This class was cake! It was all memorization, go to the weekly reviews because the TA's are so helpful. The book was not needed but the reader was so helpful. Class is fun especially because Aguilar is hot! but it's kind of annoying because he knows it and can be arrogant.
This is honestly one of the nicest professors I've had. He is fun, and genuinely likes to talk to his students. The material is a lot of memorizing, but Peter does great with review sheets and study guides (and extra credit!!). If you can make it to the review sessions the TA's teach they really help because you get extra credit on your quizzes.
if you are a science major, this class is cake.
Great teacher and a very nice guy. Plently of opportunities for extra credit and weekly quizes that help you stay on top of the material. Also, the midterms and finals are non-cumulative which makes it easier. I highly recommend taking this class with him over the other teachers (who I heard are harder)
Great techer. If you love anatomy or exercising you will find this class interesting. Be sure to keep up on studying and memorizing. Form a study group!
This class is so interesting! The presentation is very clear and very well organized. He gives you all the opportunity in the world for extra credit! AND...he is gorgeous! I became very interested in anatomy :P
It was my first time taking a class with him and an ESS course and this class truly inspired me to pursue the minor! He is such an excellent teacher. He's wants you to succeed and gives you the means to. Go to review sessions they tell you EXACTLY what you need to know or even ask him! He's down to earth and approachable. Take everything with him!
the material can be difficult but he is a great teacher and is very willing to help. there are review sessions for extra credit and his lectures are all online so you dont need to buy any books/readers. as long as you stay on top of studying you can get a good grade...weekly quizzes and 3 total exams
great guy. Liked his classes. You have to be kind of interested in thisstuff if your not I could see it being dry
Really cool professor! If you are good at memorizing things then you are set. He tells you everything you need to know and it is really easy. Take it with him and no one els! And he is Hot!!!
Makes his class enjoyable, and easy to learn. He tries to learn everyone's name, offers lots of extra credit, and genuinely loves to teach. If you have any interest in this stuff, take his classes!
really easy, really cool, really hot (yes I know, what does that matter?). His class is really conducive to learning, the grade is based on weekly quizzes and exams. ATTEND REVIEW SESSIONS!!! They will help they pretty much give you EXACTLY what will be on the quizzes and exams.
Easy! Lots of extra credit. Study the reader and you will get an A+. Teacher is way hot and makes you want to attend the class. Too bad he is not a prof in my major... I would take every class he taught.
Helps you remember your anatomy any way he can. Gives plenty of extra credit opportunities. Tests are very your reader and you'll be good.
Very funny/nice. Lectures are well organized and presented clearly. Quiz or test nearly every week. (quiz=easy if study) offers extra credit opp at end of quarter. review sessions every week. tests are straightforward but a bit hard so read the book,go to the review sessions and go over the slides (available online).subject was boring, but hes cool
Aguilar is a fun teacher and his lectures are clear and easy to understand. Tests are straightforward and his classes are really interesting. Definitely one of my favorite teachers. He is a babe too!
He is the nicest guy EVER and the lectures are very interesting and he presents them in a perfectly clear way...He's really funny and nice and one of my favorite teachers i have had here so far. TAKE HIM if you get the opportunity!
pretty easy class
Peter is really laied back in class. A lot of Power Points but makes notes easy, cares about questions and is passionate about Human Phiso. Not bad to look at either!
Great teacher! Makes class fun, interesting, and enjoyable...especially in such a straight foward subject. Lots of memorization, but Aguilar gives tones of extra credit...if you try he makes it easy to get an A!
The class was mainly memorization so it was up to you how well you do..Peter is awesome! He's funny, extremely helpful, and interesting. Always answers questions and the quizzes and midterms werent too hard. If you just studied and did the work then youll be fine!
Aguilar is hot with a cute personality. Although the class is hard he makes up for it.
I found it to be a hard class in general..and his lectures didn't really help..the class moved too fast for me..I hated how the quizzes had "all the above" or "none of the above" on them..those always throw me off..but thats gonna happen with any class..I don't recommend taking this unless you need it for your minor or major