Dr Tang is very nice and she does a good job to make lectures digestible. 40% HW 30% Midterm 30% Final. Know the practice exam inside and out and youll be fine. Exams are very very doable and were both short and given 1h15m time limit. I had a great TA this quarter so that definitely helped. She started taking attendance since it was an 8am.
midterm was fine to me but the class average C+. final was hard with heavy computation works. Do the inverse of matrix without calculator waste my time on final. No calculator in exams and homeworks are based on python. Did not give the answer for pratice exams and homeworks. No curve for students with C or higher.
good professorshe really cares about students. Office hours are helpful.
Dr. Tang is a great teacher who respect students. Although her lectures were not inspirational, she does a decent job explaining the subjects in a clear and organized manner. She provides plenty of resources for students such as outlines, notes, and review questions. She was supportive over the email!! Great, teacher.
She seems enthusiastic about her research, but as others commented, hard to understand. She also made casual mistakes and does not seem to correct them. I mean, when students pointed out her mistakes, she ignored those and did not reply. Not a very reasonable teacher.
I was very skeptical in the first few weeks, but I've begun to enjoy this class. Lectures are a bit hard to follow, and she's hard to understand at first, but homework and "quizzes" (midterms) can be done efficiently by studying the lecture notes she posts weekly and the textbook. Grading isn't harsh and encourages learning/mastering the material.
1.5 hour final is not friendly
She's a new professor, so I will give her some leeway. However, her lectures are hard to follow, written notes are a bit unorganized, and her teaching style is dry and not intuitive at all. That being said, she is a generous grader and office hours can help. TLDR: mediocre teacher, but if you have to taker her you'll be fine (probably)