COMM 121
Karen Myers
30 reviews

COMM160M . 14 Years Ago

Interesting class. Her lectures were clear and tests were fair. You have to do 2 group projects which take a lot of time. There are many opportunities to affect your grade. She really tries to connect the material to real life. This was one of the most useful comm classes I have taken

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COMM106 . 14 Years Ago

The lectures and tests were super easy and straightforward, but the material seemed a bit outdated. The group project was AWFUL. We had to write so many journal entries, make a presentation at the end, and then write a paper about our experience in a small group. My TA was a hard grader, too.

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ORGCOMM . 16 Years Ago

Don't miss class! Her tests are EASY, probably the easiest I have taken in the department (I just finished the major). However, she is a really tough grader on all of the assignments/case studies.Lecture is straight from the book.

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COMM122 . 16 Years Ago

She's the best! She got rid of long papers because 'students don't like them.' Lots of little assignments. Some are graded harder than others but you'll know which. You have to go to class because the activities make up a good part of the grade but she doesn't take roll. No group work, doesn't randomly call on people, little reading. She's so nice!

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COMM122 . 17 Years Ago

Midterm and final aren't too hard. Theres a 8-10 page paper that isn't hard to do, but depends on the TA. Just be sure to go to class. She is pretty cool. I'd take this over other boring/hard classes.

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COMM152 . 17 Years Ago

She's great! This class was new, but there's no midterm or final. 4 EASY quizzes, just go to class. She gives very clear study guides that tell you everything that you'll be tested on. No surprises. There is an easy but time consuming group project.

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