ENV S 138
Casey Walsh
167 reviews

ANTH2 . 7 Years Ago

If you miss class for any reason, Walsh doesn't post the lectures online, making it very difficult to catch up unless you can get notes from someone else in the class.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

I didn't really enjoy all of the material that was presented in this class, but it wasn't unbearable. Dr. Walsh is pretty enthusiastic. The midterm and final tests aren't too bad, but they definitely should be taken seriously. I made the mistake of "feeling it out" on the midterm and paid for it. Do the readings and go to lecture as he doesn't post

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

This class wasn't too difficult... if you went to lecture. Midterm and final questions were taken from lecture so its important that you have the notes, questions are given beforehand so you can prepare. Textbook not super mandatory but will help. This class wasn't too interesting and he goes into extreme detail on trivial things.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

He tends to ramble on during lectures but literally goes over everything that you're "supposed" to be reading. Only projects you have are the ethnographic paper and the Dewey project. Midterm and final questions are given beforehand. All a matter of paying attention.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

Pretty easy, he gives the midterm and final questions in advance so we could prepare before time. The paper was pretty straight forward I BS'd it and managed to get a B. I bought the books but rarely opened them and still managed to get a decent grade. He is very passionate about the class but he is also very boring

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

This was an easy A for me but a friend got a C- so its not for everyone. I liked the topic I wrote about for my paper (ended up getting a 90% on that) which was a big reason I got such a good grade. The midterm and final questions are given to you ahead of time so plan out exactly what you're going to write about and ask TAs for clarification.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

Investing class and basically common sense.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

Lectures were fairly interesting. Midterm and final are easy; they give you the essay questions beforehand. Easy A.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

Lectures are terribly long and dry. He has passion in what he does, but its not an intro class where you specifically learn parts of anthropology. Its just him recalling a bunch of past events and his own fieldwork. Your grade is an online project, one paper, midterm and final (essays). GO TO CLASS. The tests info is straight from the lectures.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

He's really into what he teaches, but the lectures are really boring. I barely went to class and did the assigned readings. I got an A- only because my TA was really good at explaining examples in the readings. Questions for exams are provided beforehand to prepare.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

Overall a pretty cool guy and a decent lecturer. Make sure to get a good TA since they are the ones who do the entire grading for this course. And if you aren't going to go to lecture, you WILL have to read. The exams are unpassable unless you read the textbook.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

Walsh is a pretty funny man. His lectures are pretty dry, but are super helpful for the midterm and final. Got all my info from the book because i never went to lecture. I would have probably gotten an A if I actually attended lecture. Go to lecture and you won't need the books.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

He's obviously very passionate about the material, though his lectures can be kind of dry. His lectures do contain, however, cases you can use as examples for the midterm and final (which he gives you a study guide for - Midterm: 2 essays in 50 minutes; Final: 3 essays in 90 minutes)

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

His class is pretty easy. He's very interested about the topic, but the lectures can be dry. Didn't even read the textbook. There is an essay style midterm and final, but he gives you a study guide a week before. There is also a 6-page ethnographic paper that is easy if you don't procrastinate the night before. Tests have a lot of writing however.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

You can tell he has a knack for what he's talking about. Little bland in his lectures, but overall very clear and concise, and gives you a lot of stuff to use on your midterm and final papers. The ethnography he had us read was very interesting, and I wouldn't mind reading it again. I did well in the class with little effort, and I'm a math major.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

Well first Anth2 is a really interesting class. It's clear Walsh is very knowledgeable in his field and he even talks about some of his own fieldwork which is cool. A lot of students think he's a boring lecturer, but if you focus on the content and stay engaged he's really interesting! Rando but he reminds me of a cute little soccer dad lol

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

Very boring lectures. They look for very specific answers on the midterm. They do not care about individual students in this class. TA Erin B. is very unhelpful, abrupt, unfriendly, and borderline condescending - must avoid her. You need the book and you need to get a TA that will help you out as they determine your entire grade.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

Professor Walsh is not the best professor in terms of clarity. However, you must listen to him during lectures to get most of the information. Aside from that, your grade is based on a midterm and final in which he gives the question for beforehand, and a simple paper. The textbook helped significantly when it came to the midterm and final.

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

This class was not the most interesting (in my opinion) but definitely was easy. Your grade is based off of the midterm, final, and one paper. Reading is assigned weekly, usually a chapter or two from the textbook. Honestly, you don't have to go to lecture, just try and get the notes. Gives out questions for midterm and final beforehand!!

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ANTH2 . 8 Years Ago

I really enjoyed his lectures I found them interesting. You do need the book, overall just know the concepts, go to section, and study.

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ANTHRO2 . 8 Years Ago

You barely need the textbook because he explains everything in class. This class is literally an intro to anthro do not expect specific information everything is quite broad. A lot of the class is self explanatory like how humans adapt with environment. It talks about anthro methods and such. Overall, easiest course no need to pay attention.

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ANTH117 . 9 Years Ago

Walsh is one of the nicest and most caring professors I have had! He can be a bit awkward sometimes. The class is purely discussion based and you do have to write summaries before each class. It is a lot of reading and it can get overwhelming but the readings are usually really interesting. Good class, easy A if you do all the work!

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

it was a pretty neutral class, definitely easier than Anthro 5. You will need to write an ethnography report, but it isn't too hard. The final and mid-term test are essay questions he gives before hand, he will select some from a list he provides you. Make sure to outline the essays and prepare for them.

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

Relatively easy class. Harder than need be for a G.E however. Ok lectures, can tend to be boring at times, but if you do the readings he will go over things that you have read which will make it more entertaining. Midterm and final are graded pretty hard so make sure to talk to your T.A beforehand to get a sense of what they're looking for.

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