David Weld
10 reviews

PHYS119B . 8 Years Ago

I took the class since he got good reviews. But the class was dry and boring, and Prof. Weld often makes mistakes. It is better not to attend the lecture and just study by myself.

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110B . 9 Months Ago

One of the hidden gems in the physics department. Can be dull at times in lecture, but makes up for it with his jokes. His homework is challenging but exams are straightforward, especially since he allows a cheat sheet. He has a strong understanding of EM, which is exemplified by his clear lectures and adeptness at responding to student questions.

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110B . 9 Months Ago

Overall the lectures are easy to follow and well prepared. However, the inconsistencies between homeworks and exams are frustrating. In the homework that was due a day before the midterm, there are ~5 questions on stress tensor, but there were none on the midterm. Similar things goes for the final.

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PHYS110A . 1 Year, 30 Days Ago

As far as physics profs go, he's pretty good. Lectures are clear and we follow the chapters in the book pretty closely. The material is difficult, so definitely go to office hours when you can, sometimes he will help you get started on a HW problem. You are allowed a cheat sheet on exams which is a lifesaver!

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110B . 2 Years Ago

One of the best professor in the physics department in teaching. He knows the content pretty well and can provide great physical intuition and many real-life examples. Have taken his 115C in the fall, which was also delightful. Homework and exams are not hard. This means this course is relatively less stressful. In general, I strongly recommend.

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110B . 3 Years Ago

His classes are very thorough and he explains the material very well but his exams are a bit difficult and he doesn't provide any practice exams so, get ready to study hard ... on your own.

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PHYS123A . 9 Years Ago

His words flows like a gentle creek through a brilliantly green forest on a warm summer's day. No joke, I recorded his lectures on audiotape so I could listen to his voice on the train home for the winter holidays. Love this man.

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PHYS123A . 9 Years Ago

Pretty much everything this man says is gospel. His lectures are great and he's always willing to talk to you outside of class to answer your questions. He's also got a hilariously dry sense of humor. In my opinion, he's the best physics teacher at UCSB. Basically the male version of Ania Jayich

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PHYS110A . 11 Years Ago

One of the best professors I have had so far! Very clear and rigorous in his lectures. The tests were a bit too long for the given time, but still fair. The homeworks were very interesting. He is really, really nice and likes talking about physics. His dry sense of humor and subtle puns were definitely appreciated! I highly recommend him.

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PHYS110A . 11 Years Ago

Dr. Weld is a very good lecturer along with being a friendly professor to ask questions. He is very knowledgable. The course (E&M) was not too difficult and tests were fair. Homework was fair as well. You'll be happy you have him as your professor.

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