have to because he only uses a chalkboard- no powerpoint) and took good notes. He is a sweet old man. His lecture is very organized and tests are straightforward. Just know ALL of your notes. I got an A, and it wasn't that hard
Professor Mayer is awesome. Such a delite to listen to and I love him nerdy humor. He also is very up to date, which is especially important in the field of psychology. Tricky tests but good overall. Love this little guy. His wife even brough cupcakes for the WHOLE class on his b-day! Take his class! "Does that make sense?" hehe
um this class seems so easy but i did all the readings and went to prac all the lectures and got a b+ when i knew everything cuz of stupid tricky test questions. im talking those lame ones like a, a and b, a and c, all of the above, none of the above...shady.
Fun professor, but watch out for the tests and make sure you go to all the lectures.
Dick is a good guy. His classes are also very informative. That being said he is completely inflexible. He fully expects students to get everything they need from the class, which is possible, except I have several learning disabilities and I found Dick to be totally insensitive to this.
He was rather boring most of the time, but he tells nerdy jokes to spice things up. Plus he's super nice and he repeats himself several times to make sure everything is clear.
very cutesy guy.. into his own jokes.. mumbles to himself.. though very clear about lecture and has straighforward tests.. possibly too clear.. lectures move incredibly sloow.. good teacher though.. fun class..
Very awesome teacher! Extremely helpful with all student needs including letters of recommendation. Class was clearly formatted and text (which he wrote) was an easy and interesting read! One of the best classes and teachers ever!
Dr. Mayer is extremely clear and helpful and so cute! He is very eager to help his students and his lectures are very easy to follow/