SOC 152A
John Baldwin
346 reviews

SOC152A . Baldwin J I 9 Years Ago

GREAT CLASS! The Baldwins are both great and helpful people. Not an easy class, but it is very interesting and if you keep up with the notes and the readings, you will do just fine

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

Its not an easy class. Better take it pass no pass. Though attendance is not mandatory, they test a lot from lectures.Also, they like to test something eccentric that you won't expect on the tests, which make the course harder.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

Soc 152a is one of the most interesting and useful classes I've ever had. Both professor Baldwins are great! It's easy to get a good grade if you do all the readings. I know there's a lot to read, but very informative and helpful. Fun class!

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152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

The Baldwins are great! Easy to get an A if you go to class and do the reading. I personally crammed the night before and still ended up with an A+! Easy graders, helpful information, and fun lectures! TAKE TAKE TAKE!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

Expect to put in effort to memorize, memorize, memorize! Honestly, the only thing to worry about in the textbook are the "boxes". Three midterms and a final. Definitely recommend the class! Info you learn is very useful to everyday life.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

The Baldwins really care about the material and it shows. They are charming, insightful, and break the course material down into manageable, easy chunks. Follow their layout when you take notes in class and try to stay a week ahead on readings. None of the tests are that hard if you do those things, but there are a lot of tests.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

easiest class ever. need to do the readings to get an A though. no clicker or section!!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

Class is taught by him and his wife, who are a very cute little old couple. The class isn't easy, but it teaches you so much about sexuality that they never teach in high school. I'd recommend this class to anyone attending UCSB. Should be mandatory.

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185P152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

So far the best teacher I've had. He makes the lectures entertaining and very easy to understand. Lecture isn't mandatory but most of his questions on the midterms and final are based on the lectures we cover. The more info you put on the midterms and final the more points you get. If I could I would take his class again. Best teacher thus far!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

literally the easiest and most interesting class. read the book and study and will easily get an A. no section or iclicker. VERY fair on their grading and there is a curve to the tests.

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152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

Highly recommend his human sexuality class to students in any major. Super fun and they really make it all about college students. Attendance isn't mandatory but believe me you'll want to be there. Just a couple tests and the final (no homework or essays). Lecture 3 times a week for 50 minutes - not bad! Funny class & doesn't require participation

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152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

Really fun class! Lots of reading, but definitely worth it. Lectures are interesting and current, and the co- profs are really cute. Must take class at some point.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

I took this class because the reviews on here were great. Honestly I don't understand all the hype. I even have the class with a few friends and its still no fun. Janice (wife) has the most annoying high pitched voice ever. John is okay but the lecture gets pretty boring. The material can be interesting but majority isnt. I thought tests were easy.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 11 Years Ago

This class is so much fun. John and Janice Baldwin co-teach the class and they are hilarious. They are very clear about the material and very available in their office hours and the lectures are NOT BORING ;) . The tests are very intense and difficult. I would recommend utilizing the P/NP option. Overall my favorite class at UCSB.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 11 Years Ago

Interesting class. Lots to memorize!!!! If you really want to enjoy it take it pass/no pass.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 11 Years Ago

The professors were cute. I never took notes in this class but still came out with a B. Some of the questions are tricky but if you know everything on the study guide you will be fine. The reading is interesting. Overall I would recoomend this class. Most of the stuff on the test is common sense so if you know a lot about sex you should be fine! ;)

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 11 Years Ago

TAKE THIS CLASS. Lecture is worth going to just to listen and laugh. The couple is so entertaining and it's not like the topic is boring. Learned so much, and the info is relevant! Keep up with lecture and reading and you won't need to study. CLAS and review sessions available

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 11 Years Ago

There's a TON of reading but it's knowledge that you should know and it's interesting. I loved this class-my favorite class here so far. The Baldwins are engaging and are truly passionate. Definitely recommend, but it's quite a bit of work. It's totally manageable though! Take this class

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 11 Years Ago

I recommend taking this class P/F because it generally does not apply to any major reqs & I think I would've enjoyed it more if I wasn't worried about my grade. There are 3 "midterms" so you have a test about ever 2 weeks. The tests are manageable if you study, but not necessarily easy. Taking good notes is essential to doing well on tests.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 11 Years Ago

The class was interesting, albeit hard, but I am not a fan of the Baldwins. I found their teaching style to be condescending and irritating - they did not speak to their students as intellectual equals, but gave the impression of speaking down to us. Personally, that made it difficult for me to be motivated in the class.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 11 Years Ago

This class was very interesting and the Baldwins do an amazing job and they are so cute. The test will shock you at how much you actually have to know. I thought i knew everything and then i would get my midterms back :( be sure and study! i would recommend this class!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 11 Years Ago

Very interesting class but be warned its a lot of work. A midterm every 2 weeks (3) then one cumulative final. Theres a lot of information to memorize but if u read and go to class u can do well. Go to the ta review sessions. Not an easy A but useful and interesting information. And the baldwins are adorable.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 12 Years Ago

John and Janice Baldwin are both great professors and are experts in their fields: human sexuality. The class is challenging. The material is very interesting and knowledge that everyone should have, but be prepared to study a lot and devote a lot of your time to this class if you want an A. Both textbook and lecture material are on the tests.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 12 Years Ago

An average professor. Human sexuality will already provoke you interest (because it's sex...) but the teaching is only decent. They could have done a much better job, rather than using cartoons to teach half of the class. That being said, the information in this class is pretty important, so you should probably just take it.

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