Denis Labutin
146 reviews

MATH34B . 11 Years Ago

This class is not to bad if you actually pay attention and learn how to do the problems. Labutin is not the easiest teacher to understand because of his accent, however he knows that and therefore makes his tests rather easy. The final was also easy because we went over similar questions in class right before too. Did I mention he is hot.

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MATH124A . 13 Years Ago

Perfectly good professor. Take home midterms and final,got an A+ and barely studied.

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MATH5C . 13 Years Ago

He's a nice guy and seems to be available to help often. Gives 2 take home midterms which aren't too bad, and a final. He teaches really conceptually

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MATH5C . 13 Years Ago

Upshot: Easy math class with a professor that explains math conceptually.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

lectures were boring but if you copied down everything exactly as he did, and looked over them after afterwards, they'll make sense. it's a hard class and he doesn't help much, but the notes, CLAS, and doing the HW will save you. the midterms are take home.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

He was OK. Section was better than lecture. There was no homework, which I think caused a lot of people to just assume they knew the material when they in fact did not.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

Go to CLAS. I do recommend going to lectures, cause they become test materials. He sucks at explaining tho

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

i never went to lecture and the take home midterms were very simple. not a very good lecturer because he goes too fast, finds the hardest way to do problems, but the midterms are really easy. i got an A for only going to class for 4 weeks out of the whole quarter.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

Not a good lecture, I never went to class and never went read the book and got a B+. If you took AP Calculus in High School (and did well) this class will be easy... however if you never took calculus before STAY AWAY from this guy cuz his lecture is terrible. Two take home midterms which are easy never collect hw and fair final

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

Sometimes hard to understand through his accent, but he sounds like Borat, lol. As far as Integrals go, he is a horrible teacher. Goes in circles, makes errors constantly; If I hadn't taken Calc already, I would have failed. He once wrote a formula, then said he would clarify, but just re-wrote and boxed the formula. Easy tests IF you know material

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

He is impossible to understand. Constantly makes mistakes while doing problems. The two mideterms were take home exams. Basically have to teach your self for this class. Class is very difficult if you have never taken calc in high school. Worst teacher i have ever had.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

Very difficult to understand. If you haven't taken calc in HS its going to be kinda hard!!!. He basically goes in circles when teaching, very unclear, scribbles everywhere, makes TONS of mistakes on the board, will spend about 15 minutes doing one problem then realizes he did it wrong... but EASY FINAL if you study

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

Professor was very helpful and approachable during class and at office hours. Both midterms and final were very fair and clear. Overall, the class was quite enjoyable and interesting, being that the professor explained the importance and usefulness of every theorem and equation we learned. Definitely recommend this professor!

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

He has an accent, but he is not hard to understand. it also helps that he is extremely hot. decided to be a math major after his class.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

Lectures are COMPLETELY useless. You honestly can't understand anything he is doing and very hard to follow. I never once used my textbook, and homeworks are optional - you don't need to do them to do well in the class. Just go to your discussion section and you'll be fine. Midterms were take-home so I got a very good grade on both.

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MATH5B . 16 Years Ago

Easy A+. I got 0 for midterm (take home, but I "cheated" by using the book), but ended up getting A+, because of the policy that your overall grade can't be lower than your final exam grade. He does lots of examples in class, so write them down and you'll see the same problems on final.

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MATH3A . 17 Years Ago

I got an A+ in his Math 3A class. I did all the homework (even though they weren't collected), and I went to CLAS with Jesse. I also made sure that my formula sheet had everything in it. Do what I did, and you'll do fine.

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MATH5C . 17 Years Ago

The notes from the class WILL help you a lot on homework and on the exams. Even though the midterm is take home midterm, he strickedly said should be treated as real exam. Many ppl cheated which is not necessary since it is easy. I really like this professor, just the text book that the math department choosed screwed evrything.

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MATH5B . 17 Years Ago

Easy. Midterm and final were 75% homework questions. He didn't even change the numbers. Take home midterm too, but a lot of people cheated on it and were forced to drop their midterm score. Would definately take again.

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MATH3A . 17 Years Ago

not good!! :(

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MATH3A . 17 Years Ago

YES, professor labutin is hard to understand, and yes he doesn't collect homework which leads to the student not doing the homework, but is it really his fault? in my opinion no. i went to lecture, and when i stayed awake and REALLY paid attention, i got what he was saying and teaching. yes, its difficult only because calculus is not easy.

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MATH3A . 17 Years Ago

i never took calc in high school. this class was very difficult for me to understand and follow. unfortunately, i had to drop CLAS because my tutor was a joke. (thank god for Jessie's review sessions!) the final was very hard. worth half the grade w/ no curve. hw wasnt collected which is actually a bad thing.if nvr took calc b4 DO NOT TAKE LABUTIN!

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MATH3A . 17 Years Ago

If I hadn't taken calculus in high school I wouldn't have any clue what he was talking about. The class was extremely easy with 2 take home midterms and the final. No hw due ever. Seems like he'd be happy to help anyone that was confused but I never really needed help so not positive.

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MATH3A . 17 Years Ago

The midterms were take home and he never collected homework. Sometimes he makes the problems seem harder than they really are. If you want to pass the class I would recommend that you sign up for CLAS.

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