Sathya Guruswamy
45 reviews

PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 12 Years Ago

She was hard, very hard to comprehend. Tests were not based on lecture nor assigned reading. Avoid her, please for your sake, my sake, and the sake of your grades.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 12 Years Ago

She is so damn hard to understand. Granted shes got an accent but it sint the accent that makes her so damn hard to understand. Just kinda reads of the Powerpoints without really clarrifying. Take CLAS. It'll save your grade,especially if you've got Zaccone.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 12 Years Ago

Don't know why she's gotten worse reviews than other professors I know that are worse. She's a perfectly average teacher and doesnt deserve the bad reviews. She helps students whenever they need and she takes interest upon our studying before class. Always willing to hold up a review session when we need one.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 12 Years Ago

I wouldn't say that this class is hard necessarily, but her teaching is terrible. Going to class is pointless. It's not her accent that makes her hard to understand, it's her teaching. She just seems lost standing in front of the class. You'll learn a lot more from the online homework and going through the book yourself.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 13 Years Ago

Easy class, homework problems were hard but then on the test she gave simple problems. Curve on the class is crazy, hard not to do well.

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PHYS6A6B . Guruswamy S 13 Years Ago

Never took physics so I struggled a little, if you read the book a lot, go through the practice problems, and study with friends it can be fine. You don't really need to go to lecture, as she can be confusing but I've heard that she's helpful during office hours. Tests were easy and she doesn't want you to fail though.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 13 Years Ago

She was okay. There was only 10 questions on the midterm so if you got one wrong it was automatically a 90%. She has a good grading scale and she's nice but not a good professor. I get help from friends I know in the class and thats how I learn. If you have a good study group you'll do fine.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 13 Years Ago

When people said they didn't understand what she was saying, I now understand that it isn't because of her accent, but because of the way she teaches. Very poor. I was all self taught, and the tutoring helped a lot. Be ready to study your butt off on your own.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 13 Years Ago

Could care less about students, first fifteen minutes of class start off with her feigning interest about us. Midterm is doable, except she doesn't give enough time. Final is the same. Try taking another professor

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PHYS3 . Guruswamy S 13 Years Ago

I went into the course eager to learn & willing to work for a good grade. This professor was hard to work with. One question on the (only) midterm was worth 10% of your total grade. There were no conceptual questions on exams & each multiple choice question was essentially a full-length physics problem with bubble-in answers. You've been warned.

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PHYSCS31 . Guruswamy S 13 Years Ago

Very good teacher. Very friendly, willing to answer questions, and knows quite a bit about physics. You just have to show that you're interested in the subject, and everything is great. Tough class, but she has the greatest accent and the class is fun

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 13 Years Ago

She moves fast and it's sometimes hard to read her handwriting, but she's a prety good teacher and she really knows the concepts. Just really pay attention in lecture and do the readings and the homework. The grading scale makes it really hard to fail the class.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 14 Years Ago

Aw, I don't know why she's gotten bad reviews. She is perfectly easy to understand, the only thing is she blazes through the concepts on a chalkboard in Broida which is really hard to see. She seemed genuinely nice and caring however, and I got a perfect score on the first midterm, a D on the second, and a C on the final and wound up with a B+.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 14 Years Ago

She has terrible handwriting, a terrible accent, and she speeds through things. Your grade on the class is based solely on the exams, so if you have an off-day, you're screwed. There is no curve, but the grading scale has a C equal to 50%, so it's pretty hard to fail the class. Just do all the assigned problems and read the book.

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PHYS6 . Guruswamy S 14 Years Ago

I actually ended up liking the old hag, even though her class was pretty tough. Her way of pronouncing math terms always brought a smile to my face...Anyways, gotta do the homework and study A LOT, or you will not do well in this class.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 14 Years Ago

A little difficult to understand, blew through the material making it difficult to learn

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A6 . Guruswamy S 14 Years Ago

She is the worst professor I've had at UCSB!! Avoid taking a class with her at all costs.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 14 Years Ago

honestly she's an ok professor. if you actually read the book you should be fine.. i took clas and that helped a lot too. there isn't any online hw or anything so i guess there's ups and downs to that. and you get used to the accent.

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 14 Years Ago

OMG!! Talk about terrible professors in UCSB. She is for sure one of the main one!! Good Luck in her class.

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PHYSNONE . Guruswamy S 14 Years Ago

Not only is her accent so heavy that it's extremely hard to understand her, she reads off of the notes she makes beforehand, so she speeds through the concepts. Not to mention, she has terrible handwriting so even copying the chalkboard is difficult. If possible, take Physics 6A with anyone but her. If you're stuck with her, GO TO CLAS!

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PHYS6A . Guruswamy S 14 Years Ago

Confusing, rambles, hard to understand, doesnt seem to care about her students. BEWARE!

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