Great human overall. Very informative lectures. Homework is fairly easy with help from the book (which has a free version online). Labs are fair, some require more work and should start early so you can go to office hours to ask questions. He is very helpful during office hours & won't judge you if you don't know something. Great guy.
Great Professor, recommend for entry-level cs students
prof wang is AMAZING. his lectures are so good. he explains concepts very clearly and answers all questions so patiently. i came into the class kinda iffy about my python skills, but now i'm rather confident. all assignments (labs, hw, quizzes, final) are very doable if u pay attention to lecture and review using lecture notes and the textbook. :)
Prof Wang is one of the best CS instructors I've taken so far. He explains the concepts very well in lecture and the grading scale was reasonable. It sucks that he does not allow any labs to be dropped, but the class was still very fun to take. He clearly cares about his students .
Best prof I had. great lecturer and makes the class non-stressful while having us learn very well.
Hands down one of the best professors- he's very good at explaining concepts and is incredibly thorough in teaching. Plenty of office hours and he's super helpful and friendly but the class is indeed challenging (in a good way). Show up to lectures, actively learn/engage, do your assigned work/put in the effort and you'll get an A.
Wang is very good professor. He explains python/programming concepts very clearly and answers questions well. Quizzes are reasonable in difficulty but require some more in depth thought. Labs get tougher as you progress. Use Sections/Office Hours to get help. HW is straight from the textbook and is easy. I got a raw B and ended up with a B+.
Professor Wang is a gem. It's clear that he's overcome any initial problems he had matching exam and lecture difficulty. He was a pleasure to interact with in lecture and OH. Grading is straightforward and the class is structured to give lots of help. You can even work ahead on concepts using textbook or past lectures on GitHub.
Grade is 40% quizzes, 30% labs, 20% final, 10% homeworks. Labs are tedious but not unreasonable (fair, I'd say), lectures can be long but he posts the notes afterwards so attendance is not necessary. CS9 is a great course and I would definitely take a class with Prof Wang again
Wang is the best professor I have had at UCSB. This class was the first time it had ever been taught at this school, yet Wang was organized, , clear, and most importantly, caring and helpful towards all of his students. Homework and quizzes make sense if you do the readings, labs are very in depth, but help you learn. He truly wants you to succeed.
Homework was easy but there was a decent amount of it (for the first few weeks, tones down in the latter third). Quizzes are a little harshly graded but overall very clear in expectations and content for the class.
He is probably the best lecturer I've had so far. Very clear and easy to understand, very caring and nice. He doesn't use Canvas and you have to buy the online textbook, but is easy to contact and gives good feedback. Quizzes every 2 weeks that range in difficulty but aren't awful. Final wasn't too bad. Absolutely take him if you have the option.
MY GOAT!! He explained lectures really well and would work with you so well. If you get the chance, choose him!!
A P/NP crash course covering all materials in CS16+24+32. Zybook can sometimes be annoying but definitely do it. Lectures are mainly deep dives into important topics. I'd suggest to pair your labs with zybook chapters - this can help a lot. I've "taken" CS9+16+24+32 with Prof. Wang; his lectures are all so clear and amazing. Strongly recommend!!!
This was for video game design, a special topics class in CCS. Richert was amazing. Prioritized projects where students can explore their interests, interacted with students, and gave good feedback/explanation. He is good at explaining concepts in a simple, clear way. If you have the opportunity to take his class, please do so.
He is the best CS teacher I've had. He is obviously very passionate about the material he teaches and does a great job at explaining the concepts providing intuition through simple and complicated examples. If you can take him, you should!
Difficult tests, useless labs, good homework. Check practice exams very early to know what to study for. In CS32, he skimmed over Polymorphism so review those test problems. Tests also asked us to memorize sort algorithms so be prepared! Good luck.
Okay, Richert can be very by the books but I don't think that justifies the reviews he's getting on here. He may have high expectations for his students, but that's the same expectation they have for you in upper div cs. Chill guy, go ask him about his loquat trees.
Honestly I don't know what all the people here are talking about when they say the class is really hard. Most the stuff in the beginning is basically review of CS24, and then on the GitHub website he has links to previous exams for both midterms and the final, and they're all the same style, so the real thing is very predictable. Overall great guy.
As someone with little coding experience, this course taught me a lot, and the professor was easy to communicate with.
Always super helpful if you had any questions. Notes were posted online after class so attendance was necessarily mandatory but sometimes not everything gone over in lecture was in the notes. Practice midterms and finals were provided which made studying easier.
Hard to keep the focus on the lecture for long
CS32 with Wang was not great. He is an average lecturer, but the class content is slow, repetitive, and surface level. We spent way too much time on things that I and many others felt were unimportant.