Francesc Castella
24 reviews

MATH4A . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I took both of his MATH 4A and 108B and he's always been very nice. Lectures are super clear and easy to follow. Lecture notes are provided. Really enjoyed talking to him in office hours as he is always so helpful and fun to chat with. Exams could be hard but if you study hard for the homework and practice exams they should be fine.

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MATH4A . 2 Years Ago

Great lecturer: clear handwriting, explains concepts well, and easy to follow (good pacing). Slight accent but generally understandable. Posts in-class notes online. One Webwork assignment per week. Provides helpful practice exams that are very similar to the actual exams. (Fall 2021)

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MATH4A . 2 Years Ago

overall not bad, he has an accent but you can still understand what he says. His lectures are very clear and midterms and finals are not bad as long as you study and go over problems done in class.

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MATH4A . 2 Years Ago

Professor Castella is a super chill professor. It's true that he has some accent, but he provides notes for all the lectures. The exams are pretty easy. If you work decently hard in the class, it's an easy A.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

Took the class in Fall 2021. Lectures were made available online quickly, homework was very doable. Straightforward class and good lecturer.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

Though he has a Spanish accent, everything he taught was so specific and understandable that there is no need for extra work in addition to listening to his lectures carefully!

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

The professor made the lectures very clear and uploaded them so I would re-watch them if I needed to. The majority of the grade lies on the two midterms and the final, and even then it is a total of 14 questions for all three of those tests. This class is kind of easy just depending on how easily math comes to you and how much work you put in.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

Very solid class. Tests were exactly like practice ones, though final seemed a bit hard. Web work isnt the greatest thing ever and it was time consuming but it wasnt stressful. Uploaded lectures in full and his notes. Very manageable work load

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

He does have an accent that takes a while to get used to, but that's honestly the only negative thing I can say. Super clear lecturer, amazing handwriting, and really kind. He respects all his students and will help you understand something at OH if needed. The tests were also extremely easy, very similar to the practice tests. Hard to not pass.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

Great lectures, super clear, takes really neat notes that are easily understandable. Made the class material really understandable and overall enjoyable.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

Very good professor! Amazing handwriting too and explains concepts well.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

He really set my expectations high for a math professor. His handwriting is unmatched and I realized the other math professors don't have as neat handwriting. He is AMAZING and seems like he really cares about his students. He explains things super well, although the class might feel kinda slow at times. It is easy but we don't cover everything.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

He gave lots of examples of problems which was really helpful. And his notes were very clear and easy to follow.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

He has the neatest handwriting you will ever see from any lecturer. This makes his lectures easy to follow. He assigns one homework assignment each week, and it's always 10 questions or less on Webwork.

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4A . 3 Years Ago

He has a bit of an accent, so when he introduces new terms it can be confusing. But he has amazing quality lecture videos and notes online, and the tests are only 4 questions usually on the midterms and 6 on the final. Honestly, if you put a little time everyday to review the concepts you are set for an easy A.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

He's really clear with the class materials and he would upload useful notes and practice exams, which are really similar to the real exam. He's a great professor! Nice experience!

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

Castella is a good prof, not the most inspiring as he doesnt explain the context/relevance of topics but if you go to class and do the hw youll do well. No attendance mandatory and tests were pretty fair. Hw wasnt really helpful tho w tests. Very kind and explains concepts if you ask him

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

Tbh never went to class besides on day 1 and for each midterm/final. He posts his lectures and notes after class. His notes were enough to study from bc of the details. The homework is so easy that you don't need to know anything from class to be able to answer the questions. The midterms/ final were just like the practice one. Section is a joke.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

Went at a good pace and gave good examples for the problems. Really easy tests and homework

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

Really good professor. The TA who graded my exams graded wrong two times. I went to the Professor; he is very fair and nice. Because I wasn't wrong, he gave me points back. The class is easy so I never go to his class. Not sure if he teaches well, but definitely a good and helpful man!

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

He has a slight accent and goes a little fast for some but the material taught is quite clear. There is weekly homework but its not hard. There are 2 midterms but the practice midterms are so similar it is very easy to be prepared. He also posts the lecture notes and lecture videos after each class making it easy to go back.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

Castella has a thick accent, but he's honestly a pretty good lecturer. His homework load is pretty light, he is very helpful after class, an his lectures are catch-up-able over zoom.

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MATH4A . 3 Years Ago

Professor has a very thick accent and cannot understand what he's saying. He doesn't really teach, he just talks at you and writes and expects you know what he's doing without explanation. He does upload the notes and lecture online, so honestly youre better off not going to class

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220A . 5 Years Ago

Francesc was great for group theory! I'm really happy he's teaching the entire grad algebra sequence this year.

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