SOC 134
Tara Tober
105 reviews

SOC134 . Tober T L 21 Days Ago

very chill class. attendence is not mandatory, but part of our grade is in-class group work (not that bad) assigned on random days. grade book was weekly online quizzes that were very easy, in-class assignments, one book report, and a final project that could be done in a group where you create a social movement proposal. she makes it very doable.

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SOC134 . Tober T L 22 Days Ago

two required textbooks and weekly reading quizzes. a book review for midterm and final group project instead of final exam. this is my third class with tara tober and she's an amazing professor. interesting class too, so i would highly recommend.

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SOC134 . Tober T L 2 Years Ago

Overall she was a good professor. Attendance wasn't mandatory and it was easy to follow along if you weren't able to make it to class. She assigned 3 papers on social movements and weekly quizzes that were easy if you did the readings. I would take her again!

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SOC134 . Tober T L 4 Years Ago

Easily my favorite lecturer that I have taken multiple classes with at UCSB. Keeps class engaging, interesting readings and videos, and super flexible concerning students and their worries. Typical workload for a sociology class, gotta work for that A but it isn't impossible to get.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 12 Days Ago

TAKE SOC 1! I absolutely loved Dr. Tober's class. What I loved most about the class were her lectures. She knows her material so well -- I felt like I was watching a TedTalk. The assignments are straightforward. If you engage, it's absolutely achievable to get an A.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 12 Days Ago

Tober wasn't horrible, but not the best. Lectures were sometimes interesting, but mainly just her rambling. Textbook reading ~40 pages per week and a quiz, midterm exam, paper, and a final. I studied pretty hard for the exams but she words things in a confusing manner. She also doesn't round grades

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SOC1 . Tober T L 12 Days Ago

Pretty interesting lectures, easy to listen to, and the content's very easy to understand. Study lecture slides for the midterm and final. Chill class!

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SOC1 . Tober T L 13 Days Ago

Lectures are somewhat interesting, although she tends to ramble. Easy workload: weekly reading and quizzes (online), one paper, one midterm, and a final. The midterm was full of past quiz questions but the final was a weird curveball. Anyway doesn't require any studying or much effort.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 16 Days Ago

Dr. Tober is amazing I hope to have her again in a future class. Lectures felt unnecessary at times since she only emphasized weekly reading material, but I enjoyed them. Weekly quizzes and readings were simple, be on top of your one paper and you'll be fine. Take studying for midterm and final seriously since they way a ton in grade book!!

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SOC1 . Tober T L 19 Days Ago

I didn't really go to lecture because most of it is a repeat of the textbook (section is too, but that's mandatory) and sometimes she gets into stories so long that you can't get through the lesson. Weekly reading quizzes, one midterm, one paper, and the final. The content is interesting and not difficult to understand. Overall very easy GE

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SOC1 . Tober T L 21 Days Ago

You don't need to attend lectures, however, she does pull some info from the slides to put in the midterm and final! Lectures felt pointless and boring. Section is mandatory and had repeat information of the textbook. To succeed in the class, you gotta read the chapters and take notes. There are reading quizzes online that are easy. Easy GE overall

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SOC1 . Tober T L 21 Days Ago

Lectures were interesting, Tober is conversational, material isn't too difficult. Decent amount of rendering, weekly quizzes based on it, one short essay. One midterm and final which are a lot like the quizzes, helps if you study. Overall a pretty easy class and Tober is nice.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 22 Days Ago

This class is very textbook heavy, but it costs 14$ and you can get a lot of the content from scanning for names, sociological terms, and using the bolder words. You do need to study but it is 1 paper, section, midterm, and final. Biggest problem is she is not clear on what the tests focus on and it can be anything from the textbook or lecture.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 22 Days Ago

Tara Tober is a GOAT. Her lectures feel like professional Ted Talks and are very interesting. You don't need to go to lecture and she posts slides. There is ~50 pages a week of reading, but it was easy to read. You can get away with not reading, and the quizzes are online. One writing assignment that was very short and you could choose any topic.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 29 Days Ago

I really enjoyed intro to soc, as a sociology major, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone as an easy GE. There was 1 midterm, 1 final, 1 relatively easy project, and weekly reading quizzes (online.) The weekly readings were pretty interesting but not necessary to pass. Tober makes lectures very engaging!

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SOC1 . Tober T L 29 Days Ago

I really enjoyed intro to soc, as a sociology major, but I would highly recommend it as an easy GE. There was 1 midterm, 1 final, 1 pretty easy project, and easy weekly reading quizzes (but they were online.) There is weekly reading, that's pretty interesting but you definitely don't have to do it to pass.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 2 Months Ago

She's really cool

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SOC122 . Tober T L 6 Months Ago

There's a reason why she has a 5/5. Take her!!!!!

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SOC122 . Tober T L 8 Months Ago

Literally the best prof I've had at UCSB. weekly quizzes on readings, 2 essays and 1 final op ed. She dropped 2 quizzes which helped me a lot. She is so real and I appreciate her openness with the material. Lots of respect for her.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 9 Months Ago

Lectures were pretty interesting, and Tober is a very engaging lecturer. Weekly homework quizzes were based off of a reasonable amount of textbook reading, but this weekly work can all be done within an hour. Graded by a midterm, final, project, and the HW quizzes, which are all easy given a little bit of effort. Overall, recommend for an easy GE.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 10 Months Ago

I would HIGHLY suggest taking Tober for soc 1 if you have the chance! The only reason I received the grade I got i because I didn't study as hard as I could have. Amazing TA's and an amazing class. She never fails to engage with her class and make them excited to learn about soc 1. Theres 1 midterm test and an essay paper then a final.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 10 Months Ago

Great professor. The lectures were organized and interesting. Midterm and Final were multiple choice and matching answers was fairly easy. Timed quizzes every week based on the readings and if you skimmed the readings it wasn't hard, some were super easy. There was one really confusing and hard assignment but even failing that I still passed.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 11 Months Ago

i loved professor tober. she was an engaging speaker and i enjoyed lecture. the quizzes weren't hard because they were basically open note and the midterm/final was easy if you just studied. she gives a lot of resources for you to prepare for exams. i'd definitely recommend taking her class

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SOC1 . Tober T L A Year Ago

take this class!! super interesting lectures but the concepts were fairly easy so not hard to study for. I felt like this class was graded very fairly. I missed half the lectures and still got an A. I would recommend doing the readings each week. she made me have an interest in sociology, plus my TA was awesome!

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