Dr. Even makes the lectures highly interactive by letting everyone to watch the pre-recorded videos first and do discussions in lecture. This guy gave very fair exams. Everybody in my study group got a 90+% in the first exam. Just attend his lectures, go to CLAS, and discuss in group weekly. Then you can do an amazing job.
Dr. Even was a great instructor. His lectures/problem sets contain essentially all the detail students need for the exam and the textbook is an extra resource. Use his office hours/Q&A forum before the exam. He is accessible outside class for help/study tips by email/zoom. Find good study techniques EARLY. His exam covers many topics so CLAS helps.
The MCDB 1LL course was a mixed bag. TAs were often lost, prelabs were confusing, manual lacked clarity, and the course was disorganized/chaotic. Students were offered a small EC opportunity and GS was regularly updated (2 positives of this class). Email responses were unreliable. Labs could have been engaging if given better instruction/detail.
I absolutely loved Prof. Latto - his lectures were super interesting and he did his best to make them funny and engaging. The problem sets were pretty straightforward and gave an opportunity for extra points, and the final exam was difficult but not impossible if you had attended lecture and done the work. I would 100% take him again!
Prof. Latto truly cares about helping his students do well on the exam. Understand problem sets and you'll get a B in the class no problem. Don't expect a curve, as the majority of kids pass without needing one.
Prof. Even gives pretty engaging lectures and clearly cares about his field. His midterm is very easy if you watch lecture and understand the problem sets. Never went to office hours or did CLAS, and got an 80 on first midterm.
Dr. Latto is a great choice for the Evolution portion of EEMB2. His recorded/live lectures are very clear and contain a majority of the material he will be testing. His problem sets and study guides are also useful for the exam. Use the textbook, lecture, and learning objectives listed on the slides to study for this course. Take his class!
Honestly just awful in so many ways. Terrible PDF assignments that force students to buy Adobe Acrobat and then bait them into clicking links that make them lose all their work (this happened to me and many other classmates). Having to pay for the stupid lab manual that she probably makes thousands off of. Stingy and inaccessible. Horrible prof.
MCDB 1LL is way too much work for 1.5 units. In the first week during Winter quarter of 2022, we were doing remote learning and the LURE project drafts were so confusing, as no experiment videos were provided and we were just doing worksheets based on numbers/data given to us. The pre-labs are also tedious and time-consuming.
Insane amount of work, very disorganized, the work we are doing seems pointless
I took the EEMB W 22. You just have to watch all the recorded lectures on GS, do weekly assignments, and midterm and final test. The lectures are pretty solid. The weekly assignments are interesting but includes a lot of readings. The midterm and finals are MCQ, and asks detailed and tough questions.
Easily one of the worst professors at UCSB. Both of the Intro Biology lab courses are incredibly disorganized. It's almost like Alice was the only one applying to be the head of the bio department and UCSB was stuck with hiring her. If she can get a job, anyone can >:(
One of the best professors I had. Great at teaching and providing a comprehensive understanding in the subject. Took multiple of his classes and was fully entertained each one. I remember taking his infectious diseases class a couple years ago and he mentioned how we were due for another pandemic and here we are covid 19
One of the best professors I had. Great at teaching and providing a comprehensive understanding in the subject. Took multiple of his classes and was fully entertained each one. I remember taking his infectious diseases class a couple years ago and he mentioned how we were due for another pandemic and here we are covid 19
By far the best professor I've ever had at UCSB. His lectures are so interesting and his tests are extremely fair. He is also so caring and considerate, especially through the pandemic when others were not.
His tests are unreasonably hard no matter how much he says he tells you "everything to expect". He's really funny and intelligent, but when the class average on tests are 60, he then blames the students. Grade distribution is also super weird with a ton of A's and a ton of D's, blind-sighting both groups. And again, he blames the students.
Best bio prof at UCSB hands down.
TAKE THIS COURSE!!!! I usually am completely anti-STEM but I loved this class. The material is interesting, and Latto is so into it that you'll enjoy listening. He also posts all of the lectures online, so attendance isn't mandatory. Weekly quizzes, no midterm, no final, yet I still feel like I got the most out of this class compared to my others!
Professor Even's lectures are the best in UCSB for me. He does know every concept of biology and how they related to real life examples. Essays and quizzes take up 1/3 of the grade, and quizzes related to readings are really tricky and hard. Midterm and final take up 2/3 of the grade, and they are hard but follow the exam guide you will be okay.
Professor Latto is an amazing professor. His lectures are incredibly interesting and he makes them available both online and in person. Only one online quiz a week, which you get two tries on, and a few little 100-200 word assignments. He's a great guy who loves the topic he is teaching and I highly recommend him.
Really interesting class, lots of relevant conversation during section. Science is a bit harder for me personally so I just P/NP'ed it. Good for taking care of a GE. I'm not big on math and science courses, but this was a really good choice! The online setup is well done, left me time for other courses, but midterm and final definitely take work,
Dr. Even makes you work for your grade. His tests are mostly essays with some matching and fill in the blank. He mostly tests based on how well you understand the material rather than memorization. Write detailed notes for the full story, some of the stuff he says isn't always in his lecture slides. Funny and engaging lectures though (EEMB 159 too)
His classes are frustrating. I've taken a few of them. He does a good job of getting students to understand the material but doesn't do a good job of testing this knowledge. TA's are unreasonably harsh graders considering the vagueness of his assignments and sometimes the test questions as well.
He's a good lecturer which is his main strength. His lectures are well structured and easy to follow. That said his tests suck. Doesn't communicate well with students on expectations for tests OR assignments which constitute 100% of the grade. At the end of the day it's useless for students to learn the material well just to be set up for failure