lectures can be either very entertaining or a little boring. professor Boris is a wonderful professor who is very passionate in what she does. grades are made up of lecture attendance, biweekly quizzes that are open book, essay rough draft, and final paper. the grading criteria for the paper is not very clear but she is accessible outside of class
She is extremely knowledge and passionate about this topic. Way too much reading, but the quizzes were open note and book so you dont need to read to pass the class. The final paper directions and expectations were unclear. It is an interesting class, but what is due and the criteria for assignments are poorly explained.
She is passionate about the topic, but the class is so unorganized and she took students opinions on how to test the class. there was way too much reading assigned as well for this class. It was about a book a week at some point.
Course it pretty easy as long as you go to class. She can get kind of annoying and most of the time she is really airheaded and out of it. If you're looking for a pretty easy class take this one. Take home midterm and take home final.
Overall, a very good class. Professor Boris is very kind and extremely helpful. There are four reader-response papers (basically just to make sure you're keeping up with the reading--pretty easy) and a term paper and take home final. As long as you commit the time, you'll do well in this class. She likes if you participate & it helps your grade.
Very unsupportive prof with no guidance or direction in her course by any means. Would send passive aggressive emails to students & overall not so much a distinguished prof although her resume says she is. Would never recommend anyone to take a course with her. Disappointing
Lectures were a little boring but definitely got me interested in feminist studies. I liked section more because we were able to discuss the topic in small groups. Must read to be prepared for section, but it wasn't too much compared to other classes and most of them were interesting. I would say it was an easy A if you did the reading.
The textbook was expensive but you need it which I didn't like. Very easy class, but we did write a good amount. Again, that was easy and straightforward. I think my TA was a tough grader, but overall very easy.
iClicker questions are given each lecture. Boris is extremely passionate about feminist studies but classes seemed unorganized and she ran behind on schedule several times. If you do the readings and show up to class, you'll be fine.
Really great professor. Very helpful and understanding. There is a lot of reading to stay on top of so make sure you dont fall behind. Also, papers due once a week. Really great professor who cares about her students.
love the class and the readings. while there is a lot to read, the readings are really interesting. gives a lot of info on how to get involved in feminist activism
The topics of the class were interesting, but the lectures were not. They were highly disorganized and hard to follow. the class was simple if you do the work, however, it may be displeasing.
She's really great in terms of making you want to get involved with feminist movements, which I liked. The class its self is way, way too much work for just a GE. Three papers, midterm and take home final. A good class but honestly not worth the effort.
SHES a cool professor, but the class is a lot of work/reading and assignments...so heads up, esp with pyscho feminist TAs
although feminist theory is tuff and not as exciting, she does a good job of making the class a space to discuss the reading and issues. she really likes it when students participate so dont be shy! a little crazy, but there is a method to her madness. she is extrememley intelligent and would be a great person to get a letter of rec from
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lecture usually coincide with readings, but i rarely read. lecture notes are full of irrelevant photos and apparently, EVERYTHING is a womans issue, so its a very broad subject.
fun exiting class, movie almost every lecture
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boris is a sound professor. She emphasizes a multi-cultural approach to her material which is much needed in the field.
"Women in Society and Culture..." What do we learn about? Gays and ****s! Her political agenda was all over the place and after talking to the TA she did it on purpose, obnoxious to anyone who disagrees. "Women in Society and Culture..." We talked about Wal-Mart. I am from AR and I have been to Bentonville where it started, she is full of it.
hands down one of the best professors ive had. shes extremely passionate about her topic, even if you dont necessarily agree with all of her views you still have to give her mad respect for not only being a great lecturer, but also a womens rights activist as well. she's FABULOUS :)
Interesting material, but when she teaches-her lectures are based around he political opinions which can make some people very uncomfortable.