John Latto
110 reviews
Thomas Even
184 reviews
Alice Nguyen
74 reviews

EEMB40 . Latto J G 2 Months Ago

The class is open notes for all assignments and since the lectures are so well done, it is easy to take good notes and understand everything. The diseases we learned about were interesting and provided a good class for first year students.

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 2 Months Ago

Professor Latto was great! He always came to class with lots of energy and made all of his lectures interesting in some way. The class itself is also very easy. There was rarely any homework. Every week there was a quiz but it was online and open book. There were no midterms and the final was open book and online. I highly recommend his class

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EEMBW22 . Even T J 3 Months Ago

great professor…. If I was bald like him. his tests are way too long. the final was near 100 questions. he tries to be cool by making jokes in video modules we have to watch but he tries too hard and just adds to the time of the videos to make it seem like we are learning. i spend only like 2 mins writing notes out of the 30 mins when he talks blah

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 3 Months Ago

This is a funny guy who has a super interesting class. The class is almost too easy, which tugged at my heartstrings thinking about all the frat majors who would take advantage of this otherwise fascinating class for an easy A. Either way everyone should take it and dispel some pernicious myths surrounding infectious diseases. Thank you, vaccines.

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 3 Months Ago

Sweet, caring guy. Genuinely passionate about the topics. Usually keeps it pretty interesting. Just go to section and you'll do well.

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EEMBW22 . Even T J 3 Months Ago

It's ok, he likes to rant a lot and go off topic in lecture. The lectures are twice as long as they need to because of this.Exams are hard and will trick you, but gives a good amount of time for it. lot of discussion is different topics and the readings come from news articles so I get confused how to connect it to the lectures slides.

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 3 Months Ago

Such a passionate and funny professor. Online quiz every week based on the lectures which are also available online. 2-3 writing discussion posts. My TA Eric made sections fun for us with games and discussions. Overall easy GE and all diseases covered are very interesting.

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 3 Months Ago

Would rate him 100/10 if I could! EEMB 40 is a must take class - it's incredibly fascinating and Dr. Latto is a very knowledgable and engaging lecturer. Each week you learn about a new disease (Ebola, malaria) and another related topic (vaccines, public sanitation). I'd be constantly laughing throughout lecture bc he's so funny. Easy, fun class!

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EEMBW22 . Even T J 3 Months Ago

Visually and systematically well-formatted for online,but content deviates heavily from neutrality to partisanship.This course aims to set a platform to indoctrinate rather than educate, discouraging academic exploration or open discussions on complex topics.Students are forced to align answers with course agenda on linguistically confusing tests.

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MCDB1AL . Nguyen A T 4 Months Ago

This professor was not willing to work with students. Her expectations are not reasonable. She asks more of students then she asks of herself. For example me and (over 10 other students) were completely unable to reach her. I think this is unacceptable behavior from a department head at a University such as UCSB.

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MCDB1AL . Nguyen A T 4 Months Ago

This professor was not willing to work with students and made herself unavailable for comi

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EEMB2 . Even T J 4 Months Ago

Really enjoyed his lectures! Fun class, but definitely have to study. Tests make up the vast majority of the grade.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 4 Months Ago

I understand the rough reviews, however, she is understanding and gives second chances. She is always willing to help and just wants to see your dedication to the class. She helped me write my final poster. Tough but fair and kind at the end of the day. Go see her in person for help as much as possible.

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EEMB2 . Even T J 5 Months Ago

Professor Even's lectures are engaging and he clearly cares about his students' success. Prepping with unstuckstudy and the free textbook should help you ace his challenging but fair exams.

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EEMB40 . Latto J G 5 Months Ago

Super nice professor! He's very considerate of his students and wants you to succeed. Clearly passionate about his teaching. Low-stakes grading with weekly quizzes that are open note and recorded lectures

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MCDB1AL . Nguyen A T 7 Months Ago

Very poorly written/designed. Instructions could be way more clear. Lab videos are not in order/skips steps so it's more confusing than it needs to be and generally just not that helpful. Makes me miss gen chem lab because at least everything was clear.

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EEMBW22 . Even T J 9 Months Ago

His lectures are very detailed and easy to understand. The way he formats the class though feels like it can be a lot of work sometimes, and the time limit for quizzes and the tests can be intimidating. There are quite a few things due each week but it wasn't bad. His exams are hard but if you study and really understand, you should be fine!

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EEMB3 . Nguyen A T 9 Months Ago

Alice is literally so terrible and mean. She wants all the bio students to suffer and I truly feel like she wants to weed out as many people as she possibly can. I feel really sorry for you if you have to suffer through one of her classes. She has made me absolutely hate my major. So thanks for that!

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EEMB148 . Even T J 9 Months Ago

Dr. Even is just amazing. His style of teaching is unmatched and is probably the most informative and engaging way for students to learn. His midterms are extremely fair and considering the means for both midterms were above 80%, you can tell his teaching is effective and grading is fair. love him and his bald head.

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EEMB3 . Nguyen A T 10 Months Ago

Absolute joke of a coordinator. She split a single course into 3 different professors, already confusing students, and 1 of the professors is teaching ENTIRELY on zoom. 0 accessibility, 0 transparency, 0 accommodations, and honestly the worst professor in all of UCSB. You cannot avoid her classes, but hopefully she loses her job one day.

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EEMB2 . Even T J 11 Months Ago

Professor Even is awesome!! His lectures were clear and he explained everything so well. He is obviously very passionate about his work. His exam was online but still challenging so preparing is definitely still necessary. However, if you study, you'll be totally fine.

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EEMB2 . Latto J G 11 Months Ago

Latto is one of the best professors I have had at UCSB in a STEM class!! He very obviously cares about his students and wants to see us succeed. His lectures are interesting and funny. He sets you up for success with his exams as he gives plenty of study materials. I really appreciate how he really interacts with us like we're humans.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T A Year Ago

I have never had the misfortune of dealing with such a terrible person until I had to take a class the Alice Nguyen was in charge of. She is the most unaccommodating person if you have to miss any classes and she doesn't allow you to make up any grades if you do. Avoid any classes with her name attached at all costs.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 2 Days Ago

I don't really know where to start... she is extremely power hungry and bureaucratic. I had an instance where a TA told me something regarding the course policies and I took it to be truth (as one does). Turns out that wasn't the case and when I did everything else right (turned in my assignment EARLY) she didn't listen during our meeting at all.

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