Vesna Wallace
28 reviews

RS111B . Wallace V A 17 Years Ago

Great class and teacher. Grade was based on reading responses but mostly a 8-10 pg. term paper.

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RGST4 . Wallace V A 17 Years Ago

she's really approachable! sweet person and will help you understand the material if you ask for help! very knowledgable and admits it when she's not too familiar with certain topics. it takes a little time to get used to her accent, but it's not too bad. attend lectures since she goes over things pretty well.

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RGST193B . Wallace V A 17 Years Ago

My favorite class I will probably ever take at UCSB. Wallace is an extremely nice and easy professor; she let people retake the midterm (which was ridiculously easy) anytime they wanted until the final. She is very flexible and always willing to help, not to mention that she spent 11 years in grad school and is definitely an expert in her field.

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EACS4 . Wallace V A 18 Years Ago

Really nice and always happy, notes online so you don't have to go to lecture though it helps, really easy class if you do the reading and get the notes, her accent makes it hard to understand sometimes

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