Carl Gutierrez-Jones
18 reviews

ENGL165HR . 6 Years Ago

Carl was by far the best professor Ive had at UCSB. His class was discussion based, but he always gave very useful context and a greater analysis of the text in whole. Consisted of weekly discussion questions, final paper, and final. Sadly, he is retiring. But hes so great I had to give him a 5 Star review. Youll be missed!

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ENGL192 . 7 Years Ago

Professor Gutierrez-Jones is amazing. He's incredibly knowledgeable and kind. Attendance/homework is based off of daily discussion questions that you may be called on to share. His insight is always brilliant, but he really tries to get the class to have a dialogue. Fair-generous grader of the 1 paper assigned. Final consists of text ids+essay.

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ENGL192 . 7 Years Ago

Wonderful teacher! Honestly the most fun class Ive ever taken (Sci Fi). Quite a bit of reading material but it is all engaging and easy to read! No midterm, only one paper, and short questions for each class meeting to use in discussion.

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ENGL165HR . 7 Years Ago

Professor Gutierrez-Jones did a wonderful job. He was clearly very well prepared and put a lot of care into the course. The classes were somewhat interesting, however the discussion-form made it essential to have read the text to get anything out of it. He graded our final papers extremely quickly and thoroughly, and he is very kind. Amazing.

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ENGL165HR . 7 Years Ago

Loved Gutierrez-Jones! Amazing discussions, reading was really interesting, & there's a creative option in lieu of the Research Paper. Doesn't take attendance but 20% of grade is based on daily discussion q's you hand in. Final isn't too bad, bunch of IDs & then an essay, he gives you 6 topics beforehand, pick 1. Great class, take it if you can!

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GEO238 . 9 Years Ago


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ENGL165HR . 10 Years Ago

Carl is an amazing, kind human being. The assigned readings were very harsh (the topic of the course is human rights, so you can imagine), but ultimately very rewarding. The class grade is only an 8-page paper, the final and attendance. Very easy and rewarding class.

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ENGL192 . 12 Years Ago

Carl is seriously an AMAZING professor. Has to be one of the best ones at UCSB. Trust these reviews/ratings. And take his sci-fi class if you can. The material is awesome, and his discussions really are an open forum; he welcomes everyone's ideas. He's just one of those professors that make you love whatever he's teaching. Do it. Take 192.

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ENGL197 . 13 Years Ago

Excellent course. Prof was very clear, offers you a lot of insight, and the course is 100% discussion driven. You bring in a question on the reading for everyone to discuss daily (attendance is mandatory), so you really get to choose what you learn. It's also fairly easy.

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ENGL192 . 14 Years Ago

I had this professor for 192 and 197. Absolutely fantastic at running a seminar course. Always left ecstatic about the course. One of the few that inspired me to enjoy my readings. Take him if the course topic looks good and you can handle an essay or two. One of my favorites.

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ENGL192 . 14 Years Ago

Great Professor...Really Clear and interesting...Its all about class discussion...So participation keeps the class running...Awesome books. One of the few classes at UCSB, where you could see yourself reading the books for fun...Overall a fantastic class and a great experience

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ENGL192 . 16 Years Ago

Absolutely LOOOOOVED the Science Fiction class. Would love to take another class with him. Picks really great books and I ACED the final (mainly just very easy IDs). Extremely helpful with writing the paper.. overall LOVE this professor. Highly recommend him :)

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AMERILIT . 16 Years Ago

Just an amazing human being on top of being an amazing teacher.

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ENGL165 . 17 Years Ago

The class was titled "Human Rights" and it was really a great class. Carl is a spectacular professor--really smart, really genuine, really nice and personable. He is really open to all interpretations and perspectives, but not afraid to express his own views. Additional bonus, he brought us snacks during one of the movie screenings!

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ENG197 . 18 Years Ago

Amazing! He is extremely helpful and chooses the best reading. His classes are discussion based. There is a nice balance between student discussion and his input. He is genuinely interested in the way we read the texts. He's not one of those who thinks his theories are the only ones that matter, as indicated by the milk can quote.

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ENGL140 . 18 Years Ago

LOVED this class. Discussion based, but interesting and not stilted, and really easy but I still worked hard. Great book selections, but I'd take any class with this prof.

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ENGL192 . 18 Years Ago

A really interesting teacher, great reading. Lots of in class discussion and daily questions, but it makes the class really interesting. A great teacher and a really good class.

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ENGL140 . 19 Years Ago

GREAT teacher. Engages his students in the reading, and not a ton of work. 2 papers and a final and in-class questions due each session. Sounds like a lot... really isnt. He is totally straight forward and funny too! I'd reccomend any of his classes to anyone. Super helpful as well.

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