ECON 118
Douglas Kulper
52 reviews

ECON118 . Kulper D E 3 Years Ago

Professor Kulper is certainly a good instructor and he has the track record and real life experience to support his teaching. Hes also heavily involved with campus activities (UAS and the TAG program). Just dont get on his bad side & dont try to correct him. He occasionally gaslights his student, including alum that have long graduated.

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 5 Years Ago

Pretty Good Professor. Just a lot of reading and quizzes. Good advice. The project at the end is a lot of work. Overall, would recommend

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 6 Years Ago

Nice guy. Majority of class is him talking about nothing that has to do with the weekly reading quizzes, but he takes attendance so you have to go. Quizzes aren't terrible but you do need to read to do well on them. Project is a lot of work and he is a tough grader. If you put in the work the class isn't difficult just a lot of busy work.

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 7 Years Ago

This class has a quiz for every class so you have to keep up with the reading. Kulper is a nice guy who has nice stories to tell, but he doesn't really have a lecture. He basically talks the whole time and when he does talk about substantive stuff it's from the reading. Overall, lots of time dedication for this class and a group project due at end.

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 8 Years Ago

Had Kulper for 136A and 118. I can honestly tell you that he doesn't teach. He takes the majority of lecture to vent and talk about his own life, which will often not be related to course material. Having said that, he has quizzes every lecture and does not prepare you for them AT ALL. He is a good person but he is not a good teacher.

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 10 Years Ago

Horrible professor. Doesn't teach anything. Spends most of the lecture talking about his stocks and only covers the analysis part for the last 20 minutes of the class. Then he gives us daily quizzes which he doesn't prepare us for at all, and we only get about 10 minutes for it. Get another professor!

12 helpful 4 unhelpful
ECON118 . Kulper D E 11 Years Ago

Kulper is a smart guy who's very personable and an all around good guy. He is a little harsh and very blunt when it comes to talking about the group project but he's honest. He does talk A LOT but he's very helpful. Definately one of my favorite teachers! This class is worth it!

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 11 Years Ago

We had 3 tests in 1 month, and daily quizzes that are 20% of your grade and don't prepare you for the test. He teaches you how to analyze the week of the test, but it's usually a huge part of the test. You also have to memorize the text book to do well on tests and quizzes. Section is pretty useless. 30 page project was okay if your team is smart.

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 11 Years Ago

Great professor, offers great advice and stories. Always easy to talk to and friendly. Very accomplished but approachable

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 12 Years Ago

Terrible Grading System. Funny guy sometimes. Quiz every day on 2 chapters have to memorize the book to do well. Not cool.

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 12 Years Ago

cool guy, but as a teacher, he is terrible. Daily quizzes are annoying, and he does nothing to prepare you for test (I always read the material and it was still hard). Also, just know that you're project grade is very closely related to your overall grade, so don't expect an A on it if you have a C in the class, no matter how hard you worked.

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 13 Years Ago

Honestly professor Kulper's class is more difficult than anticipated. Rambles about his stocks for 75% of the class and doesn't teach much... which is terrible because of the difficulty of his tests. Received an A, I had to literally memorize every sentence in the textbook. Only 6 A's, 6 A-'s and 50 B's and C's

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 13 Years Ago

You need the textbooks for your daily quiz. Exams are typical Econ exams. The group project is not bad, provided your group doesn't suck! As for Kulper himself, he spends a lot of time rambling about things vaguely related to econ or accounting, and not enough time actually teaching. He puts up a powerpoint and rushes through it in minutes.

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 13 Years Ago

Kulper is the man. Hilarious guy. Goes on tangents at times but they keep the class interesting. Reading assigned for every class, which there is a quiz relating to it that day. 2 midterms, 1 final, and a 40 page paper among 6-7 people. I recommend reviewing the assigned reading before class, that way you are refreshed on the material. Great class.

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 13 Years Ago

Great Teacher. Very funny and you want to listen to him. A lot of reading to stay on top of. Quizzes every lecture/class. Glad I had him overall.

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 14 Years Ago

great professor. He cares about his students and gives great advice. He gives quizzes and exams almost every class. It forces you to read and learn the material. His lectures go over the materials more in depth. He's awesome and I would recommend him to others who want to learn and not those that want easy classes. Although, he's not that hard

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 14 Years Ago

dont like him at all...he doesnt teach anything! if you wanna learn do not take him!!

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 14 Years Ago

Enjoyable class for econ, quiz every lecture, 4 equal tests, and a big project. pretty easy if you put in a little effort

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ECON118 . Kulper D E 15 Years Ago

Professor Kulper makes his lectures very entertaining. He always has a smile on his face:). No midterm or final, but a quiz every week. I hate accounting, but he made this class fun.

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ECON189 . Kulper D E 3 Years Ago

Doug Kulper is truly a gem in the dept at UCSB. He cares so much about his students and is more than willing to help them succeed. Tests and quizzes are critical thinking based but if you really spend the time to read, you will succeed. NO TRICK QUESTIONS!!! Very down to earth Professor.

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ECON189 . Kulper D E 4 Years Ago

Doug knows the material and is okay at explaining concepts. He enjoys making the course harder than it needs to be. You can study as much as you want and think that you will get a good grade on his exams, but beware... His exams are 99% trick questions. Also, you are forced to use a webcam in this class, otherwise you'll get dropped.

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ECON136A . Kulper D E 6 Years Ago

One of the best Professors in the Econ department. He doesnt want his students to just memorize how to solve problems, he wants them to understand WHY you have to do calculations one way versus another. Gives a lot of his own handouts that explain difficult material. Go to his office hours for help with the class. Great advice for internships too

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ECON136A . Kulper D E 6 Years Ago

doug is actually a great professor, but his class is not easy by any means. there are quizzes every class meeting and although some are easier than others, they are definitely not free points. his exams are also mostly free response. he really wants his students to master the material, and so you really need to work hard for a good grade

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ECON136A . Kulper D E 6 Years Ago

He really doesn't teach just like the other comment on this website. He spends most of the time talking about his own life story. Homeworks are on your own. Learn this class yourself and that's it.

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