Subhash Suri
26 reviews

CS130B . 5 Months Ago

Programming assignment 1 was the worst experience I've had my entire time at UCSB. Don't pass a test case on kattis and you're stuck for days trying to find what went wrong and why. Sometimes TAs respond on Piazza and give you hints on why your algorithm isn't working but don't count on it. One mistake and you don't get past test case 2. Good luck.

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CS130B . 9 Months Ago

Professor Suri is one of the best professors in the cs department. His lecture slides are concise and to the point. If you attend lectures and understand every algorithm/concept in it you'll do really well on the exams. There are 2 programming assignments 2 midterms and 1 final that count for your grade.

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CS130A . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Prof. Suri is one of the best profs to have, his lectures are clear and easy to follow. As long as you can understand what is going on and do the "quizzes" well, with a bit more studying and questioning, you're ready for the midterm and final.

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CMPSC130A . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Professor Suri is the best professor I've had so far. He goes through all material in lecture thoroughly but also does not dwell on things for too long. His tests are challenging but fair, following the curriculum which he covers. His programming assignments are very difficult, but office hours are helpful. But get started early, they take forever.

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CMPSC130A . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

One of the GOATs of the cs department. Final and Midterm were a bit challenging but the curve at the end of the course made up for it. Weekly quizzes and 2 project assignments which are a bit difficult so start early. This man could help me deliver my newborn. That's how much of a goat he is. Not much more is needed to be said.

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CMPSC190A . 3 Years Ago

Professor Suri is my favorite CS professor in UCSB. I said it. I've taken CMPSC130A with him, had a couple lectures in CMPSC130B with him, and have just finished CMPSC190A with him. He is a so concise and clear when lecturing. The homeworks and exams are a bit difficult, but fair. Keep this guy in your radar if you're looking at upper divisions.

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CS130A . 4 Years Ago

Prof Suri makes the 130A - B classes enjoyable with the way he presents the material. His explanations are very clear and the material he provides is always sufficient for preparing for assignments and exams. He makes you put in some effort for the homework but thats a given since 130A,B include concepts that are very important for CS students.

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CS130B . 6 Years Ago

One of the best professors I've had at UCSB. While this was the most challenging class I've taken so far, it was quite rewarding. Suri really makes you think, so I highly recommend going to lectures as well as spending a descent amount of time outside of class going over material and working on the homeworks.

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CMPSC130A . 7 Years Ago

Suri's lectures were hand-wavy with mostly proofs-by-example, but the rigor was sufficient. Perhaps more importantly, they imparted lots of intuition. He assigned two programming assignments and several written homework assignments, all straightforward. His exams were similarly simple, with lots of calculations and short answer questions.

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CMPSC130A . 8 Years Ago

Great professor definitely recommended.

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CS130B . 8 Years Ago

I like Suri. His grading is fair, he gives 2-3 weeks for assignments, presents the material well, and is clearly very interested/enthusiastic about lecture content. Brings up computer science trivia once in a while. DO NOT forget a deadline, his due dates are non-negotiable. I forgot when homework #1 was due and I'm still kicking myself.

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CS130A . 9 Years Ago

Projects are kind of tough. Start early. Attend all lectures, everything is pretty straightforward. Does a great job explaining concepts. if you don't understand some concepts go to MITs online lectures because he pulls some slides directly from that or read the book.

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CS130A . 9 Years Ago

He's awesome; really fair grader and good lecturer. His projects are pretty tough though!

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CS130B . 12 Years Ago

After becoming accustomed to the professor's lecturing, I quickly fell in love with the material. Some of the homework is very difficult, but his exams and projects are beyond fair. He really wants you to think and learn from the homework. If you put in the time, you will learn a ton from this class.

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CMPSC130A . 13 Years Ago

Great notes online, never used the textbook. Take good notes in class and show detailed work on homework problems, or face losing points. Also, the TAs for this class are almost always worthless. Do yourself a favor and raise your grade simply by asking the TAs why they took off so many points.

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CS130A . 14 Years Ago

Very straightforward lecture, pretty easy. Nice guy.

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CS130B . 16 Years Ago

Excellent. Very clear and you can tell he's passionate about teaching. Material isn't exactly easy but he does your best to help you understand it. Programming assignments were easy. Tests and written assignments were challenging but he grades very fairly. Strongly recommend him for both 130A-B.

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CMPSC130A . 16 Years Ago

great teacher! clear lectures that are easy to understand. Fair assignments and hw. Plus binary grading on hw assignments is a bonus.

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CS130A . 16 Years Ago

Great prof. Easy to understand, fair tests, fair hw, fair programming projects. Challenging but not over the top.

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CS130A . 16 Years Ago

I looked foward to attending Dr. Suri's lectures because he kepts them interesting yet easy to understand. He is not like most prefessor's because he is friendly with his students and easy to have conversations with and ask questions to.

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CS230B . 18 Years Ago

Awesome professor! Very clear in his lectures and is genuinely interested in making you understand. Homeworks make you think but are doable. Exams were a bit long but grading was very fair.

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CS235AND230B . 19 Years Ago

One of the best profs I've had at UCSB! Lectures and explanations are very organized and clear. He makes even the most difficult material interesting and easy to understand. He really knows his stuff! Friendly and willing to help. HW/tests aren't super easy, but they do challenge you and test your knowledge.

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CS130B . 19 Years Ago

Great lectures. Very helpful and explains well. Projects and homeworks are simple and easy. Midterms are also straight forward. A+++ would learn again.

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CS130B . 19 Years Ago

does the minimal to be a teacher: comes to class, gives a lecture, and runs out the door; atleast hw ques and projects can be googled easy. after class you ask him a question and one of his feet are already out the door. doesn't encourage class to participate in his longwinded explanations. goes to a bunch of "conferences" during quarter too...

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