Crisjoe Joseph
326 reviews

CHEM1C . Joseph C A 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Very clear and straightforward. Lectures and practice tests are available online.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Lectures and practice tests are available online. He is very clear and straightforward with the course content and grading. Would recommend you take him. 1B is difficult though, make sure to do practice problems.

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CHEM1BC . Joseph C A 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Professor Joseph is very kind and seems to really care about his students. However, his tests are significantly harder than some of the other professors in the chem department, like Price. If you even hope to pass his class you 100% have to do the book problems and all of the Aleks. The exams are not that similar to the practice exams.

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CHEM1C . Joseph C A 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I did all the recommended book probs and practice tests and scored high on midterms but performed significantly worse on the final. I got A grades in CHEM 1AB though, so I would say his exams vary too much. Fortunately, people enjoy how animated he is as a professor like in his intros. Additionally, his lecture quality is not bad, so go to class!

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1C . Joseph C A 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I think he is an all round good professor to take Chem with as his tests and lectures are very straightforwards. The unfortunate thing is that the final is the most important thing for your grade. It sucked how since the 1st midterm average was so high, he had to make the next 2 tests extra hard to bring the average down. Don't procrastinate.

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CHEM1C . Joseph C A 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

If you are taking gen chem. TAKE JOSEPH. His tests are taken from book problems and he gives plenty of practice test. He does not try and trick you on the test, as long as you put in the work to study you'll be fine. He posts lectures that are really helpful and clear. Definitely the best gen chem professor.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

1B is just a difficult class in general, but joseph tried to make the class as easy as possible. Really only based on ALEKs and the midterms, DO THE BOOK PROBLEMS!! There are a lot that he recommends to do, but if you dont do them, the tests will be impossible. The book problems are a great indicator to see what you really need to study

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

I had this professor for chem 1b during winter quarter 2023. His tests are unnecessarily difficult and I found his explanation of the material to be too complicated & hard to understand. Would recommend to take this class with another professor. Did not pass the class and am currently retaking with another professor.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

If you want to succeed in this class, you'll need to set aside a couple of hours to studying every week. This class is by no means impossible, and I found the material to be easier than that in Chem 1A. Do the book problems!! He doesn't stress it enough, and I can't either. They will show up on tests. Understand the solutions, and you'll be okay :D

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

I personally found his exam really really hard. I did all the book problems and practice exams, ending up getting a B or so on midterms. My grade was saved by my final. But you really have to pay tons of effort to do well on the exams. Good Luck!

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

He is a very good at explaining things and his lectures are clear and concise. The thing that sucks are his tests that tend to trip you up with conceptual questions. Grades are weighted to where the final will basically make or break your grade. Wasn't really a fan of his office hours as you really didn't get to talk to him much. DO BOOK PROBLEMS!!

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CHEM1C . Joseph C A 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Chrisjoe was a great chem prof. Outlined very clearly how to succeed in class. Missed the first midterm due to COVID but having the final replace my missing score saved me. Do EVERY SINGLE practice book problem; he takes them verbatim onto the midterms and final. Also has online lecture videos on YT so if you miss a lecture it's not a big deal.

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CHEM1BC . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Solid professor. An A is possible if you put the time and effort, pay attention to his lectures, do all the book problems (even more than once, I did the ones I didn't understand over and over until it clicked), do the practice tests/quizzes 2-3 times. Exams are fair game, they're always problems you've seen before.

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CHEM1C . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

All of gen chem sucks and all of the teachers are difficult, but Joseph is engaging in his lectures and you can tell he cares about his students. The tests were hard but just study a lot more than you think you need to. Do the book problems multiple times because he uses some of them on the tests, and keep up with ALEKS.

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1C . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

I had Joseph for the whole gen chem series and I absolutely loved his class. If you want to do well, you have to put in a lot of time and effort. You don't really need to read the textbook as long as you go to the lecture. If you want to do well, do the book problems at least once. Also, take advantage of CLAS and office hours.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Having taken Price, Joseph, and Mercy for the gen chem series, Prof. Crisjoe "it is on the money" Joseph was the best by far. He has clear & easy to understand ~15 minute videos for every topic, allowing you to learn at your own pace and not miss any information. He makes it clear what is important to know for the exam and never tries to trick you.

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CHEM1BC . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Amazing professor, better than Price. He is an interactive lecturer so you can always ask questions. Exams are always based on book problems and previous exam and quiz questions, so do them all multiple times. Took him and got an A in Chem 1B and am currently in his Chem 1C.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Well-organized slides and lectures. Has online videos that are similar to lectures in case you don't attend. A good amount of practice material and exams that are similar to actual midterms and finals. The only down part of the course is having to deal with the homework platform ALEKs. But you have to deal with that in any gen chem class.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

By far the best chem professor I've had so far. He explained concepts really well and I never felt lost during lectures. Recommend doing the practice tests heavily, multiple times and book problems too. His office hours were definitely helpful too.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

While Joseph definitely is not one of the worst chem professors, he is not accommodating to his students. He also made his tests quite a bit different than the practice and even book problems (I did both).

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

I would take Joseph again 100%. I had Price for 1A and thought his tests were so much harder. 1B is a really hard course, but Joseph makes it achievable to do well in the class. If you do all the book problems and fully understand them, you will do well as his tests are mostly all reused book/practice exam problems. Final was hard but class ok

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Great prof, online videos a bit sparse on examples but book problem solutions will teach you everything you need to know for the tests. DO THE BOOK PROBLEMS! I went from a 45% on the first midterm to 88% simply by doing all the book problems once and understanding them. Guaranteed to see some book probs on tests and probs from previous tests too

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

I'm taking every series general chem at UCSB with a different professor and i will say Joseph's is by far the most consistent and most helpful in terms of the learning material and the actual test content. His expectations are clear and he is organized. He tells you how to succeed in the class + calendar. His exams are harder than most.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Professor Joseph's lectures were clear expect during thermochemistry (imo). His tests are very predictable. If you want to do well on the midterms, grind the textbook problems and practice test questions he makes it very clear that he likes to put these questions on tests. The final can be a bit of a curve ball but it is still fair.

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