Latto was a really great teacher. If you attend lecture and take notes you will get a good grade. The material is interesting and presented in an interesting way.
I'm a non-major and I tend to hate science, but he made me love it at lease for the quarter. He makes everything SUPER interesting. Two midterms + one final is cumulative and mostly from lecture, you only use the textbook for vocab words. I'd HIGHLY recommend taking him.
Prof Evens is my favorite professor I've had so far at UCSB..I am not a bio major and I only took this class for area C, but he is amazing and the class is extremely interesting! If you attend lecture and study, you will succeed on his tests. Barely have to read textbook. A must-take class!!!
Professor Even is the best professor I've had thus far at UCSB! He is extremely passionate about what he's teaching. He's very likable and presents the material in a straightforward way. His tests make you apply what you learned but he really helps you prepare for them. He made ecology so interesting!
If you want to learn a lot of cool stuff about diseases just for the sake of it being interesting-this is the class for you. The entire grade is made up of a really easy final (45%) and midterm (30%), and section attendance (10%), and easy section quizzes (15%). This class is very easy, and if you ever cared to learn about diseases, take EEMB40
Even is awesome! One of the best professors in the department! Super charismatic and likable and presented material very clearly. One of the few professor's whose teaching style really grasped my attention.
clear professor, made the class interesting with good examples
He's an okay professor. nice. just look at his slides. and how can people think he's hot??? that's so gross
Great Class. I definitely recommend it to anyone. Go to class and take won't use the book at all. Tests are a mix of short answer and essay questions.
Mostly memorization. He tries to emphasize form and function but he gives lots of vocab words that he doesn't explain and you just have to memorize what animals they correspond to. Also has a tendency to present evolution as a linear trend even though he consistently emphasizes that evolution is nonlinear. At least he speaks clearly.
He is charismatic which is probably why people like him. This course is divided into three sections with three professors and he teaches the last part. His portion is of the class is just memorization. He covers more information in a lecture or two than either of the previous professors covered during their section of the class.
i LOVED Latto! The material was extremely interesting and he made it easy to understand. To prepare for the midterm and final I just read through my notes and aced both. One of my favorite classes!
I was so glad that someone recommended EEMB40 to me. All of the material covered was applicable to the real world and Professor Latto made every lecture fun and entertaining. He made me want to become an epidemiologist. I highly recommend him and this course.
John is a very good lecturer. The material was almost always interesting, with a few boring lectures here and there. This class was very easy, most of the grade was based off the midterm and the final. I finished the final in 30 minutes and got an A. Overall, this is a great course, provided that you are even remotely interested in the subject.
My favorite professor at UCSB. Extremely entertaining and knowledgeable. Take EEMB40 at all costs!!!
prof. even is awesome. he's really funny and cool and a great lecturer. he really explains the material well that is why you should attend lecture. he does put the slides online but its much easier to understand when he explains it. definitely take a class from him
He's a great lecturer. Not only is he hilarious, but he has the oh so rare gift of actually being able to teach. And he looks like Kevin Spacey- SHWING!
By far the best professor I've had in my academic career. I am not a science person by any means and he really brings the course to life. He is clear, without being condescending, and his lectures were always fun and interesting. This was my only class on Fridays and I went every week out of sheer love for the class.
professor latto is amazing. this class has been easily my favorite so far at UCSB. it was recommended to me by a friend and I have recommended to all my friends in turn. VERY interesting and tests aren't hard at all if you go to lecture, which isn't a big deal, because lecture is interesting anyways. he is genuine, funny, and easy to talk to.
The best teacher I've ever had. He is hilarious! At times I forgot whether I had stepped into a college ecology class or a stand up comedy routine. I actually looked forward to going to class.
He previously taught at UC Berkeley, but moved to UCSB because he likes the students better - and it SHOWS. Hilarious, interesting, and extremely knowledgeable. Class was FUN to go to, and I never wanted to miss lectures. The book is more auxiliary reading than anything else, as most of the material comes from class.
Professor Even is one of the best teachers at this school. He is so much fun. Makes the class fun and interesting and really easy to get. I loved the class.
Dr. Even makes the class fun to attend. Is also really funny.
This teacher is the best teacher UCSB has by actually have fun in this class,stay awake, and learn. This class is the full package all you have to do is go to the lecture imean c'mon the discussion class is harder than the lecture....piece of apple pie!