CHIN 146
Xiaorong Li
15 reviews

CHIN144 . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

If you want to try to have a handwritten essay, you can try it. BTW, it's very boring!!!!!! I will never enroll in the professor's class again.

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EACS4A . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

The slides are mostly quotes from the readings, and the summarization of the ideas is superficial. It is hard to grasp the points they want the students to learn after sitting for 1 hour and 15 minutes (I attended most lectures so I am sure to say it.) The rubric for grading on writing assignments is extremely unclear and have no standards.

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EACS4A . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Damn this class was tough. I'm a stem major with absolutely no Asian background who took this class to fulfill a GE requirement... biggest mistake of my life. However, professor Li was great and her lectures were easy to follow. Don't take this class if you don't need it unless you love reading and/or are particularly interested in East Asia.

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CHIN144 . 3 Years Ago

prof xiaorong is a good prof, but the class material is so boring. its basically a history class. lots of reading and 5 pop quizzes. theres one paper due at the end of the quarter that was graded SO HARD. no one knew the expectations for it bc it was the only paper assigned so wtf. and the final was super long

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EACS4A . 3 Years Ago

So so so much reading homework. But if you actually do it all and try to grasp the content the course is smooth sailing from there. Content is very interesting anyway, so reading isn't too boring. Li is very passionate about the subject; she gives thorough and interesting lectures and is always available for those who want further discussion

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CLIT31 . 5 Years Ago

Dr. Li is very familiar & enthusiastic about her topic and she's caring to students. Although lectures might be dry this class worth taking if u are really interested in Chinese lit. Exams are based on discussion in lecture & section and they are fair if u do attend. However, if u are not familiar with Chinese culture, u'll have to study for A LOT.

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CLIT31 . 5 Years Ago

She just wants you do not pass the course. Mandatory attendance for both lectures and sections, half credit if you got the quiz wrong. And even attending those lectures and sections won't help anything, they leave all questions on the powerpoint without any suggestions and answers, and exams require you to read all the readings. Bad class for GE.

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CHIN144 . 5 Years Ago

CHIN144 is a literature in translation course, but it was more like a history class. We didn't exactly analyze texts; she just gave us historical facts and we were to memorize them for the final. It was basically a history course. Prof. Li is lenient and quite lax, but the class was boring and just not what I expected from a literature course.

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CLIT31 . 6 Years Ago

She is a really nice professor and very understanding to students' needs. She does really cute things for students and tries her best to engage the class and help students understand the material. That being said, it's her first time teaching this class so some instructions were vague and preparation for midterm could be improved. Reading bit long.

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CLIT31 . 6 Years Ago

Great teacher! but she does not know how to teach this course (her first time teaching this course). lectures are interesting. However, ppt is boring, need to improve. Grading is not clear, need to pass quizzes to get attendence credits.

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EACS4A . 7 Years Ago

The topics for the 8 page paper were very broad, and there is no clear grading criteria for it. It was difficult to study for the midterm and final because she does not provide a study guide despite the vast amount of topics we discuss. Readings are long and hard to catch the main point.

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EACS4A . 7 Years Ago

The best professor I ever met in UCSB. She is very caring like when the no. of students increases a lot, she would consider expand the scale of lecture and talk to TAs. The points she made in lectures are clear and easy to follow. Make Chinese culture available and interesting to American students. So respected and kind!!!

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EACS4A . 11 Years Ago

Teaches the Chinese portion of EACS 4A. Lectures are very interesting, clear, & provide good clarification of the reading. Follows slides pretty closely, but does elaborate on them a bit. You're required to participate in section, write an 8-pg paper, take 1 midterm, & 1 final (exams include ID's, essays). I would highly recommend taking this class

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EACS4A . 12 Years Ago

The best professor ever!!

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CHIN144 . 13 Years Ago

I can't believe nobody has rated this wonderful professor yet. Loved her class and highly recommend it! Great for anyone who is interested in poetry. Oh, and she is very easy on the eyes!

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