AS AM 130
John Park
15 reviews
John Park
119 reviews

ASAM2 . Park J S W 15 Years Ago

Easy class if you do the reading and come to lecture. Park is a great teacher that knows what he's doing. Perfectly integrates the reading and lectures. You must go to section, do the reading and attend lectures to get a good grade. You have to be able to critical think and read! Just a warning: A LOT of reading, you can skim it though.

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 15 Years Ago

The class is kinda hard, but not too bad if you go to every lecture and read the articles that relate to the lecture material. There is a lot you don't need to read (you'll see). He is very approachable at office hours and is good at clearing things up when readings/lectures get confusing. He is not bad. This was actually a very interesting class.

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 15 Years Ago

worst lower division ever. the professor assigns a ridiculous amount of reading that are so theoretical. he is by far the worst professor ever. besides assigning all these difficult readings, he does't really explain them thoroughly in lectures. i would not take another class with him, and i would suggest no one else to either. he's boring, annoyin

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 15 Years Ago

Lectures are interesting and most of the time horrifying (lots of bad things happen to innocent people). Although the focus is on Asian Americans/Asian immigrants, he discusses topics regarding other races as well (Native Americans, African Americans...). His tests are QUITE HARD though so brush up on that reading (100 pages/ week).

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 16 Years Ago

Good class if you want something easy. You want a good TA. 3 tests all essays. He gives out list of questions before hand. SO SUPER EASY!! But beware there is a ton of reading that you actually need to do if you want a good grade!

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 17 Years Ago

I loved this class! It's anything you ever wanted to know about immigration in general. Park focuses on the legal aspects, so there are a lot of court case readings. There's a lot of reading, but not too bad. And if you've done the reading and gone to lecture an A is very doable.

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ASAM114 . Park J S W 17 Years Ago

Such a dork, but a really nice guy. He's willing to help you if you need it, but you probably won't. Really clear and interesting lectures. Kinda a lot of reading, but it's all really interesting. I enjoyed the class a lot more than I thought I would.

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ASAM114 . Park J S W 17 Years Ago

Park is amazing. His classes are some of the best I have taken at UCSB. Don't leave with out getting one of his classes if you are at all interesting in AS AM, the law, public policy, or immigration. He is a fair/blind grader. There is a lot of reading but it is interesting.

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ASAM1 . Park J S W 18 Years Ago

Very knowledgeable. Easy to follow but a little dry.

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116 . Park J S W 18 Years Ago

Nothing good to say about this guy. I would not recommend taking this class with him.

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ASAM116 . Park J S W 18 Years Ago

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 18 Years Ago

Professor Park is a great teacher. He is very intelligent and is a pretty good lecturer. He makes the class interesting and relates it to issues relating to students. Tests and paper were pretty easy as long as you go to class. There was a lot of reading though.

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 18 Years Ago

i love this professor! even though i didn't ace the class, and it was my most difficult class, i still enjoyed going. i never ditched a class, and it was always my favorite. Park is a great professor.

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ASAMST2 . Park J S W 18 Years Ago

He's entertaining and knows alot about his subject. Interesting information for the most part, but can be boring sometimes. Class is fairly easy if you pay attention to the lectures.

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 19 Years Ago

excellent prof.park is very bright and you never get the feeling he's making up stuff on the spot.He is also young for a prof so his lectures are energetic. Even though it's a lower division GE filler,most participated in discussions on issues covered in the lecture. Some of the in class questions were hard and should be revisited later in lecture.

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 19 Years Ago

i had no interest in the class and was about to drop it until i attended and realized that he was an awesome professor. He will go out of his way to help you, and the readings are typically interesting. I really loved this class i would reccommend it.

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 19 Years Ago

readings are manageable but not crucial for the exams, just try to answer the practice test questions beforehand. fairly interesting lectures as well but materials could get boring at times.

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 19 Years Ago

What a cool professor. He is fed up with grades (so are we, as students). He gives out one of the questions on the exam before hand, so go to his office hour and get all the answers while he explain you everything in details. He likes using classmates as examples (sometimes funny often corny :D)

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 19 Years Ago

Subject matter is interesting,Prof is intelligent, understandable, and funny. There is a lot of reading which can add up and take a lot of time. Make sure to outline/study test questions he posts online bc his test questions are almost verbatim if not close to it.

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 19 Years Ago

Not hard if you just try a little in the class. There's a lot of reading for the class, and i sorta struggled keeping up with it. I personally think that reading is more important than attending his lecture... not that he's a bad lecturer, just the test was based a lot on the readings.

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 19 Years Ago

there was too much reading involved. Although some of the topics were interesting, it's hard to keep up with the readings. I saw myself struggle thru the quarter for this one class, the amount you hafta read for this class increases thruout the quarter....... i hated this class

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 19 Years Ago

Reading is a bit much, but not excessive. The material was intersting to an Asian American person such as myself. The test weren't too difficult for me, but they weren't a pushover either. Pay attention in lecture and keep up with the readings in order to succeed in the class. Park: quality teacher.

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ASAM115 . Park J S W 19 Years Ago

Great Professor! Very intelligent, open minded and challenging. Inspired me to go to graduate school. I highly encourage everyone to go to his office hours, he is very helpful.

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ASAM2 . Park J S W 19 Years Ago

Great professor. His classes touched many racial and injustice problems. It's understandable why there are some ignorant and closed minded people disliked them.

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