Professor Penley, while often unorganized and untimely on Gauchospace, is inspiring, intelligent, and kind. The class is largely discussion-based (with some forum posts, a group book project, and a final paper) so you get to engage a lot with your peers and meet really interesting activists in the erotic industry. I'd highly recommend this class!
BEST class I've taken! This class was less about Prof. Penley lecturing, but more about all the guest speakers that come from the XXX industry. They're all so interesting, and I gotta say that you learn a lot. Penley is extremely passionate about the subject, and honestly she's just so cool. Attendance is MOST important, plus one paper. Easy A
Penley's obsession with pushing the topics of sex on this class has been unsettling. I am an extremely pensive, sex positive, and respectful woman who is very open to ideas of physical autonomy of both men and women. BUT this class is intended to be a survey of Andy Warhol... why have I watched over 10 pornographic films in the span of 6 weeks!?
Very sweet and accommodating as long as you can be a good advocate for yourself!
really cares for her students and the material. exciting and fun lectures. 1 group project and creative final, w/ weekly discussion posts. show up to lecture for participation. one of the coolest profs in the dept
I literally do not understand Contance's grading criteria. I thought it is ok to express my own thoughts on paper. It turns out she only wants to hear what she wants to hear, which is also a mystery. The worst film professor ever. I probably will never watch Nolan's films again.
Penley is one of the sweetest and most knowledgeable profs in the Film & Media department. I've only taken this course with her but I HIGHLY recommend it. We mainly watched films and guest interviews, with very minimal reading. The grading is super easygoing, but I have learned so much.
The course is entertaining in general, but she constantly changes the syllabus and put so much extra assignments outside the syllabus.
Penley is sweet, but fills her class up with unhelpful busy work and unnecessarily long lectures. She requires you to have your camera on in 50+ person zooms, calling students out, only to spend hours talking about nothing without any opportunity for participation. Another professor who has yet to learn how to optimize online teaching
This class is very different from what she normally teaches (FILM 154PG). She's not a good lecturer, and very disorganized. We relied on the textbook to actually learn. Lectures sometimes consisted of her talking about herself. High points were group discussion on fan cultures and presenting our final project. An easy A but would not recommend.
Very knowledgeable and good at conveying information. She really cares about students.
She can't say a full sentence without stoping to say "um...or ah....". With all her talk about proper grammar in writing, you think she would have learned to articulate and get her point across.
The most inspiring professor I have ever had. Penley's history of the avant-garde cinema class was the most important one I have ever taken, and that's coming from a political science major. She encourages creative thinking and deep self-reflection. I wish I could have taken this class over and over again, but I got an A+ and am graduating.
Awesome. Honestly, after the class I will never look at**** the same way again. She's really helpful in office hours and is very easy to talk to. Also very encouraging of independent thinking.
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Penley is a very complex, articulate woman. I will never think of**** the same after taking her class, nor will I see D.W. Griffith in the same light. Subject matter may seem light, but Penley reveals the depth and relevance. I highly recommend taking her class if you get the chance. There was a lot of reading though. If she still teaches the avant garde film class, I heard that one is a real tough one too.
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Shes an awesome teacher take her if you get the chance! She was even on REAL SEX on HBO. She is a confident amazing teacher!!!
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She teaches Sex, Power, and the Media or Modern Sex Modern Love. She grades hard (or at least my TA did) but I recommend taking a class from her. It really gets you thinking. It is relevant to you. We watched feature films each week and discussed them.