Luke Roberts
63 reviews

HIST2B . Roberts L S 2 Years Ago

Great professor!

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HIST187A . Roberts L S 2 Years Ago

He's a sweetheart, nice easy class. Really passionate about the subject and his lectures are engaging.

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HIST187A . Roberts L S 3 Years Ago

One of my favorite professors at UCSB. Quizzes are easy if you watch the lecture. I took his Hist 187A during fall quarter, he is very patient when answering my stupid questions. If you are interested in Japanese history, you'll learn a lot; But if you are not, this course might be a little boring.

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HIST87 . Roberts L S 3 Years Ago

The course name "Japanese History Through Art and Literature" makes the course sound a lot more interesting than it is. While some of the content we learned was cool, I found his (online) lectures to be unbearably boring. He had a very flat tone and he didn't really seem too interested in the subject. The class is section-heavy but not very hard.

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HIST2B . Roberts L S 5 Years Ago

Witty professor who tries his best to make the class more lively. Aside from being easily accessible outside of class, he gives you amazing study guides for both the midterm and final. (Aka the tests come directly from the study guide questions!) Easy A, and the most enjoyable a history class can get!

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HIST2B . Roberts L S 5 Years Ago

Perfect GE! Lectures can get a bit boring but content is interesting enough. Discussion section is mandatory, and counts for participation. The in-lecture review of the previous lecture is extremely helpful. Manageable readings, textbook is good for background but not necessary. He pulls midterm and final questions from a study guide he gives out.

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HIST2B . Roberts L S 5 Years Ago

The class could be bit dry at times, and relied a lot on the readings. He pulls questions for the midterm and final directly from the study guides, so just make sure to be thorough. Weekly homework assignments that took 10 minutes or less and an 1800 word paper. Overall a good GE.

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HIST2B . Roberts L S 5 Years Ago

He literally gives out a super thorough study guide for all the test. (all the question asked will be on the study guide but the study guide has way more questions than the actual test) so if you study well enough, it's an easy A. Essay grade really depends on the TA. He is a funny dude. If you want a GE for credit, take his class!

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HIST2B . Roberts L S 5 Years Ago

Really great class! The textbook readings are really interesting and help a lot with understanding the information for tests. The study guides are basically the tests, just require a lot of time and effort to complete. Professor Roberts really cares about teaching and helping his students. Lecture is very important for completing study guide.

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HIST187B . Roberts L S 6 Years Ago

Attendence isnt mandatory but recommend going before the midterm cause he pulls from lecture. Easy class if you can write. Very enthusiastic about the subject and knows a ton. Would take him again cause he was great even though the subject wasnt my favorite.

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HIST87 . Roberts L S 6 Years Ago

An awesome class overall. TAs were wonderful as well. Take this class!

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HIST87 . Roberts L S 7 Years Ago

Just read the textbook and you will be fine.

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HIST87 . Roberts L S 8 Years Ago

You can tell from his lectures how passionate he is about Japanese history, and that only made me more engaged in the material. Very funny and knowledgeable guy. Also be prepared to participate in section.

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HIST87 . Roberts L S 8 Years Ago

I was surprised how much I liked this class. Roberts is a really passionate lecturer. Midterm and Final are a breeze because his study guides for both are great and very detailed. Very fair grader when it comes to essays (I got a B on an essay that I should have gotten a D on). He can get a little of track in lectures, but overall hes pretty good

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HIST9 . Roberts L S 8 Years Ago

There are no tests or quizzes in Hist 9. There is normally a one-page, single-spaced paper due every week, and that is the majority of the workload with the exception of the final paper. Roberts is always relaxed and humorous during class, and you can see that he truly cares about what he is teaching. Don't worry if you aren't a history major.

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HIST87 . Roberts L S 8 Years Ago

Professor Roberts was great. He's really excited about what he's teaching and he demands attention during lectures. The guidelines for the midterm are really clear and he's always there for help. As long as you actually do the readings and pay attention to lecture, you will pass. Professor Roberts is an engaging lecturer because he's so passionate.

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HIST8 . Roberts L S 9 Years Ago

He is extremely passionate about Japan so its a plus that he really puts emotion in his lectures. I really would like to take one of his classes. It was his first time teaching history 8 and he did a great job. No midterm and final but HW which is 50% and also a final paper due around 5 pages on a person from Japan.

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HIST87 . Roberts L S 9 Years Ago

Well, I like him for the lectures and the materials, including both the primary and secondary readings, (though sometimes they could be a little bit overwhelming); there are two papers and two exams in the class, all of which were not that hard if you DO THE READINGS and GO TO THE LECTURES.

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HIST187A . Roberts L S 10 Years Ago

The class can be difficult at times, as there is so much material to know. But, if you ask him questions or go to his office hours he is more than happy to help.

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HIST87 . Roberts L S 10 Years Ago

The class was relatively easy and interesting. Professor Roberts is a great lecturer, he's clearly passionate about the topic and is very good at explaining things.

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HIST87 . Roberts L S 10 Years Ago

Really enthusiastic lecturer, and very passionate about Japanese History. His exams are easy if you do the study sheet and stay consistent with lectures and readings. Easy to slack off in, but also easy to pass. Highly recommend.

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H187A . Roberts L S 11 Years Ago

Hard and inconsistent grader. Poor quality.

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HIST187A . Roberts L S 11 Years Ago

Professor Roberts is a cool guy. He always has a smile on and is passionate about his work. Would definitely recommend if you are interested in Japanese culture and history. He knows a ton. Work isn't so bad. Just listen to his instructions and you will do well.

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HIST2B . Roberts L S 12 Years Ago

Prof Roberts is pretty knowledgeable but not very organized. His power point slides are kinda a bit here and there and the materials were boring at times. He also spent too much time reviewing the previous lecture. Sections are extremely important because it's 30% of your grade so it depends on your TA really and you have to talk. Not a bad class.

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