Crisjoe Joseph
349 reviews

CHEM1AB . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

DO THE BOOK PROBLEMS!!! Dr. Joseph loves his book problems and will put exact problems with different numbers on every exam! If you score poorly on an exam, it's not the end of the world. His class is always curved and the curve will help you out. Also go to CLAS! It's an amazing resource.

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CHEM1AB . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Do the book problems! Definitely a straightforward professor. If you do the problems, go to lecture, and study hard it's very passable. Lectures are also posted on youtube, so attendance isn't necessary which is very nice.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

1A is manageable to students who have taken AP Chem. However, it still requires a great deal of work because most grades come from two (3 drop 1) midterms and final. He made those tests really serious, e.g. assigned seats, ID checks. Since I learned most materials before, I can really tell he is intentionally setting traps on exams.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

If you took AP Chem, you'll be set for this course and it won't be as difficult as people say. However, that doesn't mean you won't have to put some effort into this class. Do the book problems, read the textbook, go/watch the lectures. But you'll definitely get a passing grade by just doing the practice exams and problems before midterms.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Joseph tells all of his students what to do in order to succeed and you need to follow through!! ALEKS, book problems, reading the textbook, and seeking help (if needed) all help you pass. Chem isn't an easy subject for everyone, Joseph does what he can to help his students.

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CHEM1ABC . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

He makes it really clear what you need to do to succeed in his class. His classes require a lot of time and effort, but if you put in the hours, study the right way, and do what he recommends, then you'll get an A.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

DO THE BOOK PROBLEMS. Omg I can't stress this enough. Yes pay attention to his lectures, yes do the practice quizzes but DO THE BOOK PROBLEMS. You need practice to actually be able to do good on the midterms. grade based on 3 midterms (drops lowest one), final, and alecks. DO THE ALECKS ON TIME, it will help your grade in the end

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Listen, this class is the thing that put my mental health in the trash. THIS IS A WEADER COURSE!! Yes, the rates are right, do the book problems and practice tests and alek's and you'll be fine. However, unrealistic if you have other STEM classes. This class is required for a lot of majors so just stick it out and pray the curve gives you a miracle

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

So glad I had Joseph for 1A. As long as you do everything he says, you'll pass the class. It is A LOT of work though. DO ALL THE BOOK PROBLEMS, because resuses them for the tests. Test averages were always in the 60s, so the curve saves you. He is a fair teacher with good lectures. He is super helpful and responds quick to emails. highly recommend

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Joseph is a fair choice for chem 1A. This class is pretty difficult, especially in your first year of college, but with Joseph, it's not impossible to do well. He's pretty responsive in emails and really tries his best to help with questions in lecture. His final was hard but the curve will kinda guarantee you a C if you get average on themidterms.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Nice guy and put his lectures online in video form which helped me significantly! Honestly just do all of the book problems and practice tests he tells you to do and youll get an A. Hes very clear about what will and wont be on the test.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Lectures are so much easier than his exams. Complete Aleks and book problems!!! Also CLAS helps a lot. TRUST THE CURVE it helps a lot

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

He is extremely good at making expectations clear for the course and telling you what you need to do well, definitely a good choice for 1a

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Joseph is a pretty good professor overall. This class is very hard at the end of the day so you have to be prepared to put a lot of work in. Book problems and past exams/quizzes are going to be your best friend in the class. Those are the two keys to doing well in this class. Final was really hard but always a curve so try and get around average.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Lectures were concise. He also posted everything online if you were absent which was super helpful. But beware of his exams because they included random textbook problems which is annoying if you didn't review all 50+ of them. He also makes you do ALEKS every week so it's a real time commitment. Probably studied 3-4 hours a day and barely passed.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Dr. Joseph is an alright dude, pretty rude and condescending but maybe my questions are just stupid. Overall pretty bad, clearly knows his stuff but is not great at communication. The THREE midterms are all so much harder than anything in lecture/in the textbook. Wouldn't take this class unless there was a gun to my head. (and even then maybe not)

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Chemistry is terrible but Joseph does his best to make sure all students understand the material. As long as you do the book problems and the practice exams he gives you shouldn't have too hard of a time of the midterms. The final was very difficult but overall Joseph was a very respectable and charismatic prof and I would recommend him for CHEM1A.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

He's very passionate about the subject and his lectures are pretty solid even if you choose to watch them online rather than attend class in person. The tests being multiple choice is a double-edged sword but it can be helpful to figure out some of the test problems as you go. He's a good enough teacher and a fair grader.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Joseph made chem a little less miserable. He is a very respected professor and is willing to help everyone as best as he can. He is very personable and his lectures are great. Just make sure to do the book problems and study hard!!

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CHEM1ABC . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Joseph is an amazing lecturer. His lectures are pretty short, and he gets right to the point. The book problems are absolutely essential to doing well in the class. Do them all at least once or twice and go to OH as often as you can and you'll be set for the exams. ALEKS isn't too helpful but good for the grade boost so do it anyways.

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CHEM1ABC . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

Joseph is just mean. His exams were crazy hard especially for remote learning. He was really condescending when you ask questions in office hours. I hate the book problems. This gen chem series has made me consider cancelling quarters because of how stressful it was. ALEKS isn't worth a lot of your grade. He doesn't go over the problems he assigns.

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CHEM1ABC . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

I had Joseph for all 3 quarters of gen chem and liked him. He did give a really hard final for Chem1C due to our high avgs but other than the time limit, it was not a completely unreasonable exam. They were from past exams or altered homework questions. You need to know problems so well that you can work problems forwards and backwards**.

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CHEM1ABC . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

He responds quickly on the forums and by email, and is super helpful/nice when you have questions. I only took reg chem my soph year of HS but I literally got an A+ in 1A and 1B with him, so getting an A is doable as long as you put in the work. Definitely join CLAS and use their practice tests.

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CHEM1ABC . Joseph C A 3 Years Ago

I had Joseph for the whole Chem 1 series and I liked him until I finished 1C. He had many office hours which was nice cause he went over test questions and book problems, but in the end, doing this all didn't matter cause our final was the hardest test ever and the average was 58%.

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