I loved him soooo much. Dr. Even is exactly why i went to college. I will be taking his upper divisions if not just to hear his jokes. 3 wish they were all this great.
Even is the best biology professor I've had at UCSB. He really cares about his students and gives us all the tools we need to succeed in his class. He makes lectures interesting by giving real-life examples and fun facts. At the beginning of every lecture he does a review about previous material, which is really helpful. Take his class!!
Dr. Even is the best teacher I have ever had. Lectures were so funny and interesting even though I didn't even like the subject matter. He made me appreciate ecology more. Tests were very fair - if you went to class and studied a little you'd get an easy A. If you have a chance to be in Dr. Even's class do it!
Awesome professor who tries really hard and wants his students to succeed. Go to class and print the slides and write down anything additional he says. Go to class and you will pass. Tests make you think critically and apply concepts but he prepares you well. Great professor overall.
really interested in what he teachers, doesn't just make you just learn facts gives you interesting stories and history behind diseases, easy and fair tests, really wants his students to do well, doesn't try and trick you in tests, all round nice guy
He was awesome! He made the class even more interesting than it already was. His enthusiasm sparks a wonderful desire to learn. I loved him as a lecturer and can't wait to take a class with him again.
Best professor I've ever had by far, best class I've taken in college thus far. He's incredibly knowledgable, passionate, and explains everything very clearly. He tells you exactly what to expect and never tries to trick on tests. The lectures are super interesting and he's really funny and charismatic so you're captivated the entire time.
His lectures are extremely clear and interesting. He can be amusing at times. His midterm is moderate in difficulty. He provides alot of help with his computation sets and iclicker questions.
Great class! I really love Latto he's one of my favorite professors at UCSB I although I enjoyed EEMB 50 more just because it's more relevant both of his classes were amazing. Pretty straight forward and stimulating curriculum. PowerPoints used but you'll mainly be tested on what he SAYS in lecture. Class based on vocab and concepts
I can't Even.. Oh wait yes I can! Even is the best
Out of all the professors that Bio majors usually have during Winter Quarter, Even will by far be the easiest and best one you will have. He's a great guy, his lecture slides are clear, and the exam was fair. Don't put off studying until the last minute though, his tests are not a walk in the park.
boring hard
Greatest professor you will have in the bio department.
Dr Even is fantastic. you should really take his class
The class was pretty boring. Mostly just pictures on the lecture slides which isn't helpful at all for studying so you definitely have to go to class. The tests are extremely subjective in terms of grading. And overall, I really didn't learn much. I don't recommend this class.
Even is THE BEST professor I have ever had. He is incredible for upper divs; he made freshwater ecology so interesting! His tests make you memorize info but you also have to synthesize answers and do problem solving, so you need to really understand the material. Don't buy the book! Go to lecture, slides aren't comprehensive (he adds on info).
If you haven't taken a class with Dr. Even you should. He is every EEMB majors dream professor. Great lectures, approachable, caring, and a reasonable grader. He is one of the few professors who chose the teaching route instead of research. Also, he is department cochair so get an A and letter of rec. Stream ecology was a great class.
This was one of my favorite classes. The professor is very smart and very clear in his lectures and makes class interesting. I hate science but this class made it really fun and easy to learn. As long as you study the lecture slides which are all online you'll get an A in the class.
TAKE THIS CLASS! I've never been a huge biology fan but this class was life-changing. Professor Even is articulate, clear, and breaks down the trickier topics into easy to understand concepts. Always adds little anecdotes to the curriculum which make you remember it on the tests. Lecture slides online. Extra credit on Fridays!
Professor Even is absolutely incredible! I absolutely loved his class! He is very straight to the point for tests and makes class so interesting. By far the best class Ive taken at UCSB. If you need a science credit for GEs or if its one of your options for your major, take this class!
I definitely recommend taking from Latto. His lectures are so informative and interesting and the class is very fair and easy to do well in if you study/attend lecture. He's a great guy, funny and super helpful.
Best class ever!! (minus section) Lecture material is really, really interesting and easy to understand. I actually looked forward to going to class. You only need the book for the weekly section quizzes (only 1 question from book), so I recommend you share it if you can. Really light workload
Hilarious professor. Keeps things frank and to the point, encourages students to start discussions and interesting debates. No midterms or final!! :)
Professor Even is one of the best lecturers I've had at UCSB. Even if you're not interested in the subject, his lectures and his style of teaching will keep your attention. I took this class during summer, and the tests were pretty comprehensive. As long as you actually pay attention and study well, you'll do good on the tests