CHEM 183
Steve Buratto
69 reviews

CHEM113A . Buratto S K 11 Years Ago

Face it, thermodynamics is a tough subject. However, Professor Buratto explains the important points of thermodynamics very well. His lectures were definitely a relief from the difficult to understand textbook. His class seems intimidating at first but cools down a lot at the end especially on the final.

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 11 Years Ago

Prof Buratto makes even unit algebra difficult. Take Buratto if you want to learn the material and don't give a ~~~~ about the grade because all of his grades in all of his classes are gaussian distributions no exceptions. somewhat intimidating until you are familiar talking with him but EXTREMELY hepful and will go out of way for office hours.

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CHEM2B . Buratto S K 12 Years Ago

I loved this class with Buratto. You really learn alot and he relates everything back to the real world. His office hours are super helpful and I would recommend going to them. He can seem a little bit of intimidating at first but he's really not at all. I'm in Chem 2C right now and desperately missing him because he was such a great professor.

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CHEM2B . Buratto S K 12 Years Ago

He is an excellent lecturer and always makes sure to relate the information with the real world. The material on the exams were difficult because of the subject matter but he did not try to trick students. He honestly wants you to do well and be interested in chemistry. I would highly recommend you take a class with him if you get the chance.

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CHEM113C . Buratto S K 13 Years Ago

Had him for 113a and c. Lectures are far more helpful than the vagueness of the book. Very direct and brings concepts together in a way students can understand. He is a math nerd so he likes to derive formulas but he is always willing to help even outside of office hours. Do the homework, tests are very similar.

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CHEM1B . Buratto S K 14 Years Ago

Very straightforward and concise in teaching material. Grading is fair and exams (written not multiple choice) are easy-medium . Professor Buratto has a clear and loud voice as well, no WebAssign in his class so doing problems in the back of the book helps.

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CHEM2B . Buratto S K 14 Years Ago

Buratto is pretty good at lecturing and tries to make it as clear as possible to the students. You don't necessarily need to go to the lectures if you attend CLAS. However, I thought the exams were a bit tricky.

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CHEM117A . Buratto S K 14 Years Ago

Very good professor. One of the best in the department. I feel like I am listening to a genius football coach with his sports polos and his loud voice even though he will be lecturing about fermi-dirac statistics- which is good because he keeps your attention! Not too hard not too easy.

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CHEM1B . Buratto S K 14 Years Ago

Very clear and understandable professor (he sounds like Tom Hanks). There was at least one question on the midterms that was very in depth. The rest of the test is fair if you study and know the equations. I enjoyed this class.

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 15 Years Ago

Amazing teacher. Gives great examples that help with homework. Very clear. Homework wasn't easy but he gave answer keys and the tests closely followed the homework. Hardest part is in the details (sig figs). Really great, straight-forward class. He was also really helpful in office hours. Go to office hours! Take this class!

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CHEM1B . Buratto S K 15 Years Ago

Very clear and easy to understand, but sometimes the proofs can confuse people, especially if they haven't taken integral calculus. Puts a lot of the work in your hands in terms of homework, but does offer quizzes to a couple times to give you an idea of how well you know the material.

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CHEM1B . Buratto S K 15 Years Ago

Great professor!

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CHEM1B . Buratto S K 15 Years Ago

Test questions were very in depth, questions were for partial credit. This class was challenging but do-able with work.

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CHEM1B . Buratto S K 15 Years Ago

I kinda take issue with this class because he has been too lazy to post practice midterms for this course. Also, there is hardly any homework, so doing practice problems from the book is REALLY important. He does a lot of proofs, but he makes the concepts clear too.

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CHEM1B . Buratto S K 15 Years Ago

Very good professor, loud and clear, pauses, great notes! Open answer midterms with no "cheat sheet" for equations can be brutal sometimes, but when looking back they are pretty fair, make sure you memorize your equations and do hwk. The notes are so good he even tells you the textbook isn't really necessary.

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CHEM1B . Buratto S K 15 Years Ago

He was such a relief after a horrible 1A professor, and he actually explained things. and he looks like tom hanks!

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 16 Years Ago

He was a very fair professor; however, I feel that his availability during the 6 wk summer session was very poor. Also, he graded the homeworks to his own standard for sig figs, which was a bit insane. Otherwise, a straight forward professor.

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CHEM113A . Buratto S K 16 Years Ago

Gauranteed to get an A on homework, all answers are in the back of the book. I usually spent all weekend on the homework. Midterms are not that easy, but doable. Final was just like the midterms, not extremely hard. Thermo is just a hard class, and I think Buratto did a good job at teaching what was most important in thermo.

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CHEM150 . Buratto S K 17 Years Ago

Buratto's lectures are very clear, most of the questions on the homework can be solved by using the notes. The exams are not too hard, as long as you do all the homework, you can Ace the test. He is very lenient on cheatsheet, a page for midterm, 2page for final. Take him if you can

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CHEM113 . Buratto S K 17 Years Ago

he is so full of himself that he doesnt realize sometimes that he makes mistakes and gives us wrong info. the book he likes is by far the worst piece of crap out there along with the unaccurate information in it. thank god for the ta's. his tests were very tricky, but not too hard.

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CHEM1A . Buratto S K 18 Years Ago

He is a nice guy, but I think that his teaching method did not invoke much interest as needed for a chem class.

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GENCHEM1A . Buratto S K 18 Years Ago

What a great teacher! Clear, loud voice. Clear, concise lectures. You need to work for your grade, but his lectures are easy to understand. Midterms and finals are fairly challenging as with any other chem class. also has a curve.

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CHEM1A . Buratto S K 18 Years Ago

i dont like chem, nor do i understand easily, but this class wasn't bad at all. buratto really explains things well, and the class wasnt that hard

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CHEM1A . Buratto S K 18 Years Ago

i hate chemistry, but it wasn't so bad with buratto

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