Denis Labutin
146 reviews

MATH202A . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

His lecturing on complex analysis was ok but in the end he turned the class into a PDE class.

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MATH202A . 3 Years Ago

it's legitimately impressive how little feedback a professor is willing to give. it's the last week of the quarter, he just assigned three new homeworks due during finals week, meanwhile he has seven outstanding assignments to grade. i'm in awe.

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MATH202A . 3 Years Ago

began the first day of class by saying this isnt going to be a complex analysis class, its going to be riemann in geometry with the complex you need learned on the fly/on your own. this is supposed to be an intro complex analysis class. instead he consistently used material from courses that are not prerequisite or necessary if taught properly.

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MATH4A . A Month Ago

Quite literally the worst prof at UCSB. The slides make no sense and his accent makes it so hard to understand what he's saying. Lectures leave you even more confused than before. So much pointless Webwork problems (with typos). Rely on ta if you can but you need to read the book and self study to pass. It's quite annoying bc hw is so hard/pointles

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MATH4A . 3 Months Ago

Heavy accent + slide heavy presentations in Campbell = unproductive lectures. Even basic concepts were confusing in his class. However, he is actually helpful in office hours and all exams are online. Class itself is very easy, but consider self-learning if you'll need a strong linear algebra foundation for your major.

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MATH4A . 3 Months Ago

Labutin's heavy accent was difficult to understand and his explanations are extremely convoluted. His slides are good, though, so I mainly studied on my own and wouldn't suggest taking his class unless you can too. The overall class wasn't that difficult, though. All tests were online and pretty simple if you know the material.

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MATH4A . 6 Months Ago

Professor Labutin's 4A was easy to pass given the online tests and allowing of notes/calculators. If this policy changes, it could be quite difficult because his lectures are highly conceptual. If the current exam format remains then you will definitely be ok. If not, pay close attention and do some self studying you'll probably be ok.

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MATH4A . 7 Months Ago

He has a strong accent which is especially unfriendly for non-English speakers. But the grading is very easy.

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MATH4A . 7 Months Ago

Definitely an easy class, but not one for learning things. Reading the textbook and doing practice problems was enough to get a high A, but I don't feel like I learned anything. Easy class, but I feel like it's gonna screw me over when I don't know the material in 6A and 6B.

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MATH4A . 8 Months Ago

An okay but funny lecturer, but his lectures aren't the best for learning. HW sets are usually long but individual problems are fairly easy. Practicing problems in textbook is the best way to study IMO. Luckily exams are online and are in general very very VERY doable with a light amount of studying. Overall: Textbook carried

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MATH4A . 8 Months Ago

Best you may every have

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MATH4A . 8 Months Ago

Online tests + easy course overall = free A. That being said he was not the best lecturer and had a strong accent so sometimes you need to learn the concepts on your own but if you are able to do that you will not have to work at all for an A.

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

While he pumps out top-notch slides for you to follow along, strictly speaking he is not the best lecturer. His accent didn't bother me at all but chances are it might bother you. No finals, only 5 simple online quizzes that dominate most of the final score. I recommend using his slides as textbook and just read that.

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

Lectures are confusing and difficult to follow, especially with a heavy accent, but if you follow along carefully he teaches relatively well. The class is extremely easy to do well in since there are only 5 take home exams with relatively few and easy questions. He allows calculators and online tools on exams so it should be an easy A for anyone.

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

His lectures aren't good but as long as you learn the material on your own you will do fine in this class. Homework is doable but can be a bit tricky at times and tests are very easy. There is no midterm or final and a test is dropped. Genuinely a sweet professor who wants you to do well. Take him if you can!

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

Professor Labutin's course is a free A if not an A+. The textbook used is great, the HWs are fine, and tests are easy and administrated online.

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

Labooty the GOAT!!!!!!!!!!

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

Professor Labutin really knows how to teach. His lectures are fruitful, and his assignments are really useful. I mean, one can learn by himself all concepts that appears in his course merely by doing his assignments. His gradings are extremely friendly as well. His grading focuses on exams, but they are really easy and he drops the lowest one.

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

NO final. Attendance not mandatory. Easy quizzes. Drops lowest score. Homework assignments are curved and lowest score is dropped. Amazing.

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

Dropped lowest exam score. NO final. Attendance not mandatory. Curved Homework scores and dropped lowest one. The man.

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

He probably is the most caring professor in Math Department

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

Overall, made the class very easy to do well in. Tests were completely online and open note, he drops your lowest score. Lectures were sometimes confusing, especially in the beginning his accent is a little bit hard to understand, I ended up taking the CLAS and that helped a lot. Maybe not the best teacher, but definitely a chill dude.

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

Terrible lecturer. He has a thick accent and the slides are confusing, but the material is super easy to learn on your own with the textbook and online resources. Grading is super easy. No final and midterm. Just five exams with the lowest dropped, 9 homework assignments that are curved, and TA discussions (no quizzes, attendance not mandatory)

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MATH4A . 9 Months Ago

This professor and TA in our class are so nice. There is no midterm and final. Only you need to do is nine homeworks and five exams which are so easy. Moreover, professor cares about students' grades. He will drop out some questions that are not include in our lectures. I will definitely take his course again!!!

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