Laurie Monahan
88 reviews

ARTHI6C . Monahan L 16 Years Ago

Pretty good prof. Lectures are kind of sporadic and she focuses on some sort of off-beat art but for the most part teaches you what you need to know and makes it pretty fun to boot! Definitely recommended. I got an A in the course without trying too hard, just think logically about what she tells you and really embrace the art.

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 16 Years Ago

very enthusiastic teacher! difficult class but fair

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 16 Years Ago

Difficult class with ALOT of reading. Although Monahan is really fun, witty & SUPER energetic, I unfortunately learned nothing in. Sections were the only thing that helped me understand what she was talking about. lectures are scattered & unorganized. I only recommend this class for art history majors, cuz otherwise the subjects a bore

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ARTHI119G . Monahan L 17 Years Ago

she is a fasinating teacher, and this has probably been the most influencial class i have taken, but also the most difficult. if you don't mind making this class a major priority you will learn a lot

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 17 Years Ago

There are professors who are great, and then there are professors who change the way you view the world. Professor Monahan is the latter. She cares about the subject so much, and she is simply hilarious. I looked forward to going to her lectures.

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 17 Years Ago

Very energetic, but not very oorganized. Lecture was sort of interesting but really long and she went on a lot of tangents. Tests are hard!

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 17 Years Ago

Very energetic!!!! She really knows and understand modern art and knows how to make it interesting. Intertwines the art and contemporary issues of the piece very nicely. Less focus on memorization and more on knowing the actual concepts. Make sure you actually read the reader because she tests on it

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ARTH121 . Monahan L 18 Years Ago

One of the most dynamic and energetic professors I had. Emphasized political, social, cultural aspects of contemporary art. She appreciated that I often was inspired to conduct research beyond her assignemnts.

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119G . Monahan L 18 Years Ago

I thought the class was great and I loved the teacher... and then I took the final, ugh!! I realized that even with a study sheet I had no idea what to study and the exam was hellish. She is a great and fun teacher, but prepare for a lower grade than you're used to.

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ARTH119G . Monahan L 18 Years Ago

She was very entertaining, a little all over the place, not much structure to the class but the expectations are still high. There was a visual diary due and then a final, so the work load is low. VERY TOUGH GRADER!!

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ART119F . Monahan L 19 Years Ago

She doesn't seem to like intelligient people unless they are so because of what she has taught them. Appear to have aquired any of your intelligience from her and she may just leave you be. Otherwise she will challenge you, hellishly. She appears incapable of seeing anyone's true soul if it doesn't fit in with her agenda of being inspirational.

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119F . Monahan L 19 Years Ago

She was an overall awesome teacher. True- she made you work for the grade and spouted unecessary liberal jargon, but she took such a diverse time in art history and made it understandable and interesting. There wasn't a lecture class that I didn't walk away with a richer knowledge of post war art including. Tips to pass a Monahan class- 1. Go 2. Listen 3. Go to sessions 4. Know your TA 5. Do all extra credit- you'll need all the help, she's a strict grader. You'll soon learn to respect her for her knowledg

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ARTHISTORY6C . Monahan L 19 Years Ago

CRAZY!! The professor is all over the place and unclear and there is SOOO much material covered. There are hundreds of slides to memorize the name, artist, and date and she usually tests on pieces she barely talked about! YUCK

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ARTHISTORY6C . Monahan L 19 Years Ago

Wonderful experience, definitely enhanced and furthered my interest for Art History. Looked forward to this class every week, never got tired of it. The material is reasonably assigned, the professor has a very engaging teaching style and the period of art is way cool. If you have to take an Art History with any professor take it with her =).

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ARTHISTORY6C . Monahan L 19 Years Ago

It is my favorite period of Art History, but she ruined it for me. Crazy and very liberal I believe I learned more about how much she hates Bush rather than Monet and Art History. Definately would NEVER take a class from her again.

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119F . Monahan L 19 Years Ago

Compared to my other art history professors, this one did not impress me with her ways of teaching. I liked the material of the course, not the teacher or the way that the material was taught.

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ARTHI119F . Monahan L 19 Years Ago

This class ruled. She managed to put together a coherent history of the mess we usually call post-war art. Whatever her detractors say, she rocks! She blends formal and cultural analysis to give students the best perspective possible. Take it!

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ARTHI119F . Monahan L 19 Years Ago

Very interesting class. Obvious that Monahan is very passionate what she teaches and is able to keep your attention during lecture. TAs were helpful and fair when grading. Extra credit lectures were definitely a grade booster. Very fair midterm/final. Go to all lectures.

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AH6C . Monahan L 20 Years Ago

Horrible AND ridiculous! My sister is an art history grad at Berkeley and laughed at the lady when she came to SB for a visit and sat in on the lecture...said she's all talk but full of major BS.

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ARTHIST6C . Monahan L 20 Years Ago

her lectures were unorganized and all over the place. she covers an insane amount of material, all of which you need to memorize for the midterm and final. she tests you on random insignificant pieces which she barely even lectured about.

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ARTHI . Monahan L 20 Years Ago

One word: horrible!!

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AH6C . Monahan L 20 Years Ago

Are you guys wacked? paleeez, let's not confuse righteous with interesting. I got an A- in the class, but still feel that all I learned Was about this lady's personality.

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ARTHIS6A . Monahan L 20 Years Ago

one word: crazy. This lady is crazy. She was onstage the first day of lecture prancing around immitating nymphs. However, she is very passionate about what she teaches and her tests are extremely fair. She makes slightly dry material not so boring.

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AH6C . Monahan L 20 Years Ago

This lady is straight up crazy but class is better than 6A by a mile...LOTS of material though, you have to study a lot. She at least tries to make it interesting, if a bit disorganized and also a lot depends on your TA & how hard they grade.

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