John Latto
110 reviews
Thomas Even
184 reviews
Alice Nguyen
74 reviews

EEMB40 . Latto J G 6 Years Ago

Super interesting lectures! There are only a few quizzes, midterm and final, which are straight-forward if you take good notes. This course is absolutely amazing and interesting. Must attend lectures! Would highly recommend taking his class, you can learn so much from it.

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 6 Years Ago

AMAZING LECTURES! I loved this class so much and would want to listen to him talk more about infectious diseases even after he finished lecturing. Few quizzes, midterm and final, which are straight-forward if you take good notes. Lectures are absolutely amazing and interesting. Must attend lectures! Would highly recommend taking his class!

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 6 Years Ago

My favorite professor!! I have taken two of his classes and both are easy if you just show up and he makes the class interesting. He puts all of his slides online, but you should still go to class because they have minimal information. Your grade is based on the midterm and final (multiple, vocab, frq) and 4 point quizzes given during section.

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EEMB2 . Even T J 6 Years Ago

Dr. Even is THE BEST PROFESSOR. He is extremely enthusiastic about his subject specialty and makes lectures a joy to come to. He sets you up for SUCCESS. Everything he puts in his powerpoints are crucial to know. I wish every professor was like him. Go to CLAS tutoring! *beware... do well on his portion of the class because Dr. Rice is a menace*

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EEMB148 . Even T J 6 Years Ago

Dr. Even is the best biology professor I've had at UCSB! He has a lot of passion in the subject matter and it shows in his lectures. His powerpoints do not have much info on them and he gives most of the details in class. His exams are pretty long (5 pages mostly short answer) but doable. I highly recommend you take any of his classes.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 6 Years Ago

super awesome professor! class is straightforward and entertaining. tests (2) weren't hard but quizzes (5, 1 dropped) were sometimes confusing/vague. would definitely recommend this professor and this class! (also has occasional jokes and an entertaining accent) also, very little to no reading (for discussion, reading isn't on tests)

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 6 Years Ago

EEMB50 with Latto was awesome. The material was always interesting and he's great at explaining difficult concepts. At times this class can feel like a physiology class though. One midterm and final that were straightforward and easy as long as you studied and went to lecture. About 5 quizzes in section. Take this class!!!

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EEMB2 . Even T J 6 Years Ago

Love him. Such a great lecturer. Tests not that hard but you definitely need to study. Never used the textbook, just rewatched the lectures posted online and took notes.

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EEMB2 . Even T J 6 Years Ago

An amazing professor. I found his lectures to be pretty interesting, and he definitely made the class more enjoyable. Make sure to pay attention during lecture and really understand how to apply the concepts you learn in class (specific examples, visualize the data).

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 7 Years Ago

Funny and passionate professor. No textbook so lecture is essential. Around 5 quizzes in section. The material is interesting, explained well, and applicable outside class. As long as you pay attention in lecture and study prior you should be able to get an A. Would 100% recommend this class for a GE or otherwise. One of my favorite classes here.

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EEMB2 . Even T J 7 Years Ago

This guy is a dope professor. Even though this class is a mandatory prereq, it could have been way worse if it was taught by anybody else. His lectures are super entertaining. Kind of a bummer he only teaches half of the class.

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MCDB1A . Nguyen A T 7 Years Ago

Objectively graded class, no curve or very low curve. Make a good connection with your TA because they grade your paper that is worth about 20% of your grade. Do all the pre-labs and labs on time, these are the easy points. 1 unit class, but if you want to get a good grade, study hard for the practicals.

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 7 Years Ago

I had Professor Latto last year, and took this course so I could have him again. Going to class is vital because there is no textbook so all of his test questions are based off lecture material. Final is 45%, midterm is 30%, and section is 25%. Section grade partially depends on 5 quizzes. A lot of content but it's fascinating and presented well!

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 7 Years Ago

This class was amazing- the grading criteria was clear, no paper or essays, the discussion section require participation but are interesting. Best class taken at UCSB so far. You have to go to class as there is no textbook and the PowerPoints contain little information

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 7 Years Ago

Class consisted of 5 quizzes, a midterm, and a final and some assignments that weren't explicit in how they were being graded. Great lecturer, knows how to keep the info easy to absorb. Definitely pay attention to the info to know what to study, but it is not impossible. Latto's a really cool dude, and you'll enjoy his class at least a little bit.

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 7 Years Ago

Professor Lotto is AMAZIng, his lectures are super interesting and he tries to make class relatable and interesting. There is no textbook for this class, all the information comes from his lectures so DONT miss class. He does post some slides online but they are useless if you missed lecture. Weekly quizzes, but they are super easy! amazing class!

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EEMB2 . Even T J 7 Years Ago

Even though I had to retake this class (note: please do NOT underestimate the class), I don't mind because Dr. Even is an amazing lecturer. He really likes to engage with the class and makes the topics more interesting. He tests from the slides but you really have to understand the concepts in order to know the examples.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 7 Years Ago

AMAZING professor! His lectures were very interesting, they really give you a new outlook on not only your health and your families health, but on our healthcare system in the U.S. as a whole. As long as you go to lecture and section you will you do well in this class. Definitely recommend.

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EEMB22 . Even T J 7 Years Ago

awesome online class to take spring quarter. the recorded lectures are very interesting and he keeps it intriguing with cool examples. Readings for the quiz can be kind of long but the topics are all cool, you can look at them while taking the online quiz. Use the study guides/take notes and the tests will be very easy!

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MCDC1A1AL . Nguyen A T 7 Years Ago

May be one of the most disorganized people for this job. She is in charge of coordinating the lectures and labs for intro bio classes and fails to do so well. The class is over complicated and the lab doesn't match the class at all. During my final she repeatedly screamed out errors she made on the final in a disruptive way. Very negative person.

16 helpful 1 unhelpful
EEMB2 . Even T J 7 Years Ago

One of my favorite professors, the intro bio series was very challenging but the portion of it that he taught made me love EEMB. Gives very good real world examples and his midterm was very clear. Looooved this class. Go to lecture & take good notes and it's easy to succeed

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EEMBW22 . Even T J 7 Years Ago

I'm a stats major with interest in environmental studies and bio applications of stats, Took his online EEMB 22 class (EEMB W 22), wouldn't do it any other way. The readings are amazing and the discussion is thought provoking. Recorded lectures are great. He was really animated and helpful in office hours.

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EEMB50 . Latto J G 7 Years Ago

Incredibly talented professor. Enjoyed going to lecture and section. Take a class with him if you can, you will not regret it!

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EEMB2 . Even T J 7 Years Ago

Professor Even has been one of my favorite teachers at UCSB. His lectures are amazing (and all are recorded). The test was hard, though.

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